Status: gonna try this out

Small Bump.

You are my one and only.

I sat in the waiting room filled with excitement. In 4 months our baby girl will be brought to life. She'll have my crazy curly hair, but she'll have her father's dark brown eyes. I let my mind drift off to Kyungsoo, how he'd talk to my belly for hours. Telling her sweet nothings about how much he loves her and how beautiful she will be. How she is our one and only. He tells her that he'll hold her tightly and that he will put his future in her.

Kyungsoo knows she'll have a smile exactly like mine. With a dimple to the left of her tiny mouth. She'll have fingernails that are the size of a half-grain of rice. Having her eyelids closed to be soon opened wide, showing her huge orbs. Just like her father. I caught myself smiling as the thoughts disappeared.

I see him entering the waiting room, plopping down in the seat right next to me with a beaming grin. I've only seen him so happy before only once. It was when I first told him about us becoming parents. He smiled so big his snow like teeth shown and his eyes crinkled as his brown orbs started to get glassy. Kyungsoo's voice brought me back to reality.

"I'm so excited to become a daddy to our baby girl, Eun Mi." He smiles brightly again.

He leans down to my stomach.

"I can't wait to lie with you, mimi. With your teeny tiny feet that I'll love to tickle. And when you're almost asleep, I'll leave you right in front of me so I can keep my baby girl safe."

"Nina and Kyungsoo!" A woman in scrubs calls.

He helps me to my feet and holds my hand tightly as we make our way down the narrow hallway to the examination room.

"Okay, I think you know the drill by now, Nina."

"Haha, of course!"

I change into the nightgown quickly and exited the changing room. The doctor was entering the room when I turned my head.

"Good to see you again, Nina! How is everything?"

"Everything's been just fine! Kyungsoo and I are just too overjoyed at the thought of becoming parents, especially to our little Eun Mi!" I smile.

"That's great! Okay, now if I can just have you get up on the examination table..there we go! Now we can start the ultrasound to see how our little Eun Mi is doing!"

The doctor finishes the ultrasound in 5 minutes. When she's finished she doesn't say a word. She just stands and cleans me up, guiding me to the changing room. I change in confusion into my clothes. When I walk out the doctor puts her hand on my back and steers me to her office.

I sit down, trying to focus my wild thoughts.

Everything's fine.

Breathe. In. Out.

It's okay. Everything's okay.

She's just playing around, in about a minute or two she'll be so excited to tell me my little Eun Mi is fine.

"Nina." The doctor directs my attention back to her.

"I regret to inform you that you've had a miscarriage." She links her hands together tightly.

My vision goes blurry, eyes growing wider each second. Kyungsoo's right in the other room, thinking everything's just fucking fine and dandy. I sink to the ground, sobbing. I cry so hard I start to scream as well. Kyungsoo rushes in taking one look at me then falls to the ground and wraps his arms around me so tightly I can't move. He looks to the doctor with wide eyes filled with worry. The doctor comes over to him and whispers it in his ear. His face goes from worry to an expression showing exactly what he was feeling. Pain.

His eyes start watering as the doctor leaves the room. When he pulls my head up to look at him, I can see his tears, the lines of liquid as they run down his face. I cling to him as if he is everything I have. And he is. Kyungsoo runs his fingers through my hair and breathes slowly. He kisses my hairline, then wipes my tears.

"I will not let this stop us from becoming a family. We will try and try again. If we fail, our hearts will be broken again, but in time our broken bodies will be mended. We'll have each other, forever. And as long as it takes, I will never, ever give up on us, and becoming a family."
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