I Can't Believe How Bad You Got Me

You're Our Sister

It’s only a little over a week until Ryan and I get married! Everything is crazy right now though with Kylee being due at any moment, the Dungey family all flew in yesterday and everything in my apartment is in boxes! Somehow though it’s a good kind of crazy and I’m not worried about the wedding at all and if I ever do get stressed, Ryan is always there to assure me everything will go fine.

“Kirstie!” Jade shouted when I walked through the door to Ryan’s house since everyone was staying with him.

“What?” I asked as I stepped into the kitchen.

“Blake and I got you guys a great wedding present,” He boasted.

“Is it actually good or should I be afraid,” I giggled.

“Oh you’ll love it,” Blake chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows at me the same way Ryan does sometimes.

“Which means we won’t,” Ryan spoke up through his mouthful of pancakes.

“I’m so glad Kirstie is going to be a Dungey now because I need some more help keeping you boys in line,” Michele sweetly laughed.

I giggled along with her before walking up behind the chair Ryan was sitting in and wrapping my arms loosely around his shoulders. He turned his head and kissed my cheek softly before pulling a chair up for me. Ryan gave me a bite of his pancakes but before I could take it, my phone started ringing. I excused myself before plopping down in the living room to answer.

“Hey Jakey,” I smiled.

“Kirstie, I have something to tell you,” He started.

“You secretly have a bromance with Ryan,” I giggled.

“Well…maybe,” Jake laughed. “But you might want to come to the hospital because Kylee just had our baby.”

I loud squeal came out of me as I bounced up and down before I muttered, “Okay we’re coming!”

“Sweetheart what’s wrong?” Ryan asked as he rushed into the room.

“Nothing,” I beamed.

“We heard you yell,” Troy spoke up as he put his big hand on my shoulder.

“Nothing’s wrong,” I started. “Jake just called me and…there’s a new addition to the Weimer family.”

All of the Dungeys let out either a happy laugh, or a gasp. We all hurried to grab our shoes before piling into Ryan’s car and heading to the hospital. Troy drove with Michele in the front seat with him, they were holding hands too! It was so cute to see how happy they were. I was sitting in the back in-between Ryan and Blake with Jade on the other side.

“What’s her name?” Jade questioned.

“I think your sister is going to want to tell you,” I spoke up.

“Well you’re our sister now! So tell us!” Blake chuckled.

“I’m not yet so you can’t make me say anything,” I laughed.

“And even when she is, I’m going to protect her from you knuckleheads,” Ryan snickered, his blue eyes crinkling up from laughter as he gave his brother’s shoulder a slight shove.

“Well I think it would be easier if Kirstie just told us,” Jade playfully mumbled.

“I think you should just be patient,” Michele told her son.

Jade nodded and I let out a little laugh before we settled in for the ride. The second we got to the hospital all of us hurried into the room to find Kylee lying with the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen in her arms while Jake held both of them.

“She’s so beautiful,” I gasped as I stepped closer.

“Just like her momma,” Jake smiled.

All of us cooed over her for a long time until she opened her big blue eyes which made us all coo louder. Riley was just perfect and I couldn’t be happier for the Weimers and I was so proud to be an auntie of this little bundle.
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