Status: Ongoing

Daily Happenings of a Teenage Girl

June 22, 2013

I woke up and couldn't believe I dream about something so weird. Yes, it was another guy I once liked but that was so long ago. Nick A. was someone I haven't showed an interest in since before I was with my ex. It made so little sense.

In the dream, Nick had a Tumblr but he followed me. I kept posting pictures of myself and close friends or even just random selfies. He decided to comment or reply to each picture post, with a relevant comment. Nick went out to ice cream and I joined. This was quite the common occurance, I guess going out for ice cream was our big thing! But anyway, I had been really into him and he had a long time girlfriend. He'd do anything to make her happy. I met her one day and she was just as beautiful as I had imagined. He had really good taste. But anyway, one day something changed. He made that phone call and broke up with her. Shortly after, Nick began to show feelings for yours truly. I couldn't believe it, because it was out of the blue. We started dating and holding hands in public. We had U.S. History together and some class at the start of a new semester. People were surprised but happy for us; the people who were in U.S. History and now the new class. I remember my old teacher called him "The Nick." We found it quite humorous but it didn't hold funnier meaning until we began to date. I was dating The Nick, hahaha. The dream ended shortly after that and I woke up to ponder how this dream came upon me so suddenly.