‹ Prequel: Lucario Love

Death of Giovanni

Chapter 3

The Mewtwo that had fallen into Ash’s and Lucario’s lives was fast asleep on the bed in her room at the Pokemon Center. Ash had left for a bit to talk to Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny, who were in the lobby of the Center.
“Jenny, what do we do with her?” Ash asked, “We can’t keep her here the whole time. Team Rocket is going to try and get her back.”
“Way to state the obvious, Ash, but where will we put her?” Jenny said, rolling her eyes at Ash.
“I have a suggestion,” said the Mewtwo as she walked into the room, “First; I do have a name y’know… its Sarah. Second, I’m going with Ash. There are others trapped with Team Rocket… we have to save them! Before what happened to me happens to them…”
Ash looked up at Sarah in surprise. The last Mewtwo that defied Giovanni like that was the Mewtwo, and he almost took over the planet in simple revenge.
“Are you sure you want to do this, Sarah?” Lucario asked from the hallway, “Because you could get captured again… or worse…”
Sarah swallowed hard and nodded. “We need to help them… the other Mewtwos…” Sarah trailed off and sat on a nearby bench. Joy walked up to her and whispered something in Sarah’s ear. Sarah nodded curtly and said something to Joy that only she could hear.
“You’re sure?” Joy asked Sarah. Sarah nodded again and went back to her room.
“What did she say, Nurse Joy?” Ash asked, curious.
“It was meant only for her mind, not ours. Sarah will tell us when the time is right, Ash,” Lucario said solemnly.
The next day, Ash, Lucario, Pikachu, and Sarah left the Pokemon Center and went to the Police Station in Pallet Town. When they got there, Sarah greeted Jesse by holding her up against the wall with her mind while screaming obscenities at her.
“Listen,” Jesse said as she hung from the wall like some sort of sick trophy, “I don’t deny that what I helped that… monster do is right… I regret it now. I seriously do.”
Sarah flitted into Jesse’s mind and looked through her memories. When Sarah was satisfied that Jesse was telling the truth, she let her fall from the wall with a loud thud.
The left the station then and began to follow Jesse’s directions to the closest Team Rocket Hideout.
“Well… the closest one to Pallet that I can remember is the one under the Viridian City Gym. That was where Gio kept Mewtwo before. I don’t see why he wouldn’t keep a few more down there,” Jesse said as they took a break from walking. Jesse had changed out of her old Team Rocket uniform and into something more suited for walking through a forest. She was wearing a pair of shorts that went down to her knees, a T-shirt that had a picture of the band L2 on it. Her hair was still in the usual pulled back flowing style that she loved so much.
“I remember that I beat your tail back when I was trying to get into the Kanto League, but no sign of a Mewtwo…” Ash said slowly. Then it clicked. He remembered Gary lying on the gym floor when he walked inside. “So that’s what happened…” Ash said to himself.
“What? What happened?” Sarah asked telepathically.
“Gary fought a Mewtwo a while back… back when this kid was going for the Kanto League Championship,” Jesse said quietly and pointing at Ash, “He was thrashed and left on the floor while Boss went to take care of some business… After that little bit of dirty work was finished, Mewtwo snapped and broke free of Gio. He got away and created an island gym where he could take over the world if he wanted to.” Jesse went into a full account of what had happened on New Island, from when the battle started to when Ash was saved by the tears of all of the Pokemon, cloned or not.
“And that’s when Mewtwo wiped everyone’s memories,” Jesse finished, “I managed to get them back, and Ash did too. But he doesn’t really like to think about stuff like that, do you Ash?”
Ash shook his head and said, “It’s the deed that matters, it’s how the deed was done. I wanted to stop the fighting… and I did, even though it almost cost me my life.”

Sarah looked thoughtful and asked, “Would that Mewtwo be willing to help us against Giovanni?”

Ash shrugged his shoulders and said, “If we could find him. I guess Mew would be willing to help out too, especially since it’s his family we’re talking about too.”

Jesse looked at Ash and said, “Then I suggest that you go back to Mt. Quena. There might be some clue as to where he might have gone from there.”

Ash looked thoughtful for a moment and then he said, “Yeah… that probably is a good idea… Yeah. We’re going to Mt. Quena.”

Lucario looked at Ash and asked, “What was at Mt. Quena? Is it important?”

“I met Mewtwo for the second time at that mountain,” Ash said, “Although I didn’t know it at the time. His heart was kinder then the first time around… he still doesn’t like humans too much though. Then Team Rocket came in and had to ruin everything… Mewtwo protected Pikachu, and I helped it… him.” Ash corrected himself at the last art, remembering that Mewtwo had a definitely male voice as he spoke to Ash and his friends on the mountain.

“Ash…” Sarah said, “We need to get going. Time is not on our side in this endeavor, and the more time we waste, the more of my friends get hurt.”

“Yeah… Jesse, do you still have James’ phone number? I think we might need his help in this one too,” Ash asked.

“Yeah, I have his number, but his family is another story… they have lightened up considerably about his marrying to get his inheritance though,” Jesse said as she held up the ring on her left hand. There was a diamond ring there; the band itself was in the shape of an ornately carved Mew, while the diamond was the little bulb at the end of Mew’s tail.
“Congratulations!” Ash said, “I kinda figured that you two would end up tying the knot.”
A few weeks had passed and they now had the full financial support of James behind them. They were at his new mansion, James being the lucky guy he was had inherited quite a pretty penny from his parents, as long as he married that is.

“HEY!” James shouted, “You never mentioned that the twerp would be coming here! All you said was that you had a large bottle cap collection for me to examine!” James looked at Lucario and said, “Oh, hi Lucario! How are you? Better after that whole Tree incident I hope.”

“Yes, much better, thank you. But you really don’t need to shout, your other visitor has sensitive hearing…” Lucario said in reply to the greeting and moving so that Sarah was visible behind him. Sarah stood behind and a little to the side of Ash, and because of her Mew DNA, her skiddish side was showing.

James noticed Sarah and said, “How cute! Whose is she?”

Sarah looked up in anger and growled, “I belong to no one… Only one person can claim me, and it certainly is not you, you pathetic waste of skin.”

James was taken aback by her cruel words. “She’s a Mewtwo, I should’ve seen it sooner…”
Sarah looked angry at those words and bellowed, “And just what the fuck is that supposed to mean?! That I'm not as good as you?!”

“N-no... that’s not what I meant…” James said as he wet himself in terror.

“Sarah... stop now. Instead of letting your anger out on someone who has done nothing to you, why don’t you just stay back and allow me to handle this,” Ash said quietly. Sarah immediately calmed down and her yelling subsided to a low grumble. Lucario noticed this and that same look of jealousy as when they were back at the center appeared on his face.

“I’ve got to keep an eye on her… I don’t trust her as far as I can throw her…” Lucario thought to himself.

“James, thank you for helping us out, d’you think we can stay for the night? We need to rest up a bit, if it’s alright with you,” Lucario said out loud.

James recovered from his bout of terror enough to say, “Yeah, sure, but she stays in Ash’s room. Lucario, you’re free to have any other room in the house, as long as you don’t decide to take the extra one next to mine and Jesse’s room. ‘Kay?”

“Alright, it’s a deal,” Ash said as soon as James proposed this, “It’s a deal, but only if it’ll keep you quiet. I seriously don’t want to be without Lucario…”

Sarah looked happy at the suggestion, and even happier at James’ insistence that Lucario take any other room in the house, but she looked a little put out at Ash’s last words before they went up to bed.
Sarah and Ash were sleeping in the same room, Lucario was sleeping in the room adjacent to theirs and was looking very angry about it. He went to the bed and lay down in it, but he couldn’t fall asleep. He kept thinking about Sarah, and how she was trying to get into Ash’s pants. It infuriated him to think that his lover was going to sleep in a bedroom with another person!

Meanwhile, in Ash’s bedroom, Sarah couldn’t stop thinking about how lucky she was at the moment. She was in the same bedroom as the person she’d fallen madly in love with. He was strong, kind, determined, AND he seemed like he was a really good person, even if he was a little air-headed at times. Ash was, in essence, her perfect mate.

Sarah thought this, and asked Ash something that would make her really happy for a really long time. “Ash… can I sleep… with you…?” she asked hesitantly.

“Yeah… c’mon up here…” Ash said, “Just don’t try anything funny…. ‘Kay? I’m taken.” Those last two words Ash spoke put Sarah down a little bit, but she climbed into his bed all the same. She lay with her back to Ash, and he with his back to her. Ash was fast asleep by now, and by the looks of things, he was dreaming about a certain someone.
Lucario, noticing movement in Ash’s bedroom, got up to investigate. He saw a large shadow with a long tail get up and walk to the bed. Then the figure lay in the bed and covered up in the blanket. Lucario walked back to his bed and went to sleep feeling very angry.
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Well, that's chapter 3. Please read and review if you don't mind, and all of the characters except for Sarah and the original characters are property of Nintendo.