Sequel: Her Story
Status: Done :D comments are welcome

Love is Foolish

Chapter Nine

Alex felt himself leave the daze he was in and slowly wake up. Sighing inwardly he was crushed to find himself back in those chains. His entire body, especially his cut, hurt. He was sure his entire upper body was completely bruised. His great attempt at freedom. Well that worked out great.

For the first time since arriving he was starting to feel hopeless. How could he ever leave? What if he'd just stay in that basement until he'd rot away? The thought terrified him. To stay months and years there. And yet maybe then she'd finally open to him and he'd understand her. Maybe he'd understand the mess of her mind.

The door opened, like the last few days she emerged. The strong bad ass scary woman Alex saw yesterday was once again replaced with the sweet small innocent girl.

"Good morning!" She said happily.

A part of Alex was scared as her happiness in the last few days ended with him bleeding. But a bigger part of him still felt flutters when she smiled and was happy or just seeing her.

She took a chair and sat down next to him. And started to chat with him casually as if yesterday didn't happen. Alex didn't want to relive memories and denied with her. They chatted happily, just talking like normal friends. Alex had fun, even if it was hard to admit it. He missed talking and joking. He loved talking to her.

As they were discussing embarrassing plane stories, Alex's stomach let out a huge grumble, demanding to be fed. Alex was successfully ignoring the emptiness in his stomach but now it hit him. She laughed a bit and Alex enjoyed the sweet noise.

"I see you're hungry. Well I'll give you food if you do something for me." Alex was worried. But he was also very hungry.

"Ok what is it?" He asked.

"I want you to sing for me." Alex looked at her surprised. That was what she wanted? Shrugging a bit Alex decided to oblige. He was hungry and he missed singing.

"What do you want me to sing?"

She smiled sweetly and said "Anything. Whatever you want." Well that certainly summed it down.

Alex thought for a second then started singing. "I need a second to catch my breath. Do you want me or do you want me dead?"

Alex's voice erupted powerfully accusingly and full of passion letting go of all of his emotions and leaving him clean. This was what he loved about singing, that great release. Even without music he still enjoyed it.

Though the song sent a pang of sadness through him, making him miss his band members he still enjoyed singing it.

He looked at her face. She was looking at him amazed, completely concentrated on the notes that left his mouth. And she was so beautiful. Right now she actually looked at him like he was special and her one and only. That made Alex's heart melt. He felt so relaxed and happy. The song slowly came to a end.

"Sing another!" She urged. "Pretty please!" she said pouting. She looked at him adorably, that dimple showing. Alex couldn't say no.

He started singing the first thing that came to mind. This time he sang gently and sweetly.

"She's dancing alone,
I'm ready to go but
she's so lost in stereo, lost in stereo.
She's out of control so beautiful.
Lost in stereo, lost in stereo."

It reminded him of her, when he saw her dancing alone in the show. It felt like a lifetime away. She seemed pleased by the song. The look on her face was enchanted. Alex let himself disappear, soaking in the emotions of the song. The basement, the pain, her, it all floated away, leaving just him and the words coming out of his mouth. He focused on making his voice smooth and rich, hitting each note. He reached the end and slowly came down to earth.

She smiled and said "Another please! I love hearing you sing!" Her expression was so cute and excited.

Alex just let the lyrics flow out. "I want to fall so in love with you and no one else could ever mean half as much to me as you do now. Together we'll move on just don't turn around. Let the walls break down." He looked at her through the song.

It too reminded him of her, she could let her walls down and maybe they could be together. She smiled when he sang he was in love. Alex knew she knew he was singing about her, even if at first it wasn't. Alex finished singing.

He was happy. Just singing made him feel such joy, not to mention the admiring look on her face. Without even her asking Alex started singing another song.

"Hot damn, look at me now
I'm all, caught up riding the high of my
Good luck, casually dropping a line,
designed,To keep you next to me
I bet you never thought you would fall again
So much for keeping this,
just friends
Shut up and kiss me now
And we carry on."

Alex just loved seeing the awed expression on her beautiful face. It made him happy. She looked at him expectantly. Alex started singing again this time he didn't stop, just flowing from one song to another. He sang about everything and anything. He covered his favorite bands, he even jokingly sang Bad Romance by Lady Gaga. He enjoyed every minute. Just the two of them, him singing and her swaying slightly to the beat looking amazed and joyful.

This was the side of her Alex loved. The happy, sweet side that never wanted to cause pain or hurt him. He didn't know how long they sat there (well she sat,Alex was still standing) just singing. Alex was sure she'd get bored eventually or ask him to stop. But she didn't. She just sat there, hugging her knees looking at him, awed and hypnotized. Alex never saw someone look so sunk in in his music. It made him happy. Maybe this was another thing they could share.

His voice slowly got more and more horse from over use. He wasn't used to singing more than a hour. It was scaring Alex. No matter what, nothing could happen to his voice. Finally he decided to stop.

She looked at him surprised and a bit harshly asked "Why did you stop?" "I'm not used to singing so much. I don't want anything to happen to my voice." He said apologetically. As she frowned he remembered something. "You said if I'd sing you'd give me food." He said slightly accusing. He really was extremely hungry. She looked disappointed he'd stopped.

She sounded dazed as she said "Right." and turned around.
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