Sequel: Her Story
Status: Done :D comments are welcome

Love is Foolish

Chapter One

Alex Gaskarth stepped on stage as excited as usual for todays show. Maybe even more excited. Not only was it a show it was also in Baltimore. Home. After today they'd get a month off.It was the last show of the tour.

The crowd shrieked as he stepped on the stage. After making a few jokes like every show, they started playing. He looked out to the huge crowd cheering.

It never did stop surprising him how many people showed up to see him. He leaned in the mic and gently sang the lyrics as Jack ran around the stage excitedly, Rian hit the drumheads on time perfectly and and Zack played carefully on his bright pink bass. Alex smiled enjoying every minute on the stage.

Looking into the crowd, he saw all the faces. Young barely 12 year old girls with their parents, older fangirls taking pictures and yelling, and there in the crowd right in front of him, as close to the barricade as could be, he saw a strikingly beautiful girl dancing wildly alone.

Her auburn flaming red curls bounced around her face as she jumped to the beat. Looking straight into his eyes she smiled and winked. Alex was pleasantly amused by the girls sass and dancing. He smiled and winked back, making many of the younger girls scream. But the red headed girl seemed to know it was for her and she smiled knowingly.

Alex continued to sing and soon thoughts of the red headed girl left his mind as he focused on the song, disappearing completely, eyes closed. His voice spread through the room, loud and powerful. He opened his eyes and gestured for the crowd to sing.

Hearing the crowd of fans yell out his lyrics was one of Alex's favorite parts. He was so thankful for his fans, for their dedication, their love, their support. He sometimes wondered what would have happened had they not started the band, had their fans not helped them. He realized he'd be so lost and miserable. Because of them, his dream was possible. It was those moments on stage, playing with his best friends that made everything bad disappear, that made it all worth it. Looking at the sea of fans Alex could not be more happy.

He continued to sing, made a few dick jokes with Jack, smiled at a few girls, and too soon their set was over.

Jack bounced over to him yelling "That was fucking rad!" Alex smiled and yelled "Hell yeah!" It was indeed.

Preforming, playing music was what he loved to do more than anything. Flyzik meanwhile walked over and announced the meet and greet was in 10 minutes. Alex drank some water, talked a bit with Jack and soon the meet and greet began.

It was a small one, only a few dozens of people. The second he entered the room cheers of Alex started. Smiling he signed a few posters, joked with a few girls and took pictures. Meeting his fans was always fun.

Looking in the side of the room he saw the red headed girl from the show standing in the side of the room texting. Remembering her dancing and wondering why she was there if she didn't plan on talking to them, he finished signing a few posters, thanked the girls for coming and walked over to the girl.

She was quite short, with a fragile build. Her curls circled her high cheekboned face like a halo. She was focused on her phone, typing quickly.

Alex cleared his throat and said "Hi what's up?"

The girl, startled looked up at him with her interesting and beautiful shade of brownish green eyes.

"Hi. Everything's great how about you?"

Alex couldn't help but enjoy the fact she didn't fangirl or yell. Her voice was sweet and innocent, like a little girl.

"Excellent. Thanks for coming out today."

"Oh no problem. It was my pleasure. You guys were great!" She smiled showing a set of small, perfect teeth as she twirled her hair. Was she flirting with him? She was so beautiful. It wasn't the normal blond band sluts he was used to seeing. She was truly beautiful. Alex couldn't help but try to flirt back a bit.

"Thanks! I enjoyed your dancing." She blushed a bit and Alex couldn't help but enjoy looking at the red that flew to her cheeks

At the worst moment Jack yelled "Alex tell everyone we had sex yesterday!" Everyone turned around and looked at him.

"Yeah it's true. Jack has a beautiful dick." He said almost by habit. The fans around Jack began to yell "Jalex ,Jalex, Jalex" and Jack joined them. The fans name for them was cute and he admits it was funny sometimes, especially seeing fangirls reactions and looking at their tumblr tag occasionally. Jack and him always found it to be a good laugh. It didn't bother them as much as Merrikat seemed to bother Zack.

But now with the girl in front of him, he wanted to disappear. His fans expected him to answer the way he did. They loved to "ship" him with people, normally gay.

The girl smirked a bit and said "Well your boyfriend awaits."

She was about to turn around and Alex realized he couldn't let that happen. It was so long since he'd seen a decent, nice, beautiful girl at the shows. Just the fact that she thought he was gay annoyed him.

Frowning Alex said "Wait wait! He's not my boyfriend. I'm straight."

"Are you? Could you prove it?" She asked sassily.

Now Alex was sure she was flirting. He was flattered a girl like her was actually interested in him. She was insanely beautiful with just the right amount of sexy, from her high black army boots, super skinny black jeans hugging her frame, and a tight black t-shirt showing off her boobs. It clashed interestingly with her hair.

Alex realized he was so busy staring he didn't answer her question. "Well of course I can. How about now?" He said cockily.

"Hm I don't know you. How about you take me out on a date?" Alex was surprised by her lack of subtlety but why not?

"Sure when?"

"How about tomorrow at the coffee shop at Thames street at 6?"

Alex couldn't help but find it her bossiness cute. Smiling he agreed. She turned around and walked away. Alex continued to talk to fans, taking pictures and giving advice.

He was looking forward to his date. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Yep. :D