I Can't Believe How Bad You Got Me

This Is Triplets

"I hope she's okay," Ryan paced back and forth.

"She will be," I assured him.

"But what if something goes wrong?" He huffed, running a hand through his thick locks.

"What goes wrong?" Riley questioned her Uncle from where she was playing with Jackson.

I got up and kissed the top of Riley's head saying, "Nothing is wrong sweetheart, don't worry."

After this, I took Ryan's hand and led him to the kitchen. I didn't want Riley to get scared but I knew Ryan was.

"Everything went fine when Ky had Riley babe," I cooed as my hand rubbed along his strong back.

"Yeah but this is triplets!" He whined. "Maybe I should go make sure she's alright."

"Ry no," I said. "She's fine and she has Jake. If you're all worked up it's only going to make her nervous too."

"But," Ryan protested, pulling me up against his chest. "I'm her brother."

"But Jake's her husband and you know he'll take care of her," I smiled while rubbing our noses together.

"Yeah," He sighed, holding me closer and resting his head on top of mine.

Ryan is extremely protective and I think it's adorable but sometimes he needs to step back. Jake won't let anything happen and soon enough we will get to see our new nephews.

We headed back to the living room and played with the kids. As the hours went on, Riley got more impatient about her brothers and Jackson even started asking too. Luckily the call came soon and we headed off.

"Aw! They’re so cute," I softly squealed when we walked in.

Jake had two little blonde haired blue eyed babies in his arms while Ky had the third. Ryan lifted Riley onto the bed to see her brothers. Ky pulled Riley into her lap and let her hold one while Ryan worked a baby out of Jake's arms and I got the other one. Jackson curiously toddled over to Ryan who held him in his lap while still cradling the baby. It was such a cute little sight and seeing my husband with a baby just made me want another one!

"What's his name?" Riley looked down at her brother she was holding.

"Logan Blake," Ky told her.

"And Aunt Kirstie has Leland Jade," Jake added.

"And that's Lucas Ryan," Ky smiled at her brother.

Ryan's face lit up, earning those cute wrinkles around his eyes. He put Jackson down and gave Logan to Jake for a minute so he could wrap his toned arms around his sister. They shared a sweet moment and Ryan left a soft kiss on her cheek. Ugh, I just have the sweetest husband!

Ryan took Logan back and Jackson came to crawl into his Uncle Jake's lap. Ryan and I sat on the end of the bed but as I looked around I realized something.

"Hey, the Dungeys had three boys and one girl and now the Weimers have three boys and one girl," I smiled.

"But you guys just have one boy," Jake started. "Looks like you have some work to do."

"I guess we do," Ryan joked along with him, leaning in to peck my lips softly.

I'm so glad the Weimer triplets are here. I know it was a hard pregnancy for Ky but now they have three beautiful baby boys...even if they do look like Jake.
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