Status: Every day unless we say.

We Are the Revelation!


I was utterly shocked. Then, a thought came to mind. “But Jake, why do they need tunnels? Can’t they just teleport here from their base?” I asked. “They can teleport, but not from there. It’s too far a distance. The one that we saw in the weapons room probably had been following us, and was standing outside the door. Their teleportation powers are limited; they have to be at least 100 feet from their destination. The F.E.A.R. base is on an entire different landmass. It’s on an island far south of my realm. It’s called Mortician’s Island. It’s avoided by most, so they thought they would move in there. Since its closest to me, my realm is the most fortified of the five. I’m usually the go-to person for armor and weapons.” He explained.
I nodded. Okay, so the shadows aren’t as close as I assumed they were. Alexandria leaned against a nearby barrel. Jake’s eyes widened as he said, “That’s full of gunpowder, be careful.” Alexandria quickly got up. Jake sighed. “Okay, I need to summon the four other leaders to help us. They are my brothers.” He said. Alexandria bit her lip. “But Jinxx quit. Are you going to summon him too?” Jake grunted.
“I wish, but he really needs to protect Sammi. She’s in charge of all of the clean water. If she dies, the water ceases to flow. At the least, water would get contaminated and be unable to drink.” He spoke. “Oh.” she said silently. “Pretty legit reason to drop out.” Jake nodded. “Alright, I need to concentrate on getting the first one here. That’ll be Andy. Give me a second to get him here.” He said. Alexandria and I nodded in unison. I walked over to a crate by the infirmary. Alexandria tagged along. “So. I finally get to see what Andy looks like. This should be exciting.” I mused. Alexandria tittered.
“Yeah. I’ll get to see C.C. for the first time as well.” she mentioned. We heard indistinct talking coming from where Jake was. I grinned. “Andy’s here,” I said joyfully. I ran over to Jake, followed by Alexandria. A man was standing in front of us, looking a bit shaken. I assumed it was Andy. He had black hair that was flipped over to one side, held up by a large headband. He had a collared leather vest over a black tank top. His arms were clad with tattoos. On his ear was an inverted cross. He wore leather pants with a studded belt. On his feet were knee-high boots. “Oh, great and powerful Andy,” I mocked dramatically. “I am most honored by your divine presence.” Andy shot me a dirty look. His ice blue eyes were laughing, though.
“Pleased to see you too, Sapphire.” He said in a deep voice. “Not as loud as you were before,” I said. “But I know why. Ashley taught me.” I rubbed the spot where one half of my eyebrows used to be. Andy smirked. “Jake,” he said. “Get some rest. You look awful. I’ll summon the rest of the guys.” Jake smiled. “Thanks, Andy.” He walked off to a room by the infirmary, supposedly his quarters. Andy turned to me. “Who’s your friend?” he said, motioning to Lexi. “This is Alexandria. She came back, like you said she would.” I said happily. Andy half-smiled. “Oh, this is THAT friend. See, what did I tell you? Who’s the prophet?” he said proudly, pointing to himself. I looked at him.
“Don’t do that. Ever. Just no.” I said jokingly. Andy laughed. “Yeah, that was kind of bad.” He said. “Alright, I’m gonna summon Ashley now. Give me some space.” I nodded. Alexandria and I backed up a few feet. Andy pressed his fingers to his temples. The silhouette of a man appeared in front of him. The harder Andy concentrated, the more the silhouette looked like Ashley. Once Ashley’s form was distinguishable, Andy dropped his hands to his sides. Ashley looked a bit the worse for wear. “Finally got that business done with Ella. I wish I hadn’t,” he said wearily. Andy smirked. “What, did she do that to you? I doubt it.” He said. “She’s usually well-mannered.” Ashley shook his head. “No. That is not-- where did you even get that from?” Ashley said. I snickered. “No, I’m serious,” he continued. “She’s not goody-goody anymore. She turned to F.E.A.R., guys.” Andy looked stupefied. “That’s… that can’t have happened. No, not Ella.”
Ashley nodded violently. “Yes, Ella.” He said worriedly. Andy held his head in his hands. “I always thought she wasn’t the nicest girl in this place.” I said. Andy looked at me. “But you’re wrong,” he said. “She was never a bad person. Despite her intimidating looks and soul-piercing eyes, she’s pretty cool. She never did anything too seriously bad. She was our friend.” He looked beaten down. “Ashley, what happened that made her turn?” I asked. “We were doing our business thing… and then she just stopped what she was doing. She dropped to her knees and started to pray. I guess a shadow got her telepathically. Then, three shadows came behind her and dragged her off. She fought back at first, but then they touched her forehead, and she fell back went willfully. They’re mind controlling her.” Ashley explained sadly. Andy looked up. “So, she’s hasn’t really turned? They’ve just got her entranced?” he asked hopefully. Ashley shrugged. “That’s what it seems like. I think we may be able to save her.” Andy grinned. Hope filled the room. “We need to get everyone else here so we can defeat F.E.A.R…. and save Ella.” Andy said.
Ashley backed up, and Alexandria and I followed his example. Andy proceeded to concentrate. A short figure started to form. The outline implied that it was Jinxx. Sure enough, it was Jinxx. “Wait a pinch, Andy. He quit, didn’t he?” Alexandria asked cautiously. Andy nodded. “He came back, though. We need his sorcery in this battle. So, he’s made a barrier around his mansion, and three barriers around Sammi. Nothing can get past those barriers, not even F.E.A.R. himself.” Andy said. Okay, now it makes sense.
Jinxx’s silhouette became solid as he walked towards Andy. “Hey,” Jinxx mumbled. His top hat was missing. Now, instead of a suit, we wore a black tee-shirt and matching jeans. His hair was more sticky-uppy than before. Instead of the shiny shoes he had before, we had calf-length leather boots. Andy grinned. “Haven’t seen your face in a while, Jinxx.” Andy joked. Jinxx smiled. Andy strutted over to him and gave him a playful noogie. “Grrr, Andy!” Jinxx growled. “You’re my little brother. No further questions.” Andy laughed as he proceeded to rub his younger brother’s head.
Jinxx eventually pushed him off, but in the end they were both giggling like children. It warmed my heart to see those brothers so happy in a time of war. I smiled. This is what they needed. It seemed like on the outside, they were rough-edged, middle-aged guys, but on the inside… they’re five year olds looking for a game to play. Alexandria walked to me. “Jake should be in on this,” she whispered under the laughing of the boys. “Maybe he’ll hear all the commotion and come out.” A few minutes later, Jake walked out with a stupid grin on his face. From a distance, it looked like there was a red bruise on his cheek. As he walked closer, I found out that it wasn’t a bruise at all.
A kiss mark.
As he approached the boys, his grin spread widely across his face. “’Sup, man,” Andy bantered. “What’s on your face?” Jake’s smile grew even wider. (If possible) Jake whispered something in Andy’s ear. Andy smiled and patted him on the shoulder with one hand and made a thumbs-up with the other. Ashley, Jinxx, Alexandria and I all came to the same obvious conclusion:
Someone (most likely some girl) had kissed him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay for andy amd those other guys.