Sequel: Her Story
Status: Done :D comments are welcome

Love is Foolish

Chapter Eleven

Alex didn't know what was going on with her.

One second she was back to herself, smiling happily, joking with him, giving him food and water. The next she's angry and threatening him again, then she's sweet and concerened about how he eats. Then she suddenly chains back his arm and just turns around and runs away.

Alex couldn't stop pondering if he did something wrong. He didn't try to escape, not after the last disastrous time. They even smiled at each other minutes before. He sang for her and they both seemed to enjoy if.

What did he do wrong? What was going on in her mind?

Alex wished that one day he would understand everything about her, all the mysteries and questions. But obviously today it wouldn't happen. No, today he was still completely lost. He didn't want her to be angry with him.

He wanted her happy like she was today, smiling and relaxed.

Alex wondered again how long he'd been there. It felt like forever but it couldn't be. He assumed it was about a week but he honestly couldn't tell.

He wondered how long he'd be there? Those thoughts left him feeling hopeless.

He thought today singing they achieved something. They found a mutual love and had a good time. Or all those long talks when he thought she enjoyed herself as much as he did. Apparently he was wrong. They were still back to her confusing him and Alex hated it.

Feeling sick of those thoughts and the dark memories and her, he closed his eyes and after a while drifted into a almost without nightmares blissful sleep. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes this is short. Alex wanted a chapter. The next chapter is longer and action packed ;)

Oh quick clarification since people have asked about this a few times. Theres a reason her name hasn't been mentioned, it's not a mistake, you didn't miss it. I spent a half hour on baby naming sites finding a name that fit. You'll learn it on chapter 19 I think but no promises.

As usual comments are welcome :)