Status: Finished. Thanks for reading! :)




I glance over and see my beautiful wife sleeping peacefully, her wavy brown hair spread out around her like a fan.

I sigh, wondering why a talented young witch would want to choose an idiot like me to marry.

We hadn’t met under the best circumstances; looking back on it I wonder how we didn’t kill each other.


After the battle between Voldemort and Harry, things took a turn for the worst. As the Death Eaters celebrated their victory, everyone else was left mourning for the dead, wondering in fear what would happen to them.

A lot of people were killed since the Dark Lord had found no use for them.

I had saved Hermione’s life by stopping Bellatrix’s killing spell. Hermione was made my personal slave, much to her discomfort.

At first, all we did was fight. She would end up with a lot of bruises (since I had a wand) but I would end up staying up late on my laptop searching for good comebacks.

As time went on, the fighting gradually started to stop and we actually started to talk to each other like normal human beings. I stopped treating her like a useless mudblood and she stopped treating me like a stupid, stuck-up jerk.

I didn’t want to admit it, but I had started to develop feelings for this strange, but cunning Muggle-born witch. I was then staying up late, wondering in deep thought if she liked me too.

We were coming to finally trust each other, and we had devised a plan to kill Voldemort. It was extremely risky, but we had to do it.

Voldemort had made everyone’s lives miserable: humans, Death Eaters, everyone. It was time for the world to get rid of him.


With the help of Luna, Ginny, Ron (who was exceedingly ticked at me for taking his girl), Neville and my father (who provided us with new wands), we got passed the guards to Voldemort’s mansion and battled him. It was gruesome; Ron and Ginny both passed away due to a spell to the heart.

But we won.

And Hermione and I kissed beside the lifeless body of Tom Riddle.

And I finally had my answer.

She liked me back.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know a lot of people think that Draco is out of character but I don't. Hermione made him more modest and made him realize that he was a jerk and needed to change. If you think about it like that, then he isn't out of character.

Thanks for reading though! :)