Status: Work in Progress - Updating Regularly


Chapter Fifteen

Ryan stood behind her looking into the mirror. His arms snaked around her waist as she continued to do her make up. He felt her flinch slightly from his touch and he cringed as he thought of what Josh had done to her. Brandon was a sick bastard and Ryan would do everything in his power to ruin him. She turned around in his grasp and planted her now plump red lips against his.

"I love you," he whispered against her skin.
"I love you too," she replied a smile beginning to form.

Pulling away he took her hand and walked towards the door of their room and headed down stairs. It was currently eleven thirty and Ryan had half an hour to prepare for what he was about to do. As they walked hand in hand towards the living room all Ryan could do was stare at her. He had never thought that he would find someone so beautiful and genuine who was willing to spend the rest of their life with him of all people. He watched as the loose strands of hair framed her face perfectly, as her green eyes changed when the light hit them at a certain angle, he even noticed the small dimple that had imprinted itself on her left cheek. All these small things made him love her more and he just knew that this was it, this was the woman of his dreams.

"What are you staring at?" Alice asked him after a few awkward seconds.
"You," he said and stopped her before they entered the room.
"Why would you want to look at me?" She asked confused.
"Because you are the most beautiful creature on this earth and I can not grasp why you would choose to spend the rest of your life with me," he said honestly. It was Alice who took the sides of Ryan's face and kissed him with more passion that he thought possible.

"Let's do this," she said to him pulling away from the kiss.

Walking into the living room they found the man they were looking for. Chris was sat in his usual seat talking quietly with Brandon but both turned when they saw Ryan and Alice walk in hand in hand. Alice scoured the room to find Josh sitting in the corner reading a book by himself, he looked up briefly but couldn't keep eye contact with her.

"I'm going to change Alice tonight," Ryan declared to the room but mostly directed his words to Chris. His expression gradually changed until he stood from his chair more than likely an failing attempt at intimidation. Alice gripped Ryan's arm tighter as he looked down into her gorgeous eyes and smiled reassuringly.

"Well, the next few hundred years should be interesting," Brandon said from his chair on the side of the room.
"Why would you say that?" Alice finally asked.
"Your mate's best friend fucked you hours before you were turned. You can't tell me that the tension isn't going to cause some fabulous drama," he said grinning wider than the cheshire cat.
"I don't care what she did as long as she's mine," Ryan growled through his clenched teeth his canines beginning to expand.
"Oh look we made the vampire angry," Brandon said laughing at his words.

Alice pulled Ryan to face her placing both her hands on the side of his face before pulling him into a passionate kiss. She pulled away and looked over at Brandon the smirk no longer on his face. Ryan took her hand and guided her through the back door. Standing in the middle of the grass the moon streamed down onto them.

"Are you ready to spend the rest of your life with me?" Ryan asked Alice hesitantly.
"Yes," was all she said before she kissed him once again.
"This is going to hurt but I promise I will be there to help you through the pain," Ryan said as his thumb glided across her cheek.
"Can't be any worse that what I've already been through," she whispered as a tear fell to the ground. Without another word he gently sank his fangs into her flesh letting the blood flow, he continued to drink until she went limp in his arms. He gently lay her on the ground before slicing his palm with the knife hidden in his pocket. Seperating her lips he let the blood drip into her mouth before licking the wound causing the blood to clot. With one final kiss the transformation was complete, all he had to do was wait.
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I know this is short and I am so so sorry but I couldn't leave you with nothing for so long. Hope you like it next chapter should be better hopefully.