Dream Log #1

Dream Log #1

So I'm not quite sure where my dream began but the first thing I remember is standing by a shore in the middle of the night with a group of other people. Few of them recognizable but, people say that every face in your dream is someone you've seen before. Anyway, we all stood at the end of the beach besides a cliff that stood maybe 60 feet tall next to us. There was one person in this part I identified right away but, we're going to call him by a different name. So let's call him Will. Will was someone I used to like so him being in the dream already gave it a strange presence. We all stood waiting for something, something coming from the ocean to us. And before I knew it a boat train thing came up next to the shore, but nobody tried to get on. After a few minutes of waiting the water train began to leave and then everyone decided they wanted on, including me. Everyone began to rush onto the boat but, the driver didn't stop to wait, he just continued to move on. Fortunately, I got on without getting wet but, Will didn't make it along with a few others. They swam behind the boat trying to catch up. At this point, I realized we were all running from something. Something we couldn't even attempt to fight was after us and we were all being transported by the government in attempt to reach safety.

Now of course at this point I was at the doorway to the boat (which had no doors or anything, just an opening big enough to walk through, not even stairs.) try to help Will and pull him on. He finally made it into my reach and I pulled him aboard and he helped me get the last few people on. Will and I walked to the back seats and I sat as Will went off somewhere to put on dry clothes. (Like a storage room on the boat or something.) The boat was really bizarre as well. Open windows, almost like a trolley but on water with an aisle down the middle and rows on the sides packed with people. I sat in the very back were not many people were and Will sat in front of me.

The ride to wherever we were going was not silent. The people talked calmly to each other as the sound of water crashing against the boat's sides filled my ears. There were stops between the time I got off, people were sectioned into groups by men wearing uniforms of some sort who stood at the back of the boat silently. Will and a few other people were sectioned into my group, about 20 people per section and 100 total on the boat. As the ride grew longer, Will came and sat next to me. I'm not quite sure what sparked the conversation but his first words to me were, "She didn't make it, I already know it. She doesn't have the survival skills to get through this." Now to me this obviously made sense and I knew exactly who he was talking about. His girlfriend. Again, for this story we'll change her name and call her Samantha. I knew exactly what he meant, Samantha was very gentle and wasn't the type of person who could take care of herself in this type of situation. I leaned my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his torso, not in an intimate lovey-dovey way but more friendly and comforting. He accepted my gratitude and hugged me back and we sat there until the boat came to another stop. We weren't directed to do so but, my group stood and began piling off onto the dock. Will and I followed behind. Once I stepped on to the creaky wood, the boat moved away behind me and left us in an unknown destination.
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I wrote this a while ago. The ironic part is that the first boy going by the name 'Will' was a boy I used to date and liked for 3 years. I wrote this story during the summer, about 6-7 months ago. I met and dated a boy named Will about 4 months ago. Needless to say I dumped him cause he was a psychopath. Just a coincidence.