Status: New story I wanted to try out...


"So Kitten, are you going to explain what the hell made you so hurt?" He asked me, his stance was brooding and his mouth was posed in a smirk that would make the common eye assume that he was being playful but I knew different; his eyes were dark like coal and didn't have any emotion. I knew he didn't have enough sympathy for me to hold himself back, he was being very restrained and what I told would could make or break this moment and our relationship. There was a tension between us that I felt in every fibre of my being. I also knew that telling him my sob story would do nothing but cause trouble. "Nothing, nothing at all, I feel fine, so can you just take me home?", I asked, hoping he would just drop the subject. He shook his head, "You might not tell me right now but I promise you, eventually you'll need someone to make you whole again and I may or may not be waiting, now come on, I need to get you out of this rain…".