
Dirty Little Secret

After we went back to the hotel room, Jared went straight to bed even though filming wasn't until the day after tomorrow. Oh well...this was perfect so I could call Emma to devise a plan get Jared back. Obviously, this wasn't my intention since haven't seen him in a while. I guess what Shannon said was right...maybe its a good thing I ran into him. I realized how much I really want him now. And that's exactly what I'm gonna do. I hope this works.

I pushed the call button on my cell phone and waited for an answer.

"Hello?" A very professional Emma answered the phone.

"Hey its Sky. I haven't talked to you in a's everything?" I said, a bit nervously.

"Oh my gosh..." She seemed excited to hear my voice. "I'm good. You?"

"Same here. Nothing has really changed...Except I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" She said slightly confused.

"Y' know my boyfriend, Derek?" I said.

"Yeah...what happened?"

"He kicked me out..."

"That's terrible. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah. I found some people to help me out."

"Who?" She said, questioning the truthfulness of my answer.

"Jared and the guys..."

"NO WAY!!!" Emma said with her voice blaring through the phone.

"Yes way! I'm gonna be with them for the rest of the tour since I don't have anywhere to go really."

"Cool. I guess I'll be hanging with you like old times."

"Yeah. I'm so excited!"

"But, wait...." Her voice went back to being concerned. "How does Jared feel about this considering your past relationship with him?"

"Honestly, I don't know at all. He seemed fine with me joining the crew on tour. All I know is that I want him. And you're going to help me with that.

"Me? I don't know..."

"Oh c'mon I know you want to..."

"Okay...fine, I'll help you get him back. Why do you seem so eager about it anyway? You basically have an eternity to do it if you're gonna be on tour with the guys.

"Well the thing dinner when they were talking about the video and the person they found for the last girl to cast."

"Ahh...Natalie, right?"

"Exactly. And maybe because he wasn't thinking so much about me as his ex, he showed me a picture. That's the part that ticked me off a little."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"I me get her off the cast..." As I said it I cringed more at the thought of her being anywhere near Jared's body...I'm usually not like that jealous...wierd...

"As long I don't get in trouble with Jared later on. Since I'm your friend, I'm willing to risk the chance of that happening."

"Did I tell how much I love you?" I laughed.

"Did I tell you how crazy I think you are?" She laughed back.

"Yes, on many occasions. Now, I have to go so we both could get some sleep for Phase 1 of this plan...and don't tell a soul about this."

"My lips are sealed shut. It'll be a secret between you and me."

"Sweet. So we'll meet up tomorrow. Good night."

"Good night." She said back and hung up the phone.

I rested my cell on the side table, plugged it in to charge, and laid in the bed next to Jared.

He was sleeping so peacefully. By tomorrow, I'm sure that he wouldn't know what hit him.