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Transportation Miscalculation

Birds and Bees

Chapter 22 ~ Birds and Bees

As I held Jinx firmly in my arms I was struck with an idea about how to maybe cheer Jinx up a bit. “You know,” I hedged, “as God of Mischief it is my duty to make sure any Asgardian who becomes too full of themselves is reminded of their place. As I have been with you for a week I’m sure some egos have become quite intolerable. Would you perhaps like to join me in knocking some sense into people?”

A small smile lit Jinx’s lips, “And what exactly does that entail?”

“Playing tricks, of course,” I informed her, “You know, making them trip into some manure, making them slur words, little things like that.”

“Sounds like fun, but maybe we can come up with some better pranks. Where do we start?”

“The training fields are always a good choice. Many of the troop leaders become quite pompous.”

Jinx stood and extended her hand to pull me up as well, “Then there is no time to lose. Why don’t you transport us as I’ve never been to these training fields?”

When I was on my feet I continued to hold her hand, “And how shall we travel?” I asked, “Side by side or…” I let my words trail off hoping perhaps she would climb on my back again. I enjoyed the feel of her weight, the press of her body against mine, and her extremities wrapped around me.

“We could go piggy-back again,” she said, shrugging.

I made a half confused, half disgusted, grimace and she laughed, “Excuse me?” I exclaimed.

Once her laughter was under control she explained, “That is what we call it on Midgard when one person carries another on their back, a piggy-back ride.”

“That is a terrible name for it.”

“Oh? And what would you call it?” she sassed at me.

I thought for a long moment before exhaling a long sigh, “I don’t know, just not that. What we call it isn’t really important at the moment. For now just climb on my back so we can go cause mischief.”

I crouched a bit and Jinx climbed agilely onto my back, wrapping her slender legs and toned arms around me firmly. Once she settled she said, “I’m ready, let’s go.”

A sudden thought stopped me in my tracks and demanded to be voiced, but this errant wisp of anxiety needed to be spoken whist looking at Jinx. I pulled Jinx around my body, much like I had a few hours ago in the dining hall, so that we were face to face once more.

I looked straight into her now oddly periwinkle eyes and said, “You know I would never force you to do anything you weren’t completely ready and willing to do right? Whether it takes ten days or ten years, I won’t rush or pressure. If and when you’re ready I will happily couple with you, but until then I would like us to be together. I want you to tell me exactly what you want, what we can do that will not push you beyond comfort. I love you and I never want to lose you.”

By the end of my speech there were tears in Jinx’s eyes. She leaned in and pressed a soft, chaste kiss to my lips and then pressed her forehead against mine as she answered, “I haven’t been with anyone since him, not even myself. It’s been nearly 325 years since he did what he did and not once have I pleasured myself or let anyone remotely close enough to try, but here, with you, I’m completely comfortable. Here with you, I’m ready to find out what all the fuss is about. Tonight, I want us to try to pleasure each other. You, of course, will have to help me through, but I want to try some of the things I’ve read about in trashy romance novels and rated M fan-fictions.”

I wasn’t quite sure what Jinx meant about the last little bit, but I was more hung up on the fact that she had lived 342 years without ever having an orgasm. Also, I was wondering exactly what she had read and wanted to try, so I asked, “What was it that you wanted to try out exactly?”

Jinx blushed a dark scarlet and turned her head slightly to the side, her forehead still against mine, “Um, well, I’m not sure that what we call things on Midgard is the same as what you call them here.”

I was imagining wildly sexy scenarios and a certain part of me was beginning to harden, “Dammit woman,” I exclaimed, “out with it before I go insane from lust!”

Jinx took a deep breath and sped through her answer, “Exploring each other’s naked bodies, bringing each other to fruition with just fingers and hands, then again with just mouths, then slow, sweet sensual love making.”

She finally looked me in the eye again and I growled deep in my throat, “That’s it, mischief can wait, we are going to bed, now.”

Jinx just chuckled. As my lust reached a fever pitch I looked into her eyes once more and saw they were still periwinkle, so I knew she wasn’t feeling the lust I was. I forced myself to calm down. If Jinx didn’t want sex now, it wouldn’t happen. I would never force her to do anything.

“I have very good ideas of what we can do to Asgardians with inflated egos. Well, the men at least. I certainly wouldn’t want to allow the egos to grow too large for us to help. That certainly wouldn’t do. Besides, I’m looking forward to seeing these training fields whilst you are giving me a piggy-back ride.”

I winced at the stupid name once more, “Perhaps we should call them EJ rides, I like that much better.”

“EJ rides?” Jinx parroted, “What the hell does that stand for?”

“Why, it stands for Erica Jinx of course. It is your name after all, and they are your rides.”

A small grin settled upon her face, “I like that, EJ, it is the perfect mix of old and new. A reminder of what I’ve moved past and everything still ahead. EJ rides it is,” she shifted around so she was on my back again, “Now let’s go pop some ego-bubbles shall we?”

I gripped Jinx’s wrists and transported us to the training fields. We appeared right at the center and when we finally settled I heard an awed gasp from my dear EJ.

“Look at all of them. This is truly impressive. I sure wouldn’t want to start a war with Asgard.”

The fields were littered with platoons of 16 to 30 men. There were about 25 platoons total. Each platoon had a leader and it was these leaders that always seemed to get the inflated egos. A red kerchief around the neck marked each leader.

“The men with red handkerchiefs are the leaders. They are the ones we will show our mischief.”

“Well that’s just stupid,” Jinx scoffed, “When you go into battle isn’t a red hey-look-at-me-I’m-the-leader scarf like a signal saying kill-me-kill-me?”

“They don’t wear them into battle, just training. Now, shall we set out to find our first victim?”

Jinx kissed the back of my neck, “Let’s do this,” I could hear the smile in her voice as well as feel it against my skin. My lust was still boiling in my veins. Making it through this day was going to be a challenge.