I Can't Believe How Bad You Got Me

Mr. Bossy Pants

I hurried to pull my shoes on, trying to get out to the truck before Jake left. He said he was going to leave without me...and I don't doubt he would!
"C'mon, I want to see Ky and go ride!" Jake whined.
"Okay Mr. Bossy pants," I giggled, hoping in the truck.
He just rolled his eyes before heading to the Dungey home. Before unloading his bike, Jake went inside, searching for Ky while I found Ryan in the garage.
We've been dating for a while now and everything couldn't be more perfect. I just adore him and I love being with him. I saw him leaning over his bike, looking so adorable even though his back was to me. He had his riding pants on but his jersey was missing, showing off his smooth skin and cute little moles on his back that matched the even cuter ones on his face.
"Hey," I smiled, wrapping my arms around him, and planting a kiss on his bare shoulder.
"I sure do like hearing that voice, and feeling these hands," Ryan beamed, resting his hands on top of mine before kissing me deeply. "I missed you."
"I missed you too," I pouted, rubbing my nose against him.
"I'm glad you came with Jake," He cutely said, his blue eyes twinkling.
"I wouldn't miss a chance to see that great butt out on the track," I giggled as I traced soft circles on his back.
Ryan just laughed before he pulled me up against his bare chest. He just held me, planting soft kisses on my head every now and then while his hands stroked my hair. I rubbed my hands on the smooth skin of his back before Jake and Kylee came out.
The boys unloaded Jake's bike and pulled their gear on before riding around to the track in the backyard. Kylee and I plopped down on some beach chairs while we watched our boys.
"So do you have any plans this week?" Ky asked me.
"No, not really. I had to do some new designs for Kawi but I finished," I shrugged. "How about you? Hey wait, are you guys doing your trip?"
Every year Kylee and Ryan go home to Minnesota to visit but I hadn't heard either of them say anything about it.
"Yeah, I think so," She started. "I haven't talked to Ryan but I want to ask Jake to come."
"To meet your family?" I asked and she nodded. "Aw, that's so cute!"
"That boy is something else," Kylee beamed.
"We better start planning the wedding!" I giggled. "Hey it works great because then while you're in Minnesota, Jake can ask your parents for permission!"
Kylee rolled her eyes at me but started laughing along with me. I love their relationship, they care about each other so much and I love it! I'm happy my two best friends are so happy together, and I'm also happy my best friend has such an amazing brother...who has such a great butt.
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