Sequel: Her Story
Status: Done :D comments are welcome

Love is Foolish

Chapter Two

There was nothing like sleeping in his own bed, Alex decided. Sure touring was fun but the uncomfortable bunks were no match for his own bed.

Alex lazily and with great sadness rolled out of it. Checking his phone he learned it was 12. Yesterday, after the meet and greet, the band and crew had a end of tour party. The party was quite fun. While Alex drank, he didn't drink enough to get a hangover luckily.

A month off. Alex honestly had no idea what to do. Jack went off to Lebanon to be with his parents, Zack went home to LA, and Rian went with Cass to her europe tour. Alex assumed he'd just be lazy, sleep, watch tv, fuck some girls and just chill.

He went to the kitchen getting some cookie crisps, sat down and started watching Sherlock. His fans had been nagging about it for so long that he felt like he had to. After finishing the first season (easily thanks to only 3 episodes) discovering he liked it, tweeting about it, and eating a frozen pizza, it was already 5. An hour until his date with the girl from yesterday.

He took a quick shower, did his hair, put on jeans, a green day t-shirt, his boots and went to the coffee shop. It was a pretty little place, full of flowers and trees.

After a few minutes at about 6:05 the girl arrived. She was wearing a light blue summer dress that made her look even better than yesterday, if that was possible. Her hair was just like yesterday a beautiful  messy halo of red curls. She sat down on the chair across Alex.

She smiled sweetly saying "Hi. What's up?"

"Great. How about you?" Alex answered immediately. She smiled a bit and Alex felt a flutter. At first he felt guilty. Feeling that from a fan he barely knew? But then he just thought fuck it. He had been single for a while and suddenly this hot chick comes along and he won't accept the fact she could be his girlfriend or at least a good fuck? What was wrong with him?

He smiled back only to have the waiter then interrupt him with his inquiring about their order. They both ordered coffees.

She leaned closer and asked sweetly "So tell me about yourself." Alex was feeling distracted by the shape of her lips. They were perfectly round and they looked soft.

"You can find that online." Alex said impatiently "Tell me about you."

Smiling a bit the girl said "Ok. So I'm twenty four, I'm learning to be a vet in Baltimore University and I love music."

Alex smiled. He couldn't help but think this girl was quite perfect. Not only was she gorgeous, they were really alike. Alex couldn't help but wonder just a bit if they would have something together.

"A vet? That's amazing. How's it going?"

"Well not bad. Right now I finished a semester so I'm not doing much but it's so interesting. I can't wait to get my diploma and start working. I always wanted to help animals." She said looking excited and hopeful. She said it all with so much sincerity.

"That's truly beautiful." Alex said, leaning closer.

He was hoping for maybe this to be their first kiss. He leaned closer to her. She seemed to want the same thing as she leaned as well and their lips touched.

Alex placed his hand on her smooth cheeks as he kissed her more passionately. Her lips were so gentle and soft. She slowly opened her lips, letting Alex in. Alex let his tongue slither in, exploring happily. Alex was enjoying every second. It felt like a perfect kiss.

At that second she pushed back, breaking them apart. Alex was left confused, trying to second guess what he did wrong. He thought she was enjoying it as much as him. Was he going to far?

She looked at him with a apologetic look. "I'm sorry. I just wasn't planning on us to kiss. See I don't want us to be together. I'm not looking for a relationship."

Alex felt insanely disapointed and even a bit angry. She was leading him on, flirting and smiling. He knew he was exaggerating reality when he thought they could be together but he really hoped. And now it was gone.

Looking at his expression she said "We can still be friends! I'm really sorry for leading you on."

There still was hope, Alex decided. He could get her to like him. Maybe they could be together. Alex could get her to fall in love with him. They could still have the relationship Alex wanted.

And if not, Alex always liked making new friends, especially hot ones. They could be friends. After all, maybe he wouldn't be completely alone in that month and a half off tour. Chilling with a hot girl would be fun.

Smiling back Alex said "I'd like that. We can be friends. I'm sorry for kissing you."

Smiling back relived she agreed. The coffees arrived and they drank them together, talking and joking.

Alex found himself enjoying talking to her. It was so easy and just fun. She had a great sense of humor.

Too soon she said she had to go and they agreed to meet at the park for a possible picnic in two days. Alex was actually looking forward for that. She looked like a great girl and Alex was looking forward to the friendship and possible relationship between them. 
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