Status: Doing my best to get it done.


Chapter One

“Where are we going exactly?” Mulan asked The Doctor.

“You have a problem with ‘your reflection’. I’m taking you to see some women throughout history, both before and after you, who weren’t ‘the perfect woman’. First, we’re going to Egypt around 44 BC, to see the great queen, Cleopatra.” The Doctor pulled the lever in the Tardis.

When they stepped out of the Tardis, they were inside of a stone palace. The Doctor led Mulan through the corridors to a large room.

“Hello Doctor.” A lavishly dressed woman spoke as they entered. “Who is this?”

“This is Fa Mulan. Mulan, I’d like you to meet Queen Cleopatra VII. One of the most famous rulers of Egypt.”

“Welcome Mulan. You’re in great company. The Doctor is always a pleasant surprise.”

“You’ve met him before? Does he show everyone the great queen?”

“I have met him before. He tried to get me to travel with him. But I refused. It was when I was attempting to overthrow Ptolemy, my younger brother.” Cleopatra led them into a small sitting room.

“You overthrew your brother? Doesn’t a queen just do what is expected…? Not get herself noticed?” Mulan sat across from the queen.

“My brother had made me leave Egypt. I spent a while building my own forces… Then when Caesar came to Egypt, he helped me overthrow Ptolemy. We later had a child; I went with him to Rome… I actually haven’t been back here very long. Caesar was assassinated, so I came back.”

“Wow… So, a woman doesn’t just have to be a pretty face to serve husband…” Mulan pondered as The Doctor stood to leave.

“We should be going; you have more to learn about. I will see you again Cleo.” He turned and left the room, Mulan close behind him.

Once back in the Tardis, Mulan began asking about Cleopatra’s future.

“She later met Mark Antony, assumed to be her true love. They had three children, and dealt with rivalry in the Roman Empire… In 30 BC, Mark returned to battle and was told Cleopatra was dead, so he committed suicide by stabbing himself… She then killed herself by being bitten by an asp. She’s considered great because she was as powerful a leader as the men who came before her.”
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So... I did a LOT of research for this story. So, hopefully it turns out as well as I'd like it.

Tell me what you think?