The Bendy Articles

Life as a Doctor

Did I mention that I was a doctor too? Yes overachiver. That's me. The one who never procrastinates. The responsible one. And as a fellow colleague'd like to put it, the sexy and smart one. Yup. That's me.
Anyways. After that case, I'm currently on my way to the hospital. Lives to save... I am just such a warm hearted person.
Doodoodoodoodoo. Elevator music!
Well the patient's... Dammit. Can't operate! He's got something stuck... Who knew! Stacks of cash. No wonder. Well I'll hold onto that for now... Well he's all better now. I am good.
Well what ever became of Vinny you ask? That's a story for another day. Mainly because I have no clue what happened to them. Who cares.
These gloves are so stretchy... Ooh shiny!!! I wonder what it means when the dot goes in a straight line...
Well gotta go. I have a press conference to get ready for. Sigh. Busy busy me...
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All events recorded are accurate. Vinny was here...