Alpha, Beta, Omega

Poison and Wine

“You can’t think to put her in harm like that Derek!” Isaac said slamming his fists down on the rickety table.

“She had a choice Isaac. I didn’t force her into this.” He said glaring at the omega.

“Making her bait for Gerard isn’t an option Derek! I don’t fucking care if she had a choice. You love her, I know you do and you’re just so willing to let her do this.”

Isaac paced the length of the room the two were situated in.

“You didn’t tell her, did you?” Derek asked standing up from his seat.

“I haven’t had time,” Isaac said trying to avoid the question.

“So you’re just going to tell her as your leaving! She loves you! She has been everything for you since before you were turned, and you don’t have the fucking decency to tell her to her face that you are following Boyd and Erica to some far flung land?!”

“I told Scott! I-I want her mad at me. It will be easier for her.”

Derek slammed his fist on the table causing it to tremble and shake under his strength. “And just so you know, I’ll be the one picking up the pieces for you like I always have. You’re a selfish coward.” Derek yelled walking out of the room and slamming the front door behind him.

Isaac was left standing there, the small duffel bag he packed sitting in the corner of the room in an ominous light that dared him to just walk away.


“Harper! Harper! Stop, stop!” Scott yelled at me, trying his best to calm me down.

“It’s not fair Scott! What did I do!?” I said dropping to my knees in the middle of my room. Tears rolled down my face in a mix of rage and sadness. My heart felt like it was being ripped out by the claws of a werewolf.

“Harp...” Stiles whispered as he ran into my room. He turned his gaze to Scott and they shared knowing looks but both kept their distance.

They watched from the doorway as I let out a sob, my hand coming up to cover my face as the other one went to my side to steady myself. I felt the sharp glass of a broken picture frame dig into my skin but it reminded me that I was here and this was real.

I heard Scott sniff a little as he moved across the room in a swift movement to my side. He crouched in front of me picking my hand up and looking at it.

“Harp, I didn’t mean to tell you like this.” My brother whispered.

“Why di-did he leave me?” I said between painful sobs. Scott held my hand in his lap examining the damage.

“I don’t know,” he said. He turned his head and looked at Stiles as he bent his head in sadness.

“He didn’t even say goodbye to me,” I said staring at the picture of us that laid beneath the broken glass. Taken a little over a year ago it was Isaac and me in our backyard ; my mom snapped a shot of us playing lacrosse or rather him trying to teach me how to properly play. He had me decked out in his large helmet with his favorite stick in my hand and he mocked the moves of a goalie. We were glowing, both of us, so deeply in love we could make everyone jealous of us.

“But, but that doesn’t matter.” I said trying to pull myself together. “You two have to get to the game and I have to visit Mom in the ER before we go to the game.” I weakly smiled as I looked around the room. I had ripped the pictures of us down and tossed them across the room, and ripped the sheets off my bed the place we met so many nights and fell in love over and over again.

“You want me to call Derek?” Stiles asked.

“No, no. He’s going to think he has to pick up my pieces he has enough to worry about other than me. Just help me get to the hospital I guess,” I said letting Scott help me to my feet.

Scott and Stiles shared another look and I felt pitiful as they led me to Stiles’ jeep. Scott held my hand upward as the few pieces of glass in my hand glinted in the light. I looked over to my brother as he looked down at me. I laid my head on his shoulder as Stiles checked up in his rearview mirror.

“I gave him everything I had Scott, why wasn’t it enough?” I asked.

“He is a coward. He knows how much you love him and he can’t handle it. You deserve better Harp.” He said to me.


I rode to the game with my mother that night. She questioned me a million times over about my motives and my perogative to want to inflict pain upon myself. She didn’t ask many more questions when the words Isaac left slipped out of my lips.
I took my phone out of my pocket and typed a quick ‘Good Luck’ to my brother and Stiles. They were there for me, with everything, and the least I could do was show up to their game. Even if Derek had called me begging me to not go. I didn’t mention to him anything about Isaac but he voice lead me to believe he already knew.

I smiled and sent a small wave to Stiles’ dad as he took his seat in front of us in the stands.

“Sweetie, Scott won’t be mad if you want to take it easy tonight and go home,” my mom said rubbing my shoulders.

“No, no I need this right now,” I said surveying the field, the players and the crowd. I could feel it in my bones that something bad was going to happen. Being involved with all the supernatural in Beacon Hills was never my plan but when your brother and ex-boyfriend are all werewolves you have nowhere to run but into the fire.

I watched as some of the boys switched position on the field. Jackson caught my eye and winked. We had a storied history but since everything with the Kanima and Matt it seems I’ve been made a target because of my connection to a lot of people.

“Why isn’t the coach playing Scott? We aren’t doing too well.” My mom questioned.

“He missed practice and his grades mom.”

“You should tutor him more, help me get his grades up like you did for...Isaac?”

My eyes were downcast as they started to burn with fresh tears. “Mom I asked you to stop please, just for a little while.”

“No! No!” She said grabbing my arm and pointing, “Next to Scott it’s Isaac! I swear!”

I looked up and sure enough there he was. He was unmistakable to me, I could pick him out of crowd of million. Scott and him were chatting, most likely about how badly the game was going. They looked over to Allison’s grandfather Gerard as he watched the game with a sly smirk on his face. The coach called Isaac to go in and I watched on the edge of my seat. I had a million questions in my head.

As he was running onto the field he turned around and looked at me. I could see his words mouth ‘I love you,’ as he turned his attention back to the game.

A smile burst onto my face but was quickly replaced with a frown as I watched Isaac take people out...from his own team.

“What the fuck are they doing!?” I whisper yelled.
Lydia who was sitting next to me leaned over, “Your stupid boyfriend is ruining this game!”

I rolled my eyes as looked over to Gerard who turned his attention to me and smirked. That could not be good. Player after player was knocked out by Isaac until only Scott was left.

“They want Scott in the game. Something bad is going to happen I can feel it!” I said in a panic standing up in my seat and climbing over people to try to get off the bleachers.

“Harper!? What are you doing?” My mom yelled after me. But something in my didn’t feel right, I could sense the danger. And before I could even get to the edge of the field Isaac was down.

I sprinted onto the field as fast as my legs would move. Albeit I was no werewolf so human speed felt like it took ages.

“It’s not broken, but I can’t move it. I think Jackson nicked me because I can feel it spreading through my body.” I heard Isaac say to Scott as I approached.

“No, no. You have to leave Harper!” Scott said as I kneeled next to Isaac.

I grabbed Isaac’s arm as the medics put him on the gurney.

“Harper please listen to Scott.” Isaac begged.

I went to open my mouth until I heard a voice in my head. “So young, so in love. Too bad a wolf isn’t my target anymore. Why attack from the front door, when you could tear down the entire foundation?”

I whipped my head around trying to find the source of the voice. Gerard only shrugged his shoulders slightly and sent me a devious smirk. I didn’t have time to focus on that as Isaac was carried off and I followed him. I turned around only to see my mother running up to Scott on the field exchanging words as she watched me leave over Scott’s shoulder.

The medics had already brought Isaac off the field and I didn’t see him anywhere. I ran into the school hoping to find him in the locker room. He was weak, vulnerable right now and he needed me. Not that a girl with no supernatural powers could do much, but I sure could throw a good punch if I needed to.

I was running through the halls and as I rounded the corner I ran into someone and landed on my backside.

“Well, isn’t this a pleasant surprise. The rabbit runs right into the wolf’s den.” Gerard said as his two sidekicks picked me up and held me.

“You and this pathetic idea of a boy Isaac will fail tonight. But you will die a martyr trying to save those you love, but Isaac, he will die a coward. I relish in the fact that your death Ms. Harper Mccall will not only provoke Scott to run right into the claws of the Kanima but also Derek Hale. Oh he will be so filled with rage he will have to avenge the girl he’s loved for a while. All the blame will be on Isaac and I will get my victory.”

“You’re disgusting,” I said as the two henchmen dragged me alongside them following Gerard into the locker room.

My breath caught in my throat as we rounded the corner and stood in the moonlight of the locker room windows. Isaac was pulling himself across the floor trying to get something to pull himself up with.

“It was a good effort Isaac. It was!” Gerard said as one of his henchmen handed him a sword. “This would be so much more poetic if this were halftime.”

“NO!” I screamed as Gerard toyed with the hilt of the blade, running the tip along the cement floors.

“No Harper!” Isaac said pulling himself up onto the sinks at the end of the wall.

“I will kill her first Isaac, and you will watch as the one person who has put their needs in front of yours dies. She is beautiful, this is true. This town will miss a beautiful soul but that will not be enough to spare her. Say your goodbye’s Isaac.”

I looked over to Isaac, tears streaming down my face. Gerard stood in front of me as he raised the sword. I watched Isaac shake his head, he must have been screaming but it sound muffled as my head made contact with a hard object. I couldn’t tell if it was the sword or something else, but my vision was blurry and I was disoriented.

There was so much going on around me, I tried to sit up but my head was throbbing and my vision blurry.

“Where is he?!” I heard Scott scream.

“The field! Get back out there. I’ve got her,” I heard Isaac say as a pair of hands touched my face.

“Am I dead?” I whispered.

“No, no stay with me Harper. You hit your head pretty bad!” Isaac said.

“No, no I want to sleep. You never leave me when I dream.” I slurred out. My mind was neither here nor there.

“I will stay, stay forever if you just stay with me right now. Everyone is always asking for you to be strong and now it’s my turn.”

“We have to help Scott, right?” I said trying to stand up.

“I’m okay,” I said looking up at him.

“There are those baby blues, I’ve missed,” he said looking into my eyes.

As he supported most of my weight, we limped our way to the field. Except everyone was screaming, and there were no lights.

“What’s happening Isaac?” I said grabbing on to him. I watched through the pale moonlight as he scanned the masses of panicking people. His eyes shone bright yellow as he surveyed the crowd. Built in night vision.

“Someone’s down. Let’s go,” he said not missing a beat to scoop me up in his arms. He set me down alongside the group of people.

“It’s Jackson!” Lydia screamed as my mother bent down to offer him any medical assistance.

“There is no pulse, and he is not breathing,” she said. That is when she pulled up his shirt as saw all the blood.

“He did it to himself, but why?” Isaac asked as Scott threw his arm around my waist to support me.

“You’re bleeding Harp,” Scott said as he brought his hand up to my temple.

“Just a scratch,” I said as Isaac and Scott exchanged worried glances.

We turned our attention to Sheriff Stilinski as he started turning in circles, “Where is my son, Stiles? Where is Stiles?”

“Isaac lets go,” Scott said nodding his head in the direction of the locker rooms.

“Where are we going?”

“We,” Scott said pointing between himself and Isaac, “are going to find Stiles. You,” he said pointing at me, “are going to the hospital.”

I laughed, I actually just burst out laughing. “Like hell I am. If you want to catch Gerard, you need me. I’m his target.”
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Poison and Wine - The Civil Wars