Status: Ongoing

Daily Happenings of a Teenage Girl

June 8, 2013

It was close to 8 pm and things were winding down. Everyone was tired, irritable, and worn down from a long day. We had such an amazing day at Six Flags and I would never forget today. There were so many crazy memories!

We headed on the bus so Cecelee sat with Kianna, Katie sat alone, I sat with someone random and Nathan sat by himself. Kianna kept complaining, she wanted to sit alone to relax. Cecelee didn't want to give in, but once Nathan offered a seat she took it. Nathan and Cecelee sat across from me so we sat and talked most of the night. Nathan requested I play with his hair so I decided why not? He does have some nice hair!

We talked for a long time, about different things than normal. Deep talks about breakups and relationships came up, and I was glad. I wanted to tell them about my last breakup and see what was going on in their relationships, too. Nathan had been dating freshmen Carmela for about two weeks and Cecelee has been with Jon for nearly eleven months. Cecelee gave him an honest opinion: Carmela is way too introverted and innocent for him. They wouldn't work out. He agreed and mentioned how awkward it is when they hang out. I think he mentioned breaking up with her soon but I'm not sure.

Chorus students love to belt out in song, even on two hour long bus rides. What can I say? We have high school musical moments sometimes ;) But we sang a few of our most recent concert songs: Cloudburst, Thriller, Trashin' The Camp, and some random tunes. After a while, we couldn't decide on a song so students belted out whatever came to mind. Someone suggested PSALLITE- our least favorite song- and got so many rude NO's. That song came up later, however.

Things began winding down after, say a half an hour of this. It was so amazing how we came together that way, even on a tired cramped school bus. Cecelee switched to a seat behind me and Nathan was left alone. I decided to sit next to him. He grabbed the penguin I won earlier that day and placed it on my lap. He seemed tired, so I was not surprised when he placed his head on my lap. We shared his headphones and listened to his mellow music. I played with his hair again and we sat close. It was extremely strange, since he has a girlfriend, but I didn't complain. It was so comfortable! We sat this way for about a half hour to an hour, until it was time to head home. We waved goodbye to Cecelee's car, got off the bus and met parents or got into our cars. Nathan gave me a big hug, I waved goodbye, and got into the car where my mother was waiting. A good day, had to end sometime :)