Friends With Benefits

Chapter 2 - Huntington Beach, Beer and Badass days


'Hello Class, we have a new student with us. This is Matthew Sanders!' the teacher says as
soon as all the students are sitting in the class. Oh shit, that's my neighbor. This should
be fun...

'Matt, not Matthew. Jeez, are you my mom?' Matt rolls his eyes at the teacher.
'I'll call you dick if i want to. Just remember why you're in this school Matthew.
No other school will have you after all the shit you've caused'
Matt glares at the teacher and quickly replies. 'If you call me Dick, I'll call you dickless.
I's my last chance. ya da ya da! We all do things we regret. At least i can be in a school
with my friends' He smirks. After a second, Matt starts walking to his seat at the back of the class,
you hear some guys at the back howling for matt. I turn to see Jimmy Sullivan, the school clown. I
personally find him awesome but he gets on alot of people's last nerve. I have no idea why, so the
guy is a little hyperactive, nothing wrong with that. Zachary baker aka he likes to be
called. I've never spoken to him, he's known as the ShyBoy...he gets shy sometimes, especially around
girls. Then we go onto Brian Haner, everybody calls him Junior..because he was named after his father.
He's the school rebel. Popular with the ladies. I don't really think he's that attractive tho. Finally,
we go onto Jonathan Seward aka Johnny. He's also known as shortshit. He's quite short but he's not
really short but he's got a badass hawk. He's got the sweetest girlfriend named Lacey.

I turn around to look at them and Matt looks directly at me and smiles. He then goes on to
talk to his friends. I smile to myself and turn to look away and carry on with the class.

After lunch, i make my way to the next class. As i'm walking i notice the same jocks and their girlfriends
who have bullied me since i started at this damn school. Just as i'm near the group, i see Joey Warner, the
most popular football player, in fact most popular guy in school. I hate the guy though. His arm connects with the
wall direcly in front of me and smirks at me. 'Oh, hello again. Where do you think you're going? You trying to get
to class. Tough shit! If you wanna pass you're gonna have to get by us' Joey says.
He grabs hold of me and pushes me towards one of the other JERKS...Oops, i mean jocks! I start being pushed from
one jock to another until they get bored of this and push me to the ground and Trent, Joey's 'Bodyguard' kicks me in
the gut. I lay there coughing and holding onto my stomach area when Lacey, Shortshit's girlfriend comes running towards
me from the corner of my eye. She kneels down and says 'Omg, what happened to you? Here let me help you up and take you
to the nurse.' she smiles and takes hold of my arm while i wince and hold onto my stomach with the other arm. She walks
me to the hellzone aka nurse's office. we all called it that cause the nurse is a scary looking lady with creepy eyes.

'Hey, Mrs Channing! Marina got attacked by somebody. can you help her?' Lacey smiles at the nurse. The nurse sighs and says
'Go and lay down, i'll make you have no internal injuries and then i'll send you on your way. Okay. Lift your shirt a little'
she says to me. I walk over to the examining bed and lift my shirt. she presses down on my stomach in various areas and says
'No internal problems and the bruise you're getting is too far below the ribs for them to be broken. Pain meds are the best
thing for this' She says. I smile and say 'Okay thanks, Mrs Cranky!' i say before realising what i said and then i turn to
walk our from her office before she shouts. Lacey laughs and sees the nurse glaring at me but i don't notice cause i was too
busy trying to run away...

'Sooo, do you want to hang out with me, the girls and the guys after school' she smiles. I smile back and nod.

After school is over for the day, i see Lacey with all the girls and guys waiting for me. I walk over to them
and rub at my stomach a little. Not for attention but damn they are killing me. Matt turns towards me as im rubbing at
it and says 'What's wrong with your stomach, Marina?'....I explain what happened and he began to glare, i'm not sure if
it was at me or the situation.
'If that happens again, let me know and i'll fuck them up. You're a part of this fucked up
little family now and we don't take kindly to people attacking our friends' He says and i giggle a little and he smiles.
We all decide to hang out at the park. I had phoned my mom by the time we got there and she agreed that i can stay here
until 7.

We all take a seat on the grass under a droopy tree in huntington park and i notice the guys all plotting something and
then i turn away and they are gone. I just shake my head and talk to Michelle. Brian's girl thing. Let's just say he fucks her
but they are not boyfriend/girlfriend. She's sweet but a little ditzy. That kinda annoys me!
'Hey girls, Have you seen Matt? He told me to meet him here but i can't see him anywhere' a blonde haired girl says.
Lacey tells her that he and the other guys are trying to get some beer from somewhere and that they shouldn't be long. The blonde
girl, takes a seat next to me and says 'Hi, I'm Val....Matt's girlfriend'. I shake her hand as soon as she held it out to me
but i couldn't help but feel jealous of her. My blood started to boil as i watched her giggling with the other girls. I don't know
what's wrong with me. I'm never this jealous!

The guys come walking back 15 minutes later, with 3 cases of beer. They all grinned and said not to ask where they got them from,
so we never did. I walk upto Jimmy who is carrying one 6 pack of Bud Light.
'Jimmy, can i have one? Please?' I pout at him and put my hands in a praying position. He laughs at me and tells me
that i can have one only if he can have a hug.
I lunge at him and he hugs me tight...after a few seconds he lifts me up and starts
to spin around in circles to the point of where my legs are in floating like a propeller. 'Wheeeeee!' he says and i start to feel
dizzy but he doesn't stop. i close my eyes and open them just as Jimmy loses his balance and we both fall to the ground, like
dizzy dummies. I giggle to myself for a moment and decide to try standing up and getting my beer. I try walking to them but i end
up walking directly into a tree and fall over. I get the giggles for a moment and shout 'I'M OKAY, I think i'll lay here for a
little while' and they all laugh at me. Meanies!
After i feel a bit better, i glare at Jimmy. Glare like i'm going to kick his ass
and he notices this. 'I think she's going to kill me' he says. I get up and get a huge stick and he knows i'm gonna hit him with
it so he runs away. I start chasing after him but what he doesn't realise is, i wouldn't really hit him. But he has to believe
i would.
He gives up running and i tackle him, he falls to the ground because he's tired. 'I got you back, Jimmy!' He laughs
after i say this and he gets helps me up and hands me the beer i think i deserve.

I check my phone for the time and realise it is, 6:40 so i needed to make my way home. It was over before i knew it and i
had 3 beers so i wasn't drunk but i was a little tipsy. I hope mom doesn't notice.

I get home in a cab because i feel too tipsy to drive home in my green sudan. Mom is in the
kitchen as i walk in and she has made chicken, mashed potatoes, carrots and broccoli. The smell was making me feel sick and i feel
so tired. She sets the plate down at the table where i was sitting. My sister comes and sits by me and looks at me weird. I glare at
her and pick up my fork. I start poking at the chicken and before i know it i wake up 3 hours later and i have gravy and bits of green
broccoli stuck to my face. My sister notices i woke up and comes over to me and giggles.

'Hey, sis! Come real close to me. I need to whisper something to you.' i say to her, she comes close and i say 'If you don't stop giggling
at me, i'll throw up all over your barbie shoes and teddy collection' she frowns at me and stamps off.

I laugh to myself and walk upstairs deciding to go and sleep this hangover off. I've drank beer before but never had a hangover this bad.
I find out the next day Jimmy put whiskey in my beer that's why i was so hungover

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