I Can't Believe How Bad You Got Me


So, Kirstie and Ryan are engaged. Even though I didn’t show it very much, as Jake as told me, I’m still really happy for them. Kirstie’s my best friend. I want her to be happy. And then Ryan’s my brother; of course I want him happy. Something in me just… always said that Ryan would never find anyone good enough for him that would want to put up with him. Now that it’s happened it’s just this whole new thing. I’ll be more visually excited about it in the long run.

With my first doctor’s appointment out of the way, Jake thinks that it’s time that we start turning a room into a nursery already. This means that we need to clean out the guest room… which has always been a storage room every since I’ve known him.

“Where to start?” I huffed as I stood in the doorway with Jake inside, looking at everything.

“Um…” he chuckled and ran a hand through his hair.

“Well, I think we recycle all of these wedding magazines,” I spoke since those were the things closest to me.

“Why? Maybe Kirstie wants them,” he replied.

“I don’t think so,” I shook my head.

“Sure she would,” he kept going.

“They’re… old!” was my reply.

“But she might still want them.”

“No,” I put an end to it and tossed them into a box for recycling. “They’re just magazines, Jake,” I huffed once.


“SHUT UP!” I shot at him.

He stopped what he was doing and looked back at him. As he continued to look on, he raised an eyebrow at me.

“Hormone outburst much?” he chuckled.

“I’m sorry,” I groaned.

“It’s ok,” he assured me as he came over to pull me in for a tight hug.

“No, it’s not,” I huffed and relaxed into his embrace.

“But I love you… even if you get snippy with me,” he countered, flashing off a cute smile.

“I don’t mean it,” I told him.

“I know. It’s the baby,” he replied as his hand found the tiny bump on my stomach.

“I’ve been really mean lately,” I muttered into his chest.

“No, you haven’t,” he gave another squeeze.

“Yes, huh,” I sniffled now.

“Baby,” he cooed and rubbed my back down.

I just felt this whole wave of emotions wash over me… and they were coming out in tears. Jake held onto me tightly though. Soft shushes came out of him while he continued to rub my back.

“Being pregnant sucks,” I mumbled once I stepped away from him to wipe at my eyes.

“Aw, honey, this is normal,” he replied through a smile.

“Not being mean to you and Ryan and Kirstie,” I sniffled.

“You’re not mean,” he kept laughing.

“I have! I’m not excited about their engagement and I’m the worst friend and sister ever,” I wanted to cry all over again.

“Ky,” he cooed once more only to hook his arms back around me.

“Sorry,” I pushed out.

“Babe, you’re pregnant. It’s ok.”

I just mumbled nothing back into his chest. I would love to blame how I’ve been acting towards Kirstie and Ryan lately on my pregnancy hormones, but… that’s no excuse. I just need to do a better job at showing them how happy I am for them… and not cry about it all the time!
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