The Goal


"I can not believe it, Case. Tomorrow, we're seniors! This is the last day of our last Summer of high school. Crazy, is it not?"
I smile at my best friend, "Yeah, Mads, pretty crazy!"
"So, have you thought of your goal yet? Mine is to pass science this time."
Every year Madison and I each set a goal for ourselves, something to complete before the year ended.
"Nah, not yet."
"Oh... well, you know the deadline is tomorrow after school. Keep thinking," Madison reminds me.
We're at the mall, sitting at the food court, having just finished buying new school clothing. I glance over and see a boy I've never seen before. I am fascinated by him, not just because he is attractive; there is just something about him. I need to know who he is. I ask Madi, because she knows everything about everyone.
"Who? Oh, him. That's Shane Reynolds. He's new, transferred from Trent."
I have my goal: Talk to Shane Reynolds.