
Get Some, Pt. 1

I found all of the things I liked and paid for it. But decided to change into one of the lacy push-up bras and wore it under my clothes to give the illusion that I was more busty before leaving.

I walked out of the store with Emma, and into the car and called Jared to tell him I was on my way back to the hotel.


I was laying on the bed looking at the schedule for the music video filming for tomorrow when my phone vibrated. It was Skylar and I obviously answered.

"Hi Jared." She said cheerfully.


"I just wanted to tell you that I'm about 5 minutes away from the hotel so I'll be back soon. "

"Ok. No problem. I got your note and I'm not busy so we can do whatever...pretty much."

"Cool. See you soon."

"See you soon."

I hung up and sighed. She's gonna be here soon...Just me and her...alone. I could anything I want with her...Sounds fun.


The closer and closer we got, the more I got anxious. I need to pull myself together...I feel like melting. I hope this goes well...

"Uh, Sky. If you're not in outer space or something, we're here."

"Huh?" I said, confused and then realizing what she just said. "Oh...thanks."

"You're welcome. If you're still'll be completely fine. Trust me." She said, with a reassuring smile. "And you need me, you know what to do."

"You're the best. I'll try to keep me cool. He just drives me insane, like I have no self control." I gave her a hug.

"I understand."

"So I'll see you tomorrow, bright and early."

"Yep." She said, emphasizing on the 'p'.

"Bye." I said, getting out of the car.

"Bye." She said back, waving and driving off.

I walked into the the hotel, trying to gather myself before going into the elevator.

I can do this...I can do this. I thought, repeating the mantra several times in my mind.

I pushed the button to go up, waited and got in, taking a deep breath before pushing the button to my floor.

I texted Jared, telling him that I was almost up.


I felt my phone vibrate and saw that it was Sky texting me that she was almost here.

As soon as I read it I heard a clicking sound from the door.

That's her I'm guessing. Who else would it be?

She walked in with two shopping bags.

"Hey" I said. "Seems like you've have a lot of fun shopping."

"Hey." She smiled and put her stuff down. "And yeah. I'm just happy that to add on to my day of shopping I get to spend the rest of the time with you." She walked coming to sit next to me on the bed.

"You okay?" She said, giving me a worried look with her beautiful hazel eyes.

"I'm fine."


He's totally out of it.

Maybe I should calm him down...I want him badly but I don't want to freak him out.

I put my hands in his to help him relax.

"Sorry. I'm not acting myself." He said, with an apologetic smile.

"It's okay. I feel the same way. It's been a while so I can't blame you." I decided to ease the awkwardness and ask him if he wanted to watch a movie or something.

He said sure and we watched The Notebook.

I was kinda cheesy considering its a chick flick and everything but I enjoyed it.

While we were watching the movie, we laughed here and there and just talked.

By the time the movie was over, we were just engrossed in our conversation. It was like we were in a different nothing could touch us.

When I looked at the clock, it was about 7pm. I got back around 3pm and didn't have any thing to eat. Even though I was enjoying my time with Jared, I was getting hungry. I interrupted his speech about events that occurred when they were recording the current album, This is War. He's so passionate about what he did. It's so amazing and just listening to him talk about it.

"Uh...Jared?" I asked, a little hesitant.

"Yes?" He said.

"I'm kinda of hungry...could we go out and get something?"

"Yeah, sure. I feel the same."

I changed into a simple black dress and tights and we headed out.


We walked to a small restaurant down the street. We sat in one of the booths and ordered what we wanted. then. We picked up our conversation. I was still captivated by his essence and pure intelligence. So sexy and irresistible...

I loved this so much but thought I should make this a bit

I took off one of my heels and rubbed my foot against his legs.

He stopped talking. I obviously got his attention. He smirked at me and his eyes darkened.

He continue to talk but at the same time, I felt his hand slide up my leg all the way to my inner thigh and to my wet center. I decided to join his game. I put my hand under the table and rubbed and brushed it right by his already erect cock and down his inner thigh.

Based on the silence and the look on his face, I was starting to win him over.

I wasn't interested in eating food anymore. I was craving his touch which was a lot more intensified than my hunger. I spoke up and suggested we should take our food to-go.

After, we walked to the hotel as fast as we could, seeing that we both couldn't take waiting any longer.

Once we got to our hotel room, Jared took me by the wrists and pinned me up against the door. He kissed me hard, sliding his tongue into my mouth. He broke off the the kiss and let go of my wrists, leaving me breathless.

I followed up, taking off his coat and unbuttoning his shirt and dropped them on the floor, revealing his flawless chest. He did the same, exposing my black lacy bra and thong to match. Before I was able to unbuckle his belt and unzip his jeans, he took me by my hair, tugged on it and whispered, "Not yet...I'm gonna have my way with you before you even get there."

I was shocked but even more turned on. I bit my lip, grinning slightly.

He gave me a devious grin, showing me that what I did exactly what he wanted to see. "Good girl." He said. With that, he took me by my hair again and told me to crawl on my hands and knees to the bed and lay on my back.

I did so and Jared followed. "Spread your legs--Now." He demanded. I wondered what he had in store for me.