
Put His Favorite Perfume On

The next morning, I woke up to find Jared still sleeping next to me. His breathing was slow and steady and one of his hands were laying on his chest.

I looked at the clock---its almost 10:30. I had to leave in about an hour to meet Emma. I decided to get ready. After I took a shower and blow-dried my hair, I threw on my comfortable black long sleeved MCR shirt, purple skinny jeans. and my gold studded booties. As soon as I finished up in the bathroom, I got a text from Emma saying she was waiting for me outside. I quickly replied back and put my cell phone in my back pocket.

Jared didn't know I was leaving so I made a short note letting him know where I was going to be.

I finished writing it and then placed it on the bedside table, kissed Jared's adorable little forehead, put on my jacket, grabbed my purse and walked out the hotel room door.

Once I got on the elevator and pressed the button to the lobby, I started to get nervous. I mean Emma seemed up for the devious plan ahead but I think I'm not. Maybe I should make the outcome less...problematic? I've never really been the one to be mean or a bitch so now that I'm put in that position, I'm not too sure I could follow through. I guess I just have to try as hard as I can. But still, this is the first time I've done something truly behind someone's back. And now that I'm doing this behind Jared's back. I don't know what to do.

The elevator finally stopped at the main floor and got off. I then walked through the front doors onto the paved sidewalks to see Emma beaming.

"AAAHHH! I missed you!" She screamed, hugging me.

"I missed you too." I said, the breaking away.

"So I guess you're ready to find some sexy clothes to get your knight-in-shining-armor." She teased, unlocking her car door.

"Oh shut up." I nudged her a little after getting in the car.

"What? I'm just saying that 'cause its true."

"I know. I'm just nervous...that's all." I stuttered a bit.

"I don't know what you're so nervous about. You're a smart, beautiful and talented woman. I mean that's how you got him in the first place. I'm positive you can get him again."

She was right. I shouldn't be so paranoid.

"That's true. Thanks."

"No problem." She smiled. "Now let's get going so we could make this plan go smoothly and effectively."

"Sounds good to me." I said.

She started to pull out of the parking space and we headed on our way.

-----------------(A/N: This isn't the change of POV, its a time lapse.)------------------------------------------------

We pulled up to a small store that seemed about a half an hour from the hotel. The place wasn't too over the top or obvious which was perfect. Once I walked into the store, I was floored. It had everything. It was like a hooker's heaven! I felt like a naughty girl in a X-rated candy store.

"So where should we start?"

I responded, "I don't even know..." I looked around. "Maybe there." I pointed to the lingerie.

"Cool." Emma said, while we started walking to that section of the store.

Jared's POV

I woke up realizing that Sky wasn't next to me. I wonder where she went off too...I looked at the clock. It was around 12:30-ish. I noticed the note beside it. I opened it.

It read:

Hey Jared,

I went to hang out with Emma for a little bit. I'll call you once I'm done and maybe we could talk and dinner together...if you're busy.



Awww. She's so cute. I can't wait till she comes back. I guess that means I should take a shower. I've never felt this motivated to look nice since Skylar and I broke up. Even though I love the Echelon, it's nice having her back in my life.

After I got dressed, I decided to call Shannon. I was feeling anxious about hanging with Sky and need advice. Luckily, he picked up the phone.

"Hey bro."

"Hey Shan..." I said.

"You okay?" He seemed like he knew what I was going to say next.

I stayed a silent for a moment.

"It's about Sky I'm guessing."

"Damn, Am I that obvious?"

"Yep. But maybe 'cause I'm your brother I pick up on these things easily." He chuckled.

"Yeah...What should I do?!?!?"

"Just calm down. If you care for each other enough and relax, everything will come easy."

"You're probably right. Thanks."

"No prob. I'll talk to you later...if you get stuck just text me."

"Ok. See ya." I said, hanging up the phone.

I just need to relax...Just like Shannon said.