Status: Sidetracked by an idea a hiatus actually



"Closer. Look at that." Frank was being walked home by Gerard after receiving a phone call from Gerard's mother from his worried father on why he wasn't answering his phone. "Why? What's wrong?" Gerard's voice dropped the cheerful tone. "Police are at my negbours home." Frank hastily grabbed Gerard's arm taking him by surprise. "Frank it's not-". Frank pulled him into a home that was currently for sale.

"You said you're hurting people. Did you do that?" He felt Gerard pull away. Gerard suddenly wanted nothing more than to run away from Frank he couldn't face him. "I can't remember if did." He stepped towards the scene before Frank pulled him back. "What are you doing?" Flabbergasted Frank guided Gerard to the empty steps.

"Turning myself in." Gerard helped himself to Frank's cigarettes lighting one.

"The police wouldn't believe you, you don't even live near here. Besides its not like you're taking their bodies and eating their organs." Frank chuckled darkly before seeing Gerard's reaction.

"You aren't right?" Gerard's face was horrified Frank didn't believe he actually was even able to bring himself to the thought of it.

"How did this happen to you, when?" Frank changed the subject not wanting to discuss Gerard's eating habits.

"I remember parts of it I was going to school one day and it was a bad day already my only uniform was caked in mud from falling on the ground, I ruined my art project and I think-". Gerard stopped as he let Frank rest his head on his shoulder. He stopped to remember that eventful day and a deal he made to save Frank.


"Fuck! I can't believe this." Gerard frantically tried wiping the fresh mud off his uniform only for it to spread more. Gerard woke up late barely scrabbling from his bed to run to school. He held tightly to his shoulderbag afraid he would lose his school work. He gave up with his battle and started running again.

He was nearly there, almost gasping for air cursing himself for smoking with Frank at lunch everyday. He smoothed his hair away from his sweaty face walking up the stairway when a rip tore through out his bag. "No, please no." He watched in horror as his papers fell into the mud puddle he bent over to grab the remaining papers when a familiar voice called out his name. "Gerard? Are you okay?" Frank was holding on the school's mascot head grinning in victory.

"I'm fine, just having a bad day." Gerard managed to say. "How about you?" He pointed at the mascot's head. Frank held it out almost forgetting it. "Bob and I got a little revenge from being shoved into a locker, Bob has the suit part I took the head." He smiled punching the head. "The fucker doesn't have any clothes too, I took care of that." Gerard laughed admiring his friend's bravely.

Frank looked around the corner, and offered Gerard a hand. "No I'm good, just get rid of that before the jocks catch you." Frank nodded not wanting to abandon his friend. "I rather get my ass kicked the see you fail." He grabbed a textbook handing it to Gerard before he left him. "I'll see you in class." He called over his shoulder. Gerard waved gathering his last water damaged papers. He hopelessly tied his bag in a knot before going into school.

"Life could always be worse." A voice said behind Gerard. He turned fearing it was a jock waiting to tear his ass apart. Instead a thin man stood there he was breathtaking and seemed out of place in the school's courtyard. "You could be your friend." Gerard stopped in his pace to face the strange man. "Why what's wrong with Frank?" He bit down on his lip feeling himself tensing inside.

"Oh you could say his time is up, or in a simpler way his drubken father sixteen years ago agreed to a demon his first born son for a lifelong career." The man flicked his eyes fading from a light blue to a deep red. "I'm just the collector, I'm society nothing personal." The man started after Frank. Gerard shallowed hard chasing after the man. "Don't please he's my best friend, I'll do anything." He paused as the man smirked at him. "Listen kid." The man shoved Gerard against a wall after a wave of cheerleaders giggling passed. "I always do my job and no pathetic human is going to stop me." He hissed. Gerard felt helpless. "Please don't hurt him. I'll give you my soul." Gerard saw the man's eyes flick to a light blue again.

"I can give you something better a better deal, my soul and whatever else you want please leave Frank alone." Gerard gripped the brickwall. The man laughed sending chills down Gerard's spine. "My deal and only deal is this instead of your soul, you're going to become like me." Gerard's eyes widened at the man's request.

"What are you?"

"A demon sent from Hell, to collect deals and strike a few customers." He smiled brightly,

"Demons aren't real. You're lying."

"Silly stupid boy. I'm not going to argue take the deal before I collect your little boyfriend." Gerard noticed that Frank was no where in sight.

"You promise you'll leave Frank alone?"

"You can keep your boyfriend and your soul." The man said calmly almost.

Gerard nodded as the man took out a long contract before funding a pen in his jacket. "Just sign it, and you'll never see me again." The man held out the contract and pen as Gerard shook signing away his own life for exchange of Frank's. "I'm going to die?" Gerard asked stupidly.

"No, you'll change slowly over the next few months. Well toodles I have a date with a senator." The man rolled the contract up and was walking away from Gerard, as if nothing had happen.

Gerard found himself sitting under the bleachers for the next hours smoking each cigarette as it was his last. "It's for Frank." He mumbled each moment.

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More to come