The Goal


For the next month, Shane and I arrived at class early, and don't talk. At all. He smiles at me when I walk in, and if I can get the courage that day, I smile back.

I don't think he even knows my name.

Then people start to come in after a while, and the room fills with noise, Shane and I stay quiet. I've wondered why he doesn't talk to anyone. Maybe he shares my views on social interaction at school. But he is so attractive, he should have girls flirting with him or something.

I told Madison this, and she pointed out that I like guys that most people don't find attractive. Many girls like jocks who have short hair and muscles and shop at popular stores.

Shane has glasses and a goatee and wears plaid with stripes, which I find to be perfectly acceptable and stylish. Apparently the rest of female-kind seems to disagree. Well then.