With Love, From Italy


Over lunch Leigh found out a little more about the family tradition, being informed by several family members that it usually happened every second year and no one under the age of fifteen was allowed. Belle’s great-uncle Cecil said it was a well earned break from parenting, and Leigh definitely had a feeling that it had to do with the minimum of three drinks everyone had devoured by the time their meals were done. True to his word Caleb had tried to milk the fact that Leigh was from the other side of the world, unsuccessfully attempting to get a free drink from the waitress.

“I hate to burst your bubble Caleb, but you do realize that we’re all technically foreigners here, right?” she said and the table burst into laughter as the boy let out a small ‘oh’, pulling a face. She looked at him in amusement as she took a mouthful of her drink, trying not to choke on it as her own laughter bubbled up.

“So Leigh, what’s it like back home?” John enquired once everyone had calmed down and Leigh felt a little self conscious as everyone turned their attention to her.

“I’m not really sure what to say, it’s like here, but completely different at the same time.”

“Well where in Australia are you from? What’s that place like?” he prompted and she took another sip, wracking her cloudy mind to try and find the right words.

“I was living in Melbourne. Its weather is somewhat similar to England, though a little warmer, especially in the summer. There’s a lot of old buildings, and it’s known as Australia’s art and culture capital.”

“Well now, that sounds like it’d be right up Tom’s alley, wouldn’t you say?” Cecil said, spilling his drink a little as he gestured the glass in the man’s direction. Tom who appeared to be observing in a very laid back manner raised his own glass to the older man.

“I’ll have to keep that in mind should I get the chance to return,” he said, his blue eyes landing on Leigh and she felt a nervous twitch somewhere behind the alcohol she had consumed.

“Well if it’s in over eighteen months time I’m sure you’ll be able to wrangle me into being a free tour guide.”

“Excellent, darling,” he started and she definitely felt the shiver that time at having his most common pet name directed at her. “What would you say is the biggest difference between our two countries?”

“The people. Melbourne’s a big, bustling business city, but the people are still really nice. If they bump into you on the street they’ll apologise, or they’ll smile and strike up conversation. Everyone definitely still has the laid back Aussie approach,” she decided, nodding her head as if to seal the deal.

“Are you trying to say we’re not nice Leigh?” Belle frowned, trying her best to look hurt and Leigh shook her head, sending her hair cascading over her face which she then tried to blow away.

“You’re a bully!”

“I’ll show you bully,” the brunette cried, punching the girl lightly on the arm before falling into a fit of giggles. “Oops, I’ve only been here two hours and I’m already tipsy.”

“I’m sensing that’s what these vacations are all about,” Leigh commented, a grin spread across her face and Belle let out a very unflattering snort, which caused more laughter nearby.

“You have no idea Leigh, the first year I got to come Belle and I ended up having to carry dad back to his room ‘cos he could barely stand, let alone walk and navigate,” Caleb muttered, jumping as John tossed a chip at him along with a threat. Leigh let out a giggle, sinking back into her chair as she drained the last of her glass. She knew that in part it was the alcohol helping, but as she sat there she wondered what she had been so nervous and worried about. Certainly there had been some nerves with first introductions and the shock of discovering Tom was a family member, but already she felt accepted and almost like one of them.

A little while later the group began to collect themselves and make their way out of the restaurant, some steadier on their feet than others. Tom had suggested returning to the villas for a few hours of rest and sobriety before they met again for dinner and a trip to a pub. Silently Leigh wondered how she was supposed to eat again after such a filling lunch, and how drunk she should let herself get that evening. On the one hand she didn’t want to embarrass herself, but on the other she figured that everyone would probably be just as worse off and it wouldn’t really matter. In the end she decided that tomorrow’s activities would dictate her actions for that night and fell into step beside Belle.

“Hey Belle, do you know what the plans are for tomorrow?” she asked and the brunette shook her head, beckoning Tom over instead. He strode up to them with a wide grin, wrapping an arm around the girl and nodding his head to Leigh.

“My dear friend here wants to know what we’re doing tomorrow,” Belle said, and he focused his attention on the redhead, rubbing at his stubble as he tried to recall everything he had planned.

“I believe those that want to are hiring a couple of boats out; otherwise it’s just a day at the beach. And by god is it a lovely beach,” he informed and she nodded. He didn’t divert his attention though, instead holding up a finger. “Which is saying something, because I’m not a huge fan of the beach.”

“Too much sand?”

“That is one reason yes, it gets everywhere – and I mean everywhere. And it sticks around for days!”

“Please, try being a girl, we have twice as many holes as you,” she quipped, slapping her hand over her mouth when she realized what she had said. Tom didn’t seem phased however, joining his cousin in raucous laughter.

“You have a point. However I simply enjoy mountains and brisk days more than the idea of a tropical utopia. Actually, maybe I should have chosen to have this in the Swiss Alps instead.”

“Then you wouldn’t have gained Leigh, oh favourite cousin, she’s a human popsicle and I definitely couldn’t have talked her into it,” Belle stated, smiling encouragingly at her friend. Leigh definitely couldn’t deny the fact; she would’ve taken being stuck alone in the office over snow and high altitudes.

“Ah, well in that case I’m happy I chose the seaside. I shall suffer the sand in silence now,” Tom said and Belle scoffed, pushing him off her. He looked at her quizzically, one brow raised and she pointed a finger at him.

“You’re getting as bad as Caleb!” she accused and he chuckled, holding his hands up in defense.

“Annabelle darling, I could never be the ladies man your dear brother is.”

“That brings up a good question guys, is he going to start sulking when he realizes I don’t flounder under flexing biceps and hair gel?” Leigh asked and the other two snorted, shaking their heads.

“If he does it’ll only be for thirty seconds before he’s set his sights on the next one. No offense to you intended either darling, you’re perfectly lovely,” Tom said and she couldn’t fight the light blush that coloured her cheeks as he offered an arm to both her and Belle, continuing towards the villas.
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And so Leigh gets enveloped into the family. I'm fond of Cecil, he's an awesome old man.