Status: Work in Progress - Updating Regularly


Chapter Two

Alice woke the next morning to find the otherside of the bed empty. Rolling over she rubbed her hand along the mattress which was no longer warm. Eli must have left earlier than usual she thought to herself as she rolled back onto her side and tried to close her eyes. Tossing and turning she finally gave up on her quest for sleep and sat on the edge of the bed looking down at her thighs. Small finger shaped bruises lined the sides of her legs and she winced as she pressed each one individually. Standing slowly her head spun for a moment before she regained normal feeling. Walking towards the kitchen she found Eli's dirty dishes from breakfast along with a note saying he wouldn't be home until tomorrow night. It was rare but on some occassions he let her be by herself while he went and worked whatever job it was he did. More than likely he was fucking one of the girls at his work.

Having finished breakfast Alice walked back down the carpeted hallway and changed into a pair of dark denim shorts and a simple tank top with her plain black boots. She grabbed the keys to her car and walked out the door. She decided to go to the shops and get some new clothes and perhaps some groceries. Walking into the shopping centre Alice was drawn towards the store with the little black dress in the window. Excited she ran inside to try it on deciding it was perfect, although she had no idea where she would wear it. She bought the dress and continued browsing the stores until it was almost time to go.

She felt as though eyes were watching her but from where she did not know. Continuing her shopping she grabbed a few items placing them in her basket before quickly checking out and walking towards her car. It had somehow gotten dark and she seemed to be the only one left in the car park. Attempting to find her car keys she rummaged through her bag until pulling them from the bottom of her bag and unlocking her car. Placing the bags in the boot she quickly made her way to the front seat before she felt a hand against her shoulder. She shrieked in terror at the unexpected touch turning around to look at her attacker.

"I am so sorry to startle you," the tall man said. "I saw that you dropped your wallet and didn't want you to leave without it."

As Alice looked at the tall man before her more than his height began to stand out. His neck and arms were covered in tattoos and his eyes were lined with dark eyeliner. She quickly recognised his face, who could forget those eyebrows after all.

"You're Chris Cerulli?," Alice said just louder than a whisper. Chris laughed in response to her hushed statement.
"That I am. What would your name be?" He asked extending his hand for a handshake.
"I'm Alice, Alice Salem," she replied shaking Chris's hand weakly avoiding eye contact.
"What an interesting surname," Chris said smiling.
"Yeah I guess it is," Alice replied smiling before reaching her hand out to take her wallet from Chris. "Thank you for finding my wallet. I don't know what would have happened if I'd lost it."
"It's really no trouble at all. But could I ask a small favour?" Chris asked cautiously.
"Sure. Don't know if I can help but I'll try?" Without warning Chris appeared behind her his hand covering her mouth.
"Now do as I say and nothing will harm you I swear. We are going to go to your house and get your belongings, you will leave a note for that deadshit of a man you call your boyfriend then you will come and live with me." He slowly removed his hand from Alice's mouth and she looked at the ground confused.
"How do you know about Eli?" The look of confusion clearly evident upon her face. "Why are you doing this?"
"All shall be revealed but for now get in the car and drive. This is the beginning of the end of the life you once knew."

The car ride was needless to say awkward and upon arriving at her house there was a black Jeep parked out the front. Standing beside it were two men who she recognised as Ryan and Balz from the band Motionless in White. Turning off the engine she stepped out of the car closely followed by Chris and the other men. She walked to along the footpath to her front door shaking as she tried to get the key into the lock. The nerves stopped her from doing so and Chris stepped in gently taking the keys from her hand and opening the front door. He placed a hand on her lower back guiding her inside of the house.

"Get everything you need. We'll be waiting out here," Chris said before sitting on the lounge.

Alice quickly walked into her bedroom and pulled out her phone. What was she going to do? Why was she going along with this ludicrous plan? Scrolling through her contacts she painfully realised she had no one to call. Her parents had abandoned her at a young age and foster care had left her with nothing but scars. She could call Eli but did she really want to tell him that three men were currently in their home wanting to take her away to what would more than likely be a better life? Shaking her head, she somehow managed to convince herself that packing her bags and running away with these total strangers was a good idea. Placing the few items she owned into a suitcase she made sure she had all her clothes, her laptop, chargers, toothbrush and other toiletries. There was nothing sentimental to grab. The only thing she cared about was the necklace she wore around her neck. It was given to her by her first boyfriend who Alice had been madly in love with. But on his 18th birthday he committed suicide leaving behind a note and that necklace. Alice had never fully recovered and knew that there was never going to be anyone like Caleb.

Walking out of her bedroom she slowly treaded along the carpet. Taking in the feeling that would soon be forgotten. The three men stopped their conversation and turned to her. Ryan stood from his chair walking towards her and placed his thumb against her cheek wiping away the tears that had begun to fall.

"Don't cry. I promise this life will be better than the one you have now."
"How can you promise that?" Alice asked with a sudden surge of confidence.
"I can not but we will try to make it better you just have to trust us," he said extending his hand for her to take. She cautiously placed her hand in his her suitcase being dragged along by the other. Ryan led her out the door closely followed by Chris and Balz.
"Just trust us," was all Ryan whispered as he helped her into the back of the dark Jeep, climbing in beside her.
"I don't know if I can," was all Alice could say before slowly falling asleep against Ryan's shoulder his hand still holding hers.
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I know it's strange but I'm still trying to work it all out. Hope you like it. Comment if you like where it's going or you think I should change it in any way. :) Please just comment so I know I'm not doing this for no reason.