Sequel: Her Story
Status: Done :D comments are welcome

Love is Foolish

Kind of important please read!

First of all I'd like to thank you for all the amazing feedback! Thank you so so much, it means a lot to me!

While this story is finished I was wondering if anyone would be interested if I wrote a prequel/sequel that would tell Audras story more in depth? It would describe everything from when she was little, everything that happened with Him (*mentally prepares herself to search for hours for a name*) and till before kidnapping Alex (maybe even more of what made her do it and he childhood and her preparations).

So would anyone read that?
♠ ♠ ♠
Fine ok I miss Audra and this story and writing horror (not that writing Jalex isn't fun but HORROR AND INSANE MESSED UP CHARACTERS AND BLOOD AND PSYCHOLOGICAL THINGS YAY!).