‹ Prequel: Lucario Love

Death of Giovanni

Chapter 6

Ash, Lucario, Jesse, Sarah, and Mewtwo walked into the Pokémon Center and sat down at the benches. Nurse Joy soon came by and asked, “How may I help you today?”

“We need you to take care of our Pokémon. We have something that we need to do,” Ash said.

“Of course, let me see your Pokeballs and if the four of you that are out would follow me, we can get you checked up and fit for battle,” Joy said. Lucario, Sarah, Pikachu, and Mewtwo followed the red-headed nurse to the back of the center, leaving Jesse and Ash to sit out in the lobby alone.

Jesse looked at Ash with a curious expression and said, “Giovanni is your father, isn’t he?”
Ash looked surprised at this and asked, “How did you know?”

“The clues were always there, one just had to know where to look to find them. Your eyes, your determination… small things like that,” Jesse said with a sad smile, “You plan on killing him, don’t you?”

“I… I don’t know what I’ll do when I see him… I’ve never lived with the guy so I don’t know what he’s like... and part of me wants to get to know him… but the other part of me is repulsed by the fact that he could even consider being so cruel to a Pokémon… like he was to Sarah…” Ash said, his eyes gaining a measure of coldness in them.
They waited for about an hour before joy came back into the lobby, followed closely by Sarah, Mewtwo, Lucario and Pikachu.

“They’re all fighting fit, good luck with whatever it is you’re doing!” Joy said cheerfully as she waved them out the door.

“Thanks, Joy! We’ll need it…” Ash said.

“Ash, are you ready?” Lucario asked his lover.

“As ready as I’ll ever be, Lucario.”

They walked to the Viridian City Gym and stopped just outside of the door. Ash was suddenly hesitant. Why did he feel like something horrible waited for them beyond that door?

Ash didn’t know, but something of his thoughts must’ve shown on his face, because Lucario said, “Ash… don’t worry about what might happen... worry about the here and now…”

“Y-you’re right…” Ash said nervously as he pulled on Sir Aaron’s gloves, a memento from the Tree of Beginnings and to aid his Aura abilities.

They pushed their way into the Gym and what they saw sent Ash running to the nearest corner, relieving himself of his lunch.

The entire gym was coated in what looked like blood. There were dismembered body parts lying about the main gym and a half destroyed chair up in the balcony where Giovanni usually sat. The body parts looked like they had been ripped from Pokémon and humans alike, all with bite marks, as if something had tried to eat the victims as they still lived.
“W-what the hell did this…?” Jesse said fearfully, “This wasn’t done by any human... nor any Pokémon that I know of…”

Ash recovered enough from the sight and surveyed the room with a growing hatred for his father.

“I’m going to kill him… He isn’t satisfied with hurting Pokémon anymore… now he’s killing humans!! He will pay,” Ash said as he returned to the group.

“Yes… he shall pay…” Mewtwo agreed. Mewtwo didn’t really like this kid, but he would help him get revenge on Giovanni, so that made him an ally.

“We need to hurry.. something bad is happening…” Sarah said fearfully from beside Mewtwo, “Ah!”

Sarah screamed as she fell to the floor. She held a hand to her stomach and curled up into the fetal position, with her tail resting on her head. It would’ve been quite cute, if it wasn’t for the surroundings and the shrieks of pain coming from the female Mewtwo.

“I’ll take her back to the center,” Mewtwo said, “I’ll return momentarily.” Mewtwo and Sarah teleported to the center and left Ash, Lucario and Jesse with Pikachu in the Gym, wondering what was happening to their friend.

“We need to get going… I know this place like the back of my hand…” Jesse said hesitantly.

“Yeah… lead the way, Jesse,” Ash said, his voice dripping with anger.

They went into a side door that looked like it had been torn from its hinges and followed the dimly lit hallway. They came upon an elevator that was in pretty much the same shape as the gym above, the elevator had blood smeared all over the walls and the door looked like it had been ripped apart by something inhuman.
Ash said, “Let’s take the stairs…. I’m not going to risk throwing up again.”

“yeah…” Jesse agreed and the left for the stairwell off to the side of the elevator.

Lucario thought, “What kind of animal could’ve done this? It isn’t right…” Lucario gathered himself and followed after his lover and Jesse.

They reached the end of the stairs, all of them out of breath and tired after the long trek into the dark labs below the gym. Like the gym and the elevator there was blood over everything in the room, only there were half eaten bodies here as well. Ash felt tears threaten to overcome him as he saw that not even the off-spring of the Mewtwo Giovanni had kept in the labs were spared.

They walked deeper into the lab and saw more and more destruction and death than any one person should ever have to see in their lives. Then they heard a small cry of “Mew…” from one of the cells that lined the back end of the lab. Ash and Lucario rushed inside the open door and saw that there were still a few Mewtwo that were alive. The only problem was… they were pregnant.

“Hold on! Please! Just hold on!” Ash said as he desperately scoured the lab for medicine. He found a cabinet about halfway back through the lab that had been completely stocked with Full Restores. He pulled out as many as he could carry and ran back to the cell.
“Here… try to drink this... it’ll help…” Ash said as he opened one of the bottles and helped one of the Mewtwo take a sip of the powerful medicine. The Mewtwo looked grateful for his assistance, happy that someone was there to help, not harm for once. The Mewtwo drank her fill and said to Ash, “Please… I’m not going to make it... I know this... that… monster... broke me… please... make sure my baby is safe… “

The Mewtwo fell into a deep trance at that moment, to preserve what little remained of her life and teleported to the Pokémon Center. Ash went to the next Mewtwo he saw and said, “Well, help me would you? I can’t get to them all in time!”

Lucario and Jesse were jolted from their own trances and grabbed a couple of Full Restore from Ash and went to help the others.

An hour later, Mewtwo teleported back into the building next to Ash, who was just getting finished delivering a Mewtwo kitten that the mother had charged him with.

“Forty… forty out of one hundred Mewtwo survived through this…” Ash said as he gingerly held the baby Mewtwo in his jacket, “Some of them were pregnant and had something to live for… a lot of them agreed to take care of the babies when they got better… Here… could you take these little ones back to the center?” Ash pointed to the small group of makeshift cradles in the corner of the cell, all of which were crying feebly. Ash handed the newborn to Mewtwo, who said, “Yes… yes, I will ensure they arrive safely. “ Mewtwo took the baby from Ash’s arms and teleported back to the canter.

Ash wiped tears away from his eyes with bloodstained hands, streaking the dirt, grime and dried blood that was already on his face from the work that he’d just finished. He calmly got up and walked out of the cell towards the end of the lab when he heard a scream echoing from somewhere above him. He looked back at Lucario and Jesse and ran back the way he came, taking the stairs three at a time.

When Ash, Lucario and Jesse reached the gym they were met with a most unpleasant surprise. A young trainer, who looked no more than eleven years old, was huddling in a corner, cradling the stump of an arm, which was bleeding profusely. Ash ran to the girl and said, “What happened?! What did this to you?” The girl just shook her head and pointed to a spot just above Ash’s head. Ash looked back and saw something hovering in the air, a bloody grin on its face as it looked at Ash and dropped the arm that it had in its hands.
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An extremely over due chapter. I'm going to up date a lot more often though, so... yeah.
disclaimers: Pokemon = nintendo
original characters= me
L2 (aka "Little 2" in the fanfic "Damaged")= cheshire Kat24 (look up the story, it's long, but it's AWESOME)