Friends With Benefits

Chapter 1 - Cakes and Cigarettes

'Marina, will you take this take over to the new neighbors. i want them to feel welcome
to the neighborhood' shouts mom from the kitchen while i'm sitting in my
bedroom thinking about what to do for this years talent contest at school.
it was my final year so i had to make it something pretty damn special.

'Marina, i won't ask you again. get your butt down here now and take this cake over.
this year not next year' she shouts again. I exit my bedroom and stand at the top
of the stairs.

'Okay mom, i'm coming. Let me get some fucking pants on then, you know how much i hate showing my flesh unless necessary'
'How many times do i have to tell you about using that kind of language in the house, i don't think anybody will stare at your scars'
'Chill out, it not the 1960s anymore. Teens are different now and don't get me started on my scars'

I walk away and head out of the front door and make my way over to the new neighbors house.
Ooh, the joy and glee i have about meeting my new neighbors.

'RING RING' goes the bell on the door and i also give it a slight knock just to make sure they heard.
The door opens to reveal a woman in her 50s with dark brown/grey mixed hair...

'Hey, i'm Marina. My mom asked me to come over and welcome you to the neighborhood. She baked you
a cake, we hope you like it!' I try my best fake smile. why do moms ask you to do things when your
busy. i will never quite get them.
'Hi, oh well thank you so much. We will try after out lunch later on.
It was very sweet of you to welcome us to the area, isn't that right Gary?' She says while looking
at a man also in his 50s who walked along the hall and says 'Oh yes dear, thank you for dropping by
young lady, the cake sure does look good.
I smile at them and then i hear 'Dad, have you seen my cell
phone, i could swear i put it in one of these boxes' somebody shouts from upstairs but is unseen.
I stare at the stairs in curiosity but nobody comes down. I focus my attention back on the lady who's
name i haven't quite caught yet...
'Oh, i'm sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Mrs Sanders but you
can call me Kim. The old fart you saw earlier is Gary but i'm sure you caught that earlier' she giggles.
'I have a son and a daughter too their names are Matthew and Amy'
'Its nice to meet you all. My moms name is Hailey and I have a sister named Ruby'
'Well we better get back to unpacking out things or we'll be here all day. if you need anything, just
come on over anytime'she says. I smile and walk away. Well the neighbors aren't a bunch of hooligans
running wild and staying up until 3am partying' I smile to myself before i enter the door and walk to my bedroom.

I wake up to a screeching noise and i sit up in bed realising it is nearly 3am. I hear it again, so i go to my window
to find out what the noise was.
I see a boy about the same age as me, hanging out his window smoking a cigarette. I
can't really see his face but i am going to tell him off. I have to sign up for the talent contest tommorow.
'Excuse me, what do you think you're doing? I'm trying to sleep over here. what rights have you got for waking
people up' I say
'I needed a cigarette alright, my parents are very strict about smoking. Can you not understand
needing something so bad. Well now you know, so if your gonna tell my parents go ahead. i dont really give
a f.f.f.' He turns and takes a long look at me. im starting to feel uncomfortable so i speak up.
' don't give a fuck' i grin at him. he smiles back and laughs
'I'm sorry about that, i don't know what came over me. Soooo, are you gonna tell my parents about me smoking?'
i say 'No, on one condition. you throw me one cause i am gagging for one.'
he smirks and throws one over to me.

In no time at all we were hanging out every night for like 2 was fun!
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I hope you like it, i'm new to this page so don't be to harsh ;)