I Can't Believe How Bad You Got Me

The Best Big Brother

I am getting so close to my due date and I have to say, being nine months pregnant sucks. I have been sick so much and if I'm not sick, I'm achy or tired. I just want our baby here already!

This morning Ryan made me breakfast but that didn't stay down very long. I just wanted to lay down so I crawled back in bed and Ryan snuggled up with md. I rested my head on his muscular chest while his big hands rubbed so gently along my back. Soon Jackson came in and climbed up on the bed.

"Mommy are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah sweetie," I pushed some of his blonde hair off his forehead.

"She's just not feeling the best, bud," Ryan pulled our son in for a hug and a kiss.

As we were having this moment the doorbell rang. Ryan pressed his lips to my forehead before his hunky frame trotted downstairs to get it. I told Jackson to come sit next to me and he did.

"Feel this Jax," I grinned, putting his hand on my stomach.

He waited until the baby gave a kick. His blue eyes grew wide just like Ryan's do before he pulled his hand away asking, "What was that?"

"It's your sister kicking," I smiled, stroking his hair as he snuggled up to me.

"Does that means she likes me?" He questioned.

"Of course it does," I told him. "You're going to be the best big brother."

"I love her," Jackson hugged my stomach, making my heart melt from cuteness.

"Aw, Jax," I heard Ryan's voice coo as he came back to get in on this lovey moment.

As Ryan snuggled back up with me, I saw all the Weimers come in. Jackson hurried off the bed as he and Riley ran off to play. Jake plopped down in a chair nearby with two of his babies while Ky sat on the end of the bed with the third. She handed a bag to me and I gave her a confused look.

"I sorted through all Riley's baby clothes and thought you could use some," She said.

"Aw, that is so sweet!" I cooed. "Thanks Ky."

Ryan thanked his sister before we leaned back and starting looking through all the baby clothes. It only made me more excited but as we looked through the tiny clothes a pain shot through my stomach. I let out a gasp and my hand rested on my stomach.

“Kirst, are you okay?” Ryan quickly asked as his grasp on me tightened.

“Y-yeah, it just hurt, but I’m fine,” I assured him.

“Do you think you’re going into labor?” Ky questioned.

“My due date isn’t until tomorrow though,” I shrugged. “I’m sure I’m fine.”

“If you’re sure you’re okay, I think we’re going to head out. We have to go pick up a surprise,” Jake smiled.

He and Ky came over to give me a hug but as I put my arms out, I quickly retracted them as another pain shot through my stomach. This one was worse and I let out a groan. Ryan held me close and rubbed my back, pressing kisses to my forehead. As the pain grew more, I felt my water break.

“Ry,” I gasped.

“It’s okay honey,” He assured me before turning to his sister and brother-in-law. “Can you guys take Jackson?”

“Sure,” Jake nodded and patted Ryan’s shoulder. “You guys go.”

Ryan thanked him and even through my pain, Kylee and I shared a smile from the bromance that was being rekindled. We quickly got out to the car and Ryan gave Jackson a kiss before we headed to the hospital.

By the end of that day we had a new addition to the Dungey family. I watched from the bed to see Ryan walking around the room with a bundle of pink blankets tucked in his strong muscular arms. The only part of our baby that could be seen was her little face, everything else was tucked in warmly. Ryan cooed to her softly as he rocked her back and forth which in the process melted my heart.

“We need to pick a name,” I spoke up gently.

“What do you like honey?” Ryan asked as he came to curl up on the bed with me, our daughter still in his arms.

“I think Samantha is really cute,” I grinned.

“It’s perfect,” He beamed.

I looked down at our little Samantha tucked in her daddy’s arms. She had Ryan’s soft blonde hair and his bright blue eyes, but her other features looked like mine. I couldn’t feel anything but so much happiness and love and I knew Ryan felt the same, his entire face was just beaming.

“What about a middle name?” Ryan questioned.

“Whatever you like,” I smiled.

“Maybe Samantha…Kylee,” He muttered.

“Aw that’s sweet,” I beamed, leaning up kiss his soft cheek.

He just smiled before kissing my lips gently. Next he pressed them to Sammy’s forehead, making her coo. I grabbed my phone and took a picture, sending it to Ky and letting her know the baby had come. I am so happy that our baby girl was finally here and now we have another great addition to our little Dungey family.
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