Alpha, Beta, Omega


“I love you,” Isaac whispered kissing my forehead. “Now wake up and fight.”

I rubbed my tired and sore eyes in an attempt to wake up more. My body ached and the cement ground didn’t help at all. I felt sick to my stomach and my body was weak, Isaac wasn’t there. He was only a dream.

“She’s awake,” I heard Kali say as I struggled to pull myself up.

I heard the clicking of his cane against the floor as his footsteps got closer to me. I didn’t fear death anymore. I had already been brought to the brink and after feeling what I did last night, I’m not sure I could survive another.

“You’re a fighter.” Deucalion said sitting down on a chair as I scooted closer to the wall, pulling my legs up against my chest. “I won’t hurt you my dear.”

“No, but you’ll let your guard dogs have at me? Huh?” I asked.

“I don’t mean for things to be this way but you love the enemy, and the enemy loves you. Eliminate all threats.”

“Is that what you came here to tell me? That you’re going to murder my friends, my brother and my boyfriend.” I was fuming, but what chance did I have against the alpha of all alphas?

“ You have no siblings. You are an only child.”

“I have a brother, NEVER tell me I don’t. You were never there.”

“I’ve been watching you for quite some time now my dear Harper. You are my daughter and regardless of what may come, I do care for your well being.” He said, standing up as Kali walked over to him extending her arm for him to grab.

“Do you care because I am your daughter or because I am an Astley wolf?”

“Well, that is to be decided. Do not forget,” he said pausing, “ that you are the last of the strongest lineages of wolves. I will turn you, and you will realize that the people you have met in your life are only temporary, never permanent. Accept that now and the future will be less painful.” He turned back around and started walking as he shut the door to the room I was in.

I looked around and surveyed my área, it wasn’t the bank vault for sure. It was more of a cell block, or an old room. Where I was I had no clue. My memory was foggy from the amount of times I had been bashed against a wall or tossed around by a wolf. I pulled my sweater tighter to my body and closed my eyes trying to imagine the events leading up to this situation.

I didn’t know how anyone was. How they were faring with their wounds, how they would cope without me. I just didn’t know. I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes, sighing. I thought back to the first moment I knew that things would never be the same.


“Scotts going to kill me if he finds out that I’ve been sneaking into your room every night and waking up before he does.” Isaac laughed placing kisses along my collarbone.

“I don’t think it’s my brother you need to worry about, it’s mama McCall that will whoop your ass.” I laughed as his hand found mine. Intertwining our fingers he brought his head up to meet mine as he rested his forehead upon my own.

“I am head over heels, irrevocably in love with you Harper McCall,” he whispered.

“I feel the same Isaac,” I whispered back smiling as he leaned down to kiss me.

It was a moment, a brief one where we were able to share our deepest feelings through our emotions, our eyes and our hearts. These moments were rare and few and far between.

“I’ve gotta go with Scott. I know he is going to try to go out.”


“I think he wants to make a deal with Deucalion.”

“But for what? What could he want to make a deal for?”

“You,” he said as he grabbed his leather jacket off the chair in the corner of my room. Slipping on his boots he stood up straight and tall. “He worries for you the most, you are first to him and he won’t lose you Harper.”

“Did he say this or did you?” I asked crawling to the edge of the bed to stand up.

Isaac’s eyes shot up and looked at mine as he readjusted his jacket. He took a few strides to me and we met halfway to the door. He grabbed my face and leaned in to kiss me. It was a passionate, emotional kiss. The kind you only believe exist in movies or in books, but never in real life. As Isaac pulled away I stared at him, taking everything in.

“Why?” I asked him. Pulling my sweater closer to my body as I stared at him, counting the steps he took to open my door.

“Why what Harp?” He paused.

“Why did that kiss feel like a final one?” I whispered afraid to ask.

“Stay here, don’t leave. You promised,” he said sighing and ignoring my question. I watched him walk over to Scott’s room and stand in his doorway. I watched as they both rode off on Scott’s dirtbike. It hurt to not follow them but I wouldn’t risk it this time. I had promised Isaac, Scott and Derek.


“Holy shit, he isn’t healing,” Stiles said. Placing his against the wall of the bathroom.

“I’ve got this, you go delay the coach,” Allison said lifting up his shirt to expose the open wound.

“He won’t heal because of Derek,” Stiles told her.

“Harper.” Scott groaned.

“He’s letting himself die because he blames himself for both of their deaths.” Allison said grabbing some thread from her bag.

“They’re not dead!” Stiles screamed, grabbing his face with his hands and rubbing his eyes. “Harper isn’t gone, we will find her.”

“Right now you need to go stall them!” Allison belowed. Stiles turned on his heel and left the bathroom.

Allison took a breath in and tried multiple times to accomplish the meticulous task of threading the needle. Once she had finally succeed she turned her attention to Scott and started stitching him as best as she knew how.

“What if Harp is gone? I let her down.” Scott groaned to Allison.

“No, stay with me,” she said as she grabbed his face slightly. She turned her attention back to the wound. “Harper is a fighter, and she needs you to stay strong so when we find her, she has someone to lean on.”

“I see the hate in Isaac’s eyes. He blames me.”

“He respects you,” Allison told him. “For being able to carry on when all you want to do is give up.”


It all happened so fast. First I heard the front door open.

“Mom? Is that you? Scott and Isaac went out for a bit,” I yelled to her focusing my attention back to putting Isaac’s clothes in the dryer.

“Hello again Harper,” I knew that voice.

“Aiden? What are you doing here?” I asked him startled by the fact he had let himself in and was standing in my hallway.

“Thought I’d drop by, I was in the neighborhood.” He said shrugging.

“You can’t just let yourself in like you own the place,” I said getting aggravated.

“Yeah, well you can’t lead a guy on and drop him like trash when your beta comes crawling back to you.” He said growling.

I took a few steps back, frightened by his hard tone. “What do you want?”

“I here to take you home, where you belong.” He said stepping towards me. “If you take my hand” he said extending his giant hand, “ then this will be easy. If not, then I will have to be forceful.”

“I’m home. I’m not going anywhere.”

“You don’t belong here. You need and alpha to mate with, you are an Astley wolf.”

“Fuck you!” I spat turning and running into my room. I locked the door and scrambled for my cellphone pushing Derek’s number.

It took Aiden five seconds to knock down my door. Grabbing the phone out of my hand he tossed it against the wall, shattering it to a million pieces. He grabbed my arm and wrapped his fingers tightly around it, placing his other free hand on my mouth. I tried to scream, and kick him off my but I was merely a fly to him. He carried my down the stairs and out the door to a waiting vehicle.

“That didn’t take long,” Ethan said as he sat in the driver seat. Aiden opened the door and shoved me into the back of the car, he grabbed a black hood and put it over my face as I began to scream.

“Duct tape’s on the floor,” Ethan said nonchalantly. Aiden ripped the hood off only to place a piece of silver duct tape across my mouth.

“God you're more beautiful then I remember you,” he said rubbing his fingers over my face. He took the hood and put it over my face, grabbing my hands he zipped tied them and jumped in the backseat with me.

“Onward brother,” he said.

I tried screamed for about 20 minutes, but I soon grew tired and sore. They overpowered me and I had no chance. I couldn’t tell how long we were driving, if it was 30 minutes, 2 hours. I had no conception of time as I tried to hold it together. Flashes of Scott and Isaac arriving home to my ransacked room and panicking made my heart race.

“Deucalion says to bring her straight to him,” Ethan said as he stopped the car.

“We should at least get her some water or something before we go in,” I heard another unfamiliar voice say. It could have been Ms. Morrell from French class but I couldn’t tell.

“Deucalion wants her now,” another voice said grabbing my arm and shoving me into a door.


“Who gets to her first?” I heard a few voices say. I opened my eyes and squinted as they tried to adjust to the light.

“We will not be mating her you idiots,” Kali said. I hated her but for a brief moment I wanted to say thank you. “We have other plans.”

“Deucalion really takes the fun out of this plan,” I heard Aiden grumble.

“Do you honestly think my intentions are to breed a new pack of Astley wolves?” I heard the familiar clink of a metal cane approach. I didn’t move as everyone stepped into the room that had become my holding cell. I felt like giving up, I couldn’t tell you how long I had been there because there was no sun only a flickering halogen lamp that was on the ceiling. “No, I’ve got much bigger plans for our young Harper.”

“Everyone leave,” Deucalion commanded, “ I think it’s time for some father-daughter bonding.”

I didn’t say a word as everyone exited the room leaving my biological father and I alone. Some father he was.

“Harper, why don’t you rise to the occasion and take hold of what you really are? You’ve received the bite, albeit lycanthropy runs through your veins. But yet, you have not shifted. Why is that?” He asked me.

“You honestly think I have an answer?” I spat back at him, furious that he had me in this position.

“Which one of the people you know means the most to you? Which one do you have the most to lose when you lose them?” He questioned. He started to tap his stick as he pondered. I closed my eyes and willed my heart beat to stay steady.

“Is it Allison, or maybe Stiles?” He paused. “No, no, certainly your mom,” he said. I watched him as he strained to listen to my heartbeat. “Derek? Well, that can’t be right since he is already out of the picture. That was easy enough. I think his problem was that he put his pack before you. He obviously didn’t understand Astley wolves.” He chuckled to himself, satisfied with the way this was going.

“How about that big brother of yours, Scott? That one person who, no matter what, has been your best friend? Or, no wait. This is just getting good but I believe we must conclude this. Before I even say it, I know it is the winner.” He said pacing around the room a little.

I tried to control my heart rate but with each syllable of each name, of someone I loved, I cared about it got harder to control.

“Isaac.” He said, smiling to himself as he felt my heart leap out of my chest. “Isaac Lahey. For wolf sake, should we say, we’ll call him your trigger. Thank you for your help Harper. Someone will be in shortly to make your accommodations...more suitable.”

And with that he was gone.

Trigger. It was a word I had heard come out of Derek’s mouth before. My head was spinning. Derek was dead. Scott didn’t know I was alive. And now Isaac was going to be used to trigger my werewolf side. My head was spinning.

I was startled when the door flew open and banged against the wall. With wide doe eyes brimming with tears I looked up to see Ms. Morrell.

“I brought you some blankets, a pillow and some clean clothes.” She said placing them down beside me. “If you’re hungry I can bring you some food?”

I nodded my head slightly to indicate that nutrition was much desired right now. She bowed her head a little as she made her way out.


In an abrupt moment the black hood cover my eyes was ripped off my head as I was pushed up against the wall by some beefy looking man. He was completely shifted as he ran his nose from my collar bone up to my lips, smelling me.

“Ennis, control yourself!” The female alpha shouted.

“Kali, it isn’t everyday an Astley is standing in front of you. I can probably get off on her scent for years.” He chuckled.

The girl, that I now knew as Kali walked up to him and shoved him aside, “She is only a girl and if you don’t control yourself and Deucalion finds out then you’re as good as dead. DON’T make that mistake.” She growled as Ennis rolled his eyes and dragged me alongside behind him. As we got closer to wherever we were going I heard voices.

“Scott,” I tried to say although my mouth was still covered with duct tape.

Ennis dragged me up an old escalator as I tried to catch a hint of what my surroundings were. I noticed a small smile form on Deucalion's lips as he watched everyone’s eyes grow wide.

“Harper!” Scott exclaimed watching helplessly as Ennis kept dragging me towards Deucalion. Tossing me on the ground I scrambled to find my footing but standing up with zip tied hands was no easy feat.

“Look who I brought as a party guest.” Deucalion said.

“Let her go,” Derek growled. I turned my head towards him, my attachment to him running wild.

“Why would I do that? I have her right where I want her now. Someone,” he said pausing for a moment, “Made a huge mistake tonight and now Harper will pay for it.” Deucalion said.

I whipped my head to look at Isaac, fear and panic were set in his eyes as I gently shook my head telling him to let me go and walk away from here.

Within a moment Derek lunged at Deucalion as Kali lunged at Derek. Ennis saw an opportunity to run towards me but before he could Isaac jumped in front. He was like feather to Ennis as Ennis tossed him to the side. I watched with wide eyes as everyone began to fight. Feral growls echoed throughout the empty room as the should of bone on bone made me cringe. I watched as sharp claws sliced skin and blood scattered across the ground.

I tried to close my eyes but Kali walked over to me as the carnage of broken bones and torn bodies laid among me. She grabbed me by the collar and ripped the duct tape off my hands, raising me up with her fingers tightly grasped around my throat.

“You’re beaten Derek, do it. Take the first step,” Deucalion said as he walked down his perch upon the escalator.

“Let him rise to the occasion then. What will it be Derek? Harper, your sister or your pack?” Kali said as I struggle to breath gasping for any air.

As Derek took a moment to think a blinding flash of light whizzed by my head. Arrows rained down on the group of werewolves as Kali dropped me and threw me against the metal frame of the escalator. I watched as Isaac tried to navigate his way to me, dodging arrows and bodies.

Isaac tried to grab me and help me to my feet but Ennis tossed him aside.

“She’s mine,” he growled at Isaac. Scott charged at Ennis as Isaac scrambled to get out of the way. Ennis took his large hands and sliced Scott making him fall to his knees. In his moment of weakness I saw Derek make his choice. His choice was pack and it would always be pack, because his pack was his family.

He grabbed Ennis as Scott tried to help him. Ennis and Derek wrestled, each trying to gain the upper hand and with every step inching closer to the edge. Scott swiped the back of Ennis’ leg in an attempt to make him fall and fall he did. But as he fell he brought Derek with them. I tried to stand up and run to the edge but Deucalion grabbed my shirt and handed me off to Kali as we fled the scene. I tried to scream to tell Scott but Kali placed her hand over my mouth as I was dragged away once again.

With my last fleeting moments with my brother I watched as he witnessed the death of his alpha, and trusted friend. Tears rolled over Kali’s hands as she covered my mouth, my heart broke thinking about what was to come next, for me, for my brother and for Isaac. The scariest part was that I really didn’t know.


I laid there in that room for hours, days, years? I wasn’t really sure. I tried to keep my mind preoccupied with better times. Like the one time Isaac tried to teach me how to score a goal in lacrosse. Or the time when Scott and I had a flour fight and we thought we were in so much trouble when mom got home, but all she did was join in. I smiled at these memories.

The door of the room opened as Ms. Morrell placed a plate down on the floor.

“I don’t have long Harper, but I need to tell you something.” She said looking behind her back to make sure no one was there.

“Ennis is dead and Deucalion will turn you soon. You must remember that your anchor is love, not rage. Do this and your outcome will be the one you desire.” She said straightening up as she turned on her heel.

“Will it hurt?”

“Like nothing you have ever experienced. Stay strong my young wolf. “ She said closing the door behind her.

All that was left was the silence, my fears and an uncertain future.
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Unwell - Matchbox Twenty

Teen Wolf drives me crazy with emotions.