Status: Oneshot, maybe a series of unrelated oneshots if you want it.

Don't Cry Out

Don't Cry Out

Don’t Cry Out
Lightning lit the dark gloomy sky and thunder rumbled, ringing in Vergil’s ears. He was wandering the dark stairwell in search of his brother.
“Dante?” he called as he reached the top. The only reply was his echo and the continuing thunder. Vergil had been sitting contentedly in the library when the lights went out and he realised there was a thunder storm waging outside. Dante didn’t like the thunder or the lightning; and he most certainly did not like it went the power went out.

Vergil silently swept through the hallway of the first floor. Noticing that his bedroom door was ajar he knew Dante must have gone in there looking for him. ‘But where would he have gone to after seeing that I wasn’t there?’ Vergil sighed, turning away from his room but as a particularly loud crash of thunder sounded he stopped. He heard a whimper from his room. He walked up to the door and pushed it lightly.
“Dante?” he inquired once again. The sound of quiet sobbing was the only response. Vergil blindly stumbled toward the noise. The next growl of thunder made him jump- he’d almost forgotten it was stormy outside- and he tripped over a blanket on the floor. He yelped as he fell hard on his hands, and a wail of fright made him recover quickly. “Dante?” he asked again as he stood up. This time Dante responded. He threw himself at his brother, wrapping his arms around Vergil’s waist. “Ooof!” Vergil was slightly taken aback, but soon looked down and hugged Dante back.
“Verge!” Dante exclaimed gripping Vergil’s top tight. “I don’t like it! There aren’t any lights!” Vergil smiled and patted Dante’s head.
“It’s okay, Dante. Come one, we’ll go get some candles.” Dante shook his head.
“I don’t wanna go anywhere. I wanna stay here.” Vergil sighed.
“Dante, I’m going to get the candles- stay here alone,” he emphasised, “if you want to.” Vergil turned away from his shaken twin.
“No!” Dante whined grabbing his brother’s hand. “Don’t leave me!” he buried his face in Vergil’s shoulder, their hands still entwined, “I-I…” he took a shaky breath, “I’ll come with you.” Vergil smirked in victory.
“Good.” They fumbled toward the door, “And Dante?” Dante hummed in reply, “I’d never have left. I’ll never just leave you.” Dante didn’t know whether to smiled or frown at his brother,
“Verge! You’re so mean! You scared me…but…thank you.” So he frowned and then smiled.
“Dante, do you know mom and dad are coming back?”
“Ummm…nope. I hope it’s soon: I’m kinda hungry.”

“Awww! Look at those cuties!” Eva squealed in a hushed tone. Sparda smiled; the twins tried to make food. They’d made a huge mess- but they’d clearly eaten something- and fallen asleep, holding hands wrapped up in blankets on the sofa. “They’re growing up.” She sniffed kissing their foreheads leaving them to their rest.
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When I made Vergil say he'd never leave Dante I felt sad. TT^TT Why Vergil? Why'd you do it? WHY DOES A CHARACTER ALWAYS DO IT? The Master in Dr. Who, Heimdall in Matantei Loki. *sniffle*