I'd Do It All for You

Summery: Hunter likes to take care of Drew.

Warnings: If you want to be picky, there's some hinted and very light incest if you squint.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Except the cookies. And they've probably been devoured. My best friend and I made the WTK guys cookies during Long Hair Don't Care. They were grateful. According to Travis, Dan and Hunter are Cookie Monsters. Oops! I'm rambling. The point is Travis, Dan, Drew, and Hunter all own themselves. The title belongs to a WTK song of the same name.

A/N: So, I was originally going to write this hardcore, smutty scene. But when I sat down to do it, I found that writing sex involving Drew was like writing sex involving six year old boys. I couldn't do it. No idea why. Probably because he's so shy and adorable. I'm planning an eventual sequel that'll be NC-17, which is why this got the rating and warnings it did.