Status: Work in Progress - Updating Regularly


Chapter Three

The darkness had surrounded her once again. Sitting on a small bed within a tiny room, Alice began to shake as she felt a shiver run down her spine. From one corner of the dark room she saw red eyes looking back at her. The eyes gradually got closer until a figure was revealed. He had long hair past his shoulders, a strong build and red eyes staring back at her. She tried to scream but no sound would come out. She pushed herself as far away from the figure as she could as he slowly approached her with one outstretched hand.

"Come with me," the man whispered with a smile. What was meant to be warm and comforting came across as fear inducing and wicked. Alice tried yet again to scream as the tears began to fall down her cheeks but still no sound would come out.

"Do not fear me. I am here to save you." Before Alice could react to his words he was beside her holding her wrist before he began to kiss up her arm. She allowed for the touch as he kissed along her shoulder and collar bone before finally reaching her neck.
"You are so beautiful," he whispered against her ivory skin. Lapping at her pulse before slighting nibbling at the sensitive skin causing Alice to moan. With a sudden burst of pain Alice was awoken from her nightmare and as she woke she realised why the figure had looked so familiar.

"Ryan," she softly whispered to herself before looking around the room she found herself in. The room was not tiny but large and she lay on a king sized four poster Victorian era bed with red velvet drapes and black satin sheets.

"You called for me," Alice heard Ryan say from the arm chair across the room. He sat there so still the only thing showing emotion was his lips pulled into a slight smirk. He slowly crossed the room to sit beside Alice on the bed.

"You, you were in my dream," Alice muttered quickly. "Your eyes were red and you, you bit me."
"Did I now?" Ryan said smiling widely to reveal to sharp canines. "Why would I do that?" He asked with a wicked laugh.

Alice screamed and this time the sound came out louder then either of them would have thought. Ryan snarled as he fell from the bed hitting his head on the mahogany nightstand on his way down. Landing on the plush crimson carpet he lay there to humiliated to move. From his place on the ground he began to hear a small laugh that gradually grew louder and more confident. Supporting himself on his elbows he looked up on the bed to see Alice hanging over laughing. He couldn't help but be mesmerised by her smile.

"It really isn't that funny," a disgruntled Ryan said from his place on the floor slowly standing up to walk over to the bed. Faking a menacing look he began to slowly walk towards Alice whose laughter had ceased to be replaced by nothing. She lay on the bed her eyes glued to the man who walked towards her.

"Are you scared of me?" Ryan asked curiously.
"I don't know," Alice replied slightly shrugging her shoulders as she pulled herself into a sitting position, her legs crossed and her hands placed lightly between them. She looked down at her hands as though she had only just discovered them before she felt a cold hand grip her chin lifting it along with her gaze.

"I think you should be," the words rolled from Ryan's tongue like waves in the ocean. Yet there was something in his words that Alice did not fear but relish. Perhaps it was the truth he was trying to portray or perhaps she no longer cared about her welfare. After two years of abuse from Eli and years of heartache following Caleb's suicide did she have anything left to feel or fear.

"I don't think I can," Alice said weakly.
"What do you mean?" Ryan asked genuinely confused as he sat beside her.
"I can't feel anything anymore. After Caleb's death and Eli's abuse I have nothing left to feel. Do what you want to me I really couldn't care less," she didn't waiver nor did she cry as the words left her lips. For the first time in a long time Alice was confident with her words and her decision.

"I have no intention of hurting you, at least not yet," Ryan's reply wasn't sarcastic or aimed to instil fear it was simply the truth. He was after all a vampire and with a life in the shadows can sometimes come pain and heartache greater than any human could ever experience.

"Where am I?" Alice asked finally coming to some sort of realisation that she was in a strange place with no one she knew.
"You're in our mansion it's about 6 hours drive from your old place so Eli won't be able to find you," Ryan said looking down.
"How did you guys know about Eli?"
"We'd been watching you for a while. That and you're wearing shorts that show the bruises, not that hard to guess," Ryan said shrugging before standing and walking towards the door.
"Would you like to meet everybody properly?" Ryan asked from the doorframe.
"I havn't formally met you yet," Alice said smiling cheekily.
"Well then," Ryan said as he walked back towards the bed before bowing in front of her, "I am Ryan Sitkowski and I am a vampire."
"A vampire?" Alice sat there in a state of confusion.
"Yes, didn't you work that out already?" Ryan asked just as confused by her question.
"I guess so but it only just hit me. Did you take me to drink my blood?" Alice asked slightly concerned somewhat retracting her previous statement.
"No we will not drink your blood at least not until we turn you or on certain occasions. We brought you here to be a mate," Ryan's face was void of all emotion as he continued. "As a vampire we are required to find a partner as a human and concieve a child it is from there that we then turn the mate to prolong their life."
"This is a lot to take in," Alice muttered as the facts ran through her mind. She had been brought here to bare the child of a vampire and have them turn her as well. She guessed the sex couldn't be too bad after all she didn't think they would force her at least not just yet.

"It is a lot to take in. Don't think just yet, just come and meet the others," Ryan said gesturing towards the door as he approached it. Alice climbed off the bed realising she was no longer wearing shoes and followed Ryan out of the room and down a flight of wooden stairs into a dark living room where five gentleman sat. She recognised Chris is sat in an armchair in the centre of the five men.

"You've already met Chris and Balz. To the left or Balz is Devin or Ghost whatever you want to call him, to the right of Chris is Angelo and to the right of Angelo is Ricky," she began to slowly recognise them for their positions in the band.

'She's a pretty one," Angelo called from his seat across the room. Alice fidgeted slightly unaware that she had moved behind Ryan half of her body leant against his back. "And looks like she's already warmed up to one of our members."

"Be quiet Angelo," Chris called from his seat. "I'm sure Ryan has filled you in as to why we have brought you here. If you obey our rules we will give you one choice. You will be able to choose who you mate with."

"She's not my cup of tea," Ricky called from his seat. "Sorry love." He directed the comment towards Alice.
"I'm courting someone at the moment," Devin called from his position.
"She's certainly pretty but I think I'll leave this one to you three," Balz said from his position.
"Alright so you have the choice of Angelo, Ryan or myself," Chris gestured to the other two members.
"I need time to think," were the only words Alice could muster still slightly hidden by Ryan's solid frame.
"That is fine. You have one week to make up your mind or else we shall make it up for you." With that Chris left the room.

Alice looked up at Ryan his face showed no emotion but she swore that he was more tense than when they had come down those stairs. He went to walk away but Alice grabbed on to his tattooed forearm.

"Please don't leave me alone," Alice said weakly.
"I will never leave you."
♠ ♠ ♠
You might be thinking wow it's obvious she's going to choose Ryan. But you never know. Tell me who you think she should end up with and I shall consider changing it. After all she has a week to make up her mind and it is eternity, you don't step into eternity lightly. So please comment I'm updating as regularly as I can.