Status: This first time ive posted a story so ill take it one step at a time

Broken Is Sometimes Magical


“Sweet fucking Jesus Taylyn, why are you always so stubborn? I don’t see what the problem is with you and Emerson moving to Washington. You could easily transfer colleges and find an excellent school for him to attend. Twin, it’s just not natural for us to live so damn far apart.” Zoey bitched
Zoey and I had been having this same fight for two days now and neither one of us were willing to give in.

“There are a lot of problems with it; I don’t want to transfer schools when I’m nearly done here. The parenting plan with Jeff would have to be modified and that’s just a headache and a half because he’s a dick. The doctor would need too medically clear me and find me new doctors, ugh. Besides the only place I want to up root my life to is back to Steele to be near nana and papa. Now lay the fucks off me, you as well as I know the future can always change.” I rebutted

“Why do you have to be a bitchy stubborn brat?” Zoey demanded

“Why do you have to be a bitchy pain in my ass?”

“Cause we’re twins and we’re girls so we’re supposed to be bitchy. Good Lord I’m gonna miss u dear twin, now let’s finish packing and get some food. Galen and I have to be at the airport to damn early in the morning.” Zoey expressed

“I’m gonna miss having you around ass well.” I fought back the tears that stung my eyes. I was starting to feel more of myself breaking, almost questioned my decision to stay behind.

The kids were very difficult to put to bed that night. The boys started freaking out when they realized it would be the last time they’d see each other for a long time. For like Zoey and me they’ve been inseparable since birth. Zoey and I gave up on the battle of bedtime and let them stay up as late as they wanted. We all just wanted to spend as much time as possible together.

Morning seemed to come way to fast and before we knew it, it was time to take Zoey and Galen to the airport.

“Twin, I’d suggest making sure you got everything.”

“Thanks for the idea, for all I know Galen could be trying to unpack again.” Zoey replied

“Emerson, please make sure you have everything your taking to your dad’s. We’ll be meeting up with him and Poppy once we’re through at the airport.”

“Mom quit stressing it’s in the car already.” Emerson yelled from his room

The airport parting almost seemed traumatic, the kids screamed and cried. Zoey and I couldn’t bare to let go of each other. All too quickly we were made to part or risk them missing their flight, honestly I wouldn’t have minded if they had. Emerson clung to me as we walked back to our car.

“Mommy, it’s gonna be horribly lonely without Auntie and Galen. Are we gonna be alright?” Emerson wondered

“Sweetheart, this is a big change for us all, we’re going to be perfectly fine.” I was trying to encourage myself of that as I expressed it to my son. “Now see we still have each other and soon we’ll be busy with school and our friends. Then it’ll be time to see Auntie and Galen again before we know it.”

“Mama, do I really have to go to Daddy’s for two weeks? I don’t want you to be all alone and sad?” Emerson questioned

“Sadly, your father would cause a huge uproar if he didn’t get his time with you. I’ll make you a deal, I’ll come pick you up from dad’s when your visits over and we’ll go and stay a few days with Nana and Papa and see some of our old friends.”

“Alright I’m still not happy, but I’ll do what I’m told just like you always taught me.” Emerson whined

“Stop being such a grown up, Little Monkey. What do you say we spoil our morning and have some ice cream and candy for breakfast.”

“You’re Awesome, mom!”

Once Emerson was all hyped up on sugar, I turned him over to his father and grandfather for visitation. Then headed home for a long lonely night, still not knowing what to do with myself or how to cope with my other half being gone.