Sequel: Her Story
Status: Done :D comments are welcome

Love is Foolish

Chapter Thirteen

It felt like he only slept minutes when he was awaken by a voice yelling "Wake the fuck up."

Alex opened his eyes sleepily to find her standing there looking furious. Like literally murderous. She was staring at him so angrily Alex found himself going as far away as he could. She glared at him.

Then before he could do anything she punched him. Alex was taken by surprise.

"What the hell?" He asked angrily.

"Problem?" She asked smugly before punching him again. Alex could already feel the bruise coming. It hurt but Alex was too scared to actually feel it. He was terrified.

She looked so pissed. Alex didn't know why or what happened but he knew what she was capable of when angry.

She kneed him in the stomach right where all the bruises from last time were. Alex cried out as he folded over his paining stomach.

"What did I do to you?" Alex asked through the pain.

She looked taken aback from his question and he saw a glint of hurt but she quickly wiped it off with a smirk and said "Absolutely nothing."

Then she punched him again. She was nothing like the girl he saw earlier.

He looked at her with a pleading look and said "Please stop!" It probably wouldn't help but Alex had to try.

Instead he saw she gritted her teeth, looking more angrier than ever. She started to kick and punch him faster and harder than ever.

Alex just closed his eyes and waited for it to be over. There wasn't anything else he could do. Alex couldn't fight back with his hands chained. He didn't dare to ask her to stop after her response. Alex just accepted it. There was nothing he could do. She wasn't stopping.

As she punched him again she screamed at him almost insane like "It's your fault! Your fucking fault! You ruin everything. You deserve this!"

She sounded so angry, so furious, so hateful. Somehow her words hurt just as much as the physical pain if not more. She hated him. He thought they at least liked each other.

Alex knew talking to her would make it worse but he had to know. "What did I do?" He asked quietly, looking down.

He thought they were getting along better. Well before she stomped off earlier.

She looked at him in the eyes, her beautiful brownish green orbs stared into Alexs chocolate ones and said looking sincere "You ruined everything. I fucking hate you."

"W-what?" Alex stuttered.

She leaned closer and whispered venomously "You heard me. I hate you."

With that she turned around and left. Alex just stood there shocked. He couldn't describe all the emotions that he was feeling.

He was hurt yet angry yet sad yet disappointed. He thought they had something. But apparently she hated him. Everything they had.

Alex accepted the oddities of whatever they had because of all the amazing things they had overshadowed the bad. Hell he even accepting her temper changes and being chained in her fucking basement. But for what? To understand her? To get her to love him? To help her? She hated him.

He remembered all his hopefulness earlier and laughed a bit. He didn't even know that she didn't care about him. Everything that he thought made sense didn't anymore. He thought she was just a amazing sweet beautiful girl with a few issues. They could solve them and get their happily ever after. But turns out the princess didn't want that.

Alex was so baffled by what happened in her head. Maybe earlier he'd have been intrigued and wanted to understand. Now he was just sick of it. He wanted nothing more than to make it all disappear, to get to away, to forget it all.

Well she hated him. He hated her back. He had every right to hate her. She'd hurt abused starved and abducted him. The honest truth hit him.

That was what was going on with them. Nothing more than that. All they had didn't exist. Alex let that sink in.

Everything he thought didn't exist.

He just was leading himself on that a beautiful girl liked him. He didn't know what to do with himself. He felt so disgusted with her and himself that he fell for her sweetness or what he thought was her when really she hated him.

Was she pretending all those times? Or did she start hating him lately? What did he do to make her hate him? Was it something special?

She seemed ok until she ran upstairs when giving him food. What had happened there? Nothing special, he thought.

Everything was normal. She'd given him food and water then suddenly ran away. Alex was feeling more and more discouraged.

He didn't know what would happen next. He didn't know what she would do next. He was so scared. Not knowing was extremely scary especially since whatever happened, he couldn't control it. She was the most unexpected unpredictable person Alex ever met.

And she hated him. 
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Comments are welcome :D Tell me your thoughts? What do you thinks going to happen? Please!