Alpha, Beta, Omega

The Scientist

‘Do you remember when you hated Isaac?’ I asked Scott as he helped me cut up vegetables for dinner.

‘I literally almost kicked you out of the house,’ he laughed.

‘Only because he hurt your feelings? Big bad wolf you are.’ I laughed back stirring the pasta in the pot.

‘I’m happy you found someone like him though,’ he said, his gazing still focused on cutting.

‘You think we have a chance, even with everything that has been going on?’ I asked him, turning from the stove and staring at him.

‘Honestly, I wish the best for you sis, you and him because I see the way he looks at you and it makes me happy that he cares so much.’

‘You’re getting sappy in your old age.’ I said, pointing my spoon at him.

‘From me hating him, to him now living with us. Funny how things change.’ He noted.

‘In the blink of an eye everything is different,’ I said sending him a smile.


“I must admit Harper, you are stronger than I thought. A much desired quality for an Alpha.” Deucalion said pacing around the room.

I glanced up at him and rolled my eyes.

“But the time quickly approaches where you must fully, come into all your potential ,” he said stopping in the middle of the room.

“What you really mean is to see if I’m an Alpha astley or a lowly omega.”

“Smart one you are, as well. I must say I’m glad to have you on my side versus against me.”

“I am not on your side,” I barked at him.

“Not yet my dear. So enjoy your last night in this room. It might be your last fully human,” he said turning on his heel and disappearing, shutting the door behind him.

‘Please remind me again, I don’t remember.’ I laughed grabbing one of Scott’s extra lacrosse sticks from the trunk of Stiles’ jeep.

Stiles stepped up beside me and grabbed my hand, positioning the stick. ‘Hold onto it tightly enough that the ball won’t make it fall but loose enough that you have flexibility.’

I looked over at him, raising my eyebrows. ‘I literally have no clue what you are talking about.’ I laughed.

‘Scott! I’m glad you got the lacrosse skills in the family!’ Stiles called to Scott across the pitch, tossing a ball in the air.

‘It’s only because I have boobs, less mobility,’ I laughed, demonstrating the restrictions in my movements.

‘I swear, I can barely handle one McCall, but two...two is like...’

‘Like a family?’ I asked him.

‘Like a big family, yeah’ he smiled at me. ‘Thank god! Isaac took you long enough, here,’ he said pushing me slightly, ‘ She is yours. We’re doubling up, you two versus us!’ Stiles said pointing at me.

Isaac winked at me as he tossed the ball to my stick and I tossed it back to him, running across the field it became him versus Scott and their wolf powers. When Isaac sunk the ball into the net I cheered, dropping my stick and pumping my gloved hands in the air.

‘Take that Stiles!!’ I laughed. He mearly rolled his eyes at me. Isaac ran over to me and picked me and twisted me in the air placing a large kiss on my lips.

‘Alright! Alright! Get a room!’ Stiles called staring at us.

‘Think we could borrow the backseat of your jeep there Stiles?’ Isaac asked.

Scotts eyes went wide, ‘ That would be a no, or how about never.’

I just chuckled at the exchange as the boys tossed the ball around. This was peaceful, happy and something I longed for.


I often found myself reverting to my memories of easier times. Times when I was free to do what I wanted to and be who I wanted to be.

There was no threat of loosing my life, or being forced into a position that I didn’t want.

The door slammed open and Kali ran in ,her eyes burning red. Her hands went around my neck and raised me up.

“YOU BITCH! You’re fucking alpha murdered my Ennis. I will have your throat in my hands,” she growled, her face only inches from mine.

“You will put her down Kali. Do not do anything brash,” Deucalion said stepping into the room.


“She did nothing Kali. Do not forget the position we find ourselves in because of you, you will drop her now.” Deucalion commanded.

Kali dropped me and my body crumpled to the floor. Storming out she flew past Deucalion and exited the room.

“Soon my Astley, I will return and you will find out your fate,” Deucalion said closing the door behind him and shadowing me in darkness once again.


“There is no hope,” Scott called out standing in a pool of kerosene.

“There is always hope, “ Allison called back.

“But I let her down. I let her die and it’s all my fault. She always wanted just simple happiness and I dragged her down with me...” Scott said flipping the lighter between his fingers.

“You never let her down, ever Scott,” Stiles called out. “You are my brother, my best friend and Harper is my everything. If you let her down, so did I and I won’t let you go down without me. You don’t get to visit her on the other side and leave me here,” Stiles said taking a step into the kerosene. “We do this as brothers.”

Isaac watched as the scene unfolded in front of him. He felt like he needed to step inside the ring of fire because he was as much to blame for Harper’s disappearance. He felt his heart break slightly as Scott, the man he always looked up to, let out an audible sob. He watched in almost slow motion as the kerosene ignited but Stiles and Scott emerged from the other side. Isaac ran up to the others to check on them and back sure that everyone their right set of mind.

“What happened?” He asked everyone.

“ I don’t know but I’m not staying in there tonight,” Lydia said pointing to the hotel behind them.

“Then our only option is to stay in there,” Stiles said pointing to the other side at the bus.

“Beats trying to kill myself,” Boyd shrugged walking towards the bus.

Scott hesitated as he walked towards the bus and I turned to look at him, throwing him a questioning glance.

“I lost Derek and now Harper,” he said barely above a whisper.

“Harper was all I had,” I said back to him.

“You’ve got us Isaac,” he said slightly pointing to the bus. “A little makeshift family, albeit dysfunctional but a family.”

I nodded my head agreeing with him.

“If,” he said grabbing my arm as I started walking away, “We find her body can you be the one to verify it?” He asked me.

“Don’t say that,” I said pulling my arm back, “She isn’t dead!” I raked my fingers through my hair.

“I won’t be able to Isaac, not for her. I will not be able to do it.” Scott said to me.

My eyes burned with fresh tears as I looked up to him, “For her I will.”

“Thank you,” Scott said walking past me into the bus, leaving me for a moment with the thought of what I had just agreed too. I dugg my hand into my pocket and twirled my finger around the small piece of metal, pulling it out.

The small diamond gleamed in the light, small and simple, I had saved up for it for months.

“I always hoped I’d be the one she would marry, honestly,” Stiles said standing on the bottom step of the bus. I jumped a little, shocked by the intimate moment that was invaded.

I turned to look at him, “ I thought I would at least get to tell her goodbye,” I told him.

“I never told her how I felt,but I was so happy for you two because she means the world to me. Scott and I raised her. I can’t even fathom saying she is gone, it’s like she is only on vacation or something,” he shook his head. “Anyway I came out here to just say thank you.”

“For what?”

“For at least,” his hands wiped away some falling tears, “For making her short life happy and agreeing to help Scott with his final task.”

I nodded my head and let it hang unable to comprehend everything. “Scott asked me, but I’m not sure I would be able to do it myself.” I told him honestly.

He understood and nodded his head slightly, stepping back into the bus leaving me to roll the ring between my fingers and have a million thoughts racing through my mind.


“NOOOOOO!” I screamed, kicking at anything to try and get away from their grip.

“Shit, for a human, she’s freaking strong,” Aiden said picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

I grabbed at the wall, trying to grab anything that would prevent me from my fate.

“Please,” I cried to Aiden, “Please Aiden, don’t let this happen,” I begged into his ear. Tears streaming down face.

“I’m sorry Harper, but I’ve got to.” He said carrying me down the hall. Kali passed him and said some words to Deucalion.

“Very well, bring our guest into her new home.” Deucalion voice ran through my blood.

I beat Aiden’s back, but he seemed unfazed. I wasn’t going down without a fight, but I was weak and tired. Aiden set me down on the cement floor as I sat there looking up at the Alphas’ in front of me.

“You are the last of your kind, my dear Harper. As all Astley’s in the past, I believe your trigger to be hopelessness. So as we find ourselves here, just know this is the end for you. You either become a wolf or you die.” He nodded his head as Aiden picked me up and Kali blindfolded me.

“No wait,” Deucalion said. “I want her to see this, leave the blindfold off.” Kali nodded and tossed it to the side.

“Grab the chains Kali,” Deucalion commanded, “Aiden put her where she needs to be. “
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Sorry for the long wait! Busy busy busy!

The Scientist - Coldplay