Status: I'm just working on this until I finish my other Merrikat and until I get my Jalex posted. Just something to keep myself working.

I've Had It With This Game

Chapter One

“Zack, we can't keep doing this.” I say, rolling over in the bunk, grabbing my boxers. This is the second time we've fucked and we both know Flyzik would fucking kill us if he found out we broke the rule, no sex in the bus.

Rian got a hotel room with Cass who showed up for a surprise, Alex is probably talking to some fangirl at the bar, and Flyzik is probably rechecking schedules in the corner of the bar, snapping at Alex to stop chatting and to help him.

Zack had pulled me back after the show whispering “I'm fucking losing my mind. I don't want some random girl, c'mon.” I tried to say no, but then he dragged me to the bus.

I informed him we were not having sex on my new Adventure Time sheets because he would soil them and their purity. Those sheets will not be stained. Ignore the stain from my chocolate ice cream, please.

“Fine, Barakat. Just c'mere and work with me. I cannot fucking pull skinny jeans off of your chicken legs in one swift motion!” Zack said, trying to wiggle the jeans off my body. I sighed and pulled out my legs, crawling into his bunk.

“That really turned me on, Zack. I see why you're such a hit with the ladies.” I said, oh so sarcastically.

“It's because I can do this.” And before I could ask what he meant by “this” his lips were on mine, taking me to another fucking dimension. I mean, wow. Last time we said no lip kisses, didn't want it to get too personal. But this time, all the rules flew out the window. We did everything. Okay, almost everything. Okay, maybe not everything.

“But, Jack, it was so fun.” Zack says, propping himself up on his elbow, grabbing my arm with his other hand. I turn around and he pulls me closer and our magnetic lips collide, me dropping my boxers that I had finally found, entangled in the sheets.

“Zack? Jack? You guys in here?” Our lips break apart immediately. I peak out the curtain and see Alex, sober. Well he wasn't at the bar, that's for sure. He must've gone beanie shopping. I turn to Zack.

“Jalex” is one thing, the occasional kiss Alex and I share for the cheers from the crowd. And of course I've heard “Merrikat” mentioned, but how's this going to look to Alex? He actually legitly ships Merrikat, having us sit next to each other in interviews and meetings. He doesn't say he ships us to the crowd, but when it's just us, he actually looks up the Merrikat tag on tumblr.

How low can he get?

“It's Al-” I start. But Zack cuts me off with his finger pressed to my lips. I smile, his finger still there, and slowly lick it.

Zack doesn't move his finger, he just closes his eyes and takes a shaky breath, trying to control the urge to fuck me again.

I hold in a laugh and suddenly, the curtain opens. Zack removes his finger immediately.

“IT FUCKING HAPPENED. YOU GUYS JUST DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW MANY FEELS. OHMIGOD. FUCK YES.” Alex shouts, jumping up and down and running up and down the bus. I sigh.

ASS.” Zack shouts. I clamp my hands over my ears.

“Wait, what?” Alex says, appearing in my line of sight again.

“Yeah, Lexy. You know I only want you!” I say, getting in with the lie.

“Damn. You guys got my hopes up. But anyways, I was coming in here to tell you guys that the show for tomorrow got canceled. I'm gonna go hang out with Vic, they all just got here. Get dressed and come hang out.”

“Alright, be right there.” Zack says. Alex walks off the bus, muttering something about Merrikat. I shake my head and laugh. But Zack is frozen. I roll over, facing him.

“You okay, Zacky?” I ask, moving a stray piece of hair out of his face.

“What? Oh, yeah, I'm cool. Now get your sexy ass up, we have a friends tour bus to trash.” He says, referring to Pierce The Veil's tour bus. We're gonna fuck that bus up.

I grab my boxers and slide them on, Zack doing the same.

“Zack?” I whisper.


“Why me? I'm sure Lexy wouldn't mind a fuck with you. Or some random girl? She could probably boost your self esteem a lot more than me.” I ask. I fiddle with my waist line, trying to seem busy. My pants are on the other side of the bus.

Zack crawls on top of my legs, looking me in the eyes.

“Because you're my best friend and you are one sexy mother fucker.”

“Oh. Okay.” I say. I slide out from him and get up, stretching my arms in the small space that thankfully isn't as cramped as that fucking bunk.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah.


Love you.

Hannah Paige