In the eyes of a Dark Hunter

The Part of My Rebirth I Love

Julian walks through the area his slave master lives in he smiles as he comes upon it he smirks but he soons fears being able to hear his heartbeat able to see him through the walls feeling this new power course through his vains " What is happening to me and what the hell am I?" Julian asks becoming very light headed at the thought but a voice invades his head the voice being Artemis "It's just the Dark-Hunter abilites im giving you im still thinking but I need to touch you on your arm before I finish i'm just giving you enhanced strength, hearing, and sight for now" Artemis says. He nods to himself working his way to the villa being quite. He sees 'His' slave master walking up to the window he sneaks right under it slipping a blade from his foot he slits the masters throat pulling his jugular out he ties it around the slave masters neck making a knot out of it. An hour later he walks back to the cave where he once awaken from supposed death covered in blood from dismembering the masters body hiding it under the house leaving honey on the parts hoping the wild life would get it. "Good job very good job.", Artemis says. She holds a stick " I am not touching you though so im giving you some of my blood containing an immortal agent in it your powers will soon to come"
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Yes I am somtimes graphic on death if you dont like it stop reading more is to come