Status: I'm just working on this until I finish my other Merrikat and until I get my Jalex posted. Just something to keep myself working.

I've Had It With This Game

Not A Chapter

Hey guys so me and idislikeyou and someoneinforeverland are all going to be going to a two-week writing day camp and so I'll be focusing more on my original fiction writing pieces and starting new ones

Granted, if there is a prompt that says "Two guys in love" I will probably start a Merrikat ;)

But for a while, these won't be updated. Please don't hate me.

I love you.

And I will try and write a new chapter of this tonight so you guys won't be dying.

But that's if I get to eat tacos for lunch. Tacos are inspiration food.

I asked my dad if we could get tacos and he said maybe. So keep your fingers crossed and check back here in about 24hrs or so :)

I love you.

So please don't be mad about me being gone for like two weeks.

It's a good thing. I'm super proud of myself for getting into this program. I went last year and that's where I met someoneinforeverland.

Also, check out my OFC PTV Fanfic! And my other Merrikat, Outlines! I will soon post a Jalex!! Maybe in the next week! I left it at someoneinforeverland's house and haven't gotten it. Ugh.



BYE <3