Alpha, Beta, Omega

Dirty Paws

“Well look at this, the wolf comes to the hunter,” Gerard said using his cloth tissue to wipe away the black blood oozing out of his mouth and nose.

“Tell us what we need to know.” Scott demanded, Allison closing the door of the room behind them.

“What you need to know comes at a price, help an old, suffering man out would ya?” He asked extending his arm.

“You don’t have to do this,” Allison warned.

Scott rolled up his sleeve and placed his hand on Gerard’s wrist, sucking up some of his pain and taking it into his veins.

“Now, tell us.” Scott demanded.

“About the Astley’s or Deucalion?”

“Both, “ Scott said. Gerard nodded his head.

“So you figured out that their two stories are actually one?”

“Yeah, I think we figured that out when Deucalion kidnapped my sister and we can’t find her.” Scott told Gerard.

Gerard’s eyes went wide for a second. “His plans for your sister aren’t going to have happy endings.”

“Yeah, well if you would get to the point and tell us what we need to know. We could stop wasting time and try to fix this.” Allison spoke up.

Gerard wiped some black blood off his mouth once again and sighed. “Harper was born to a very powerful wolf, one that was very close to Talia Hale...”


“Talia, I’m pregnant.” Samantha Astley told her good friend and trusted ally.

“OH my dear! How exciting! Another pup!” Talia exclaimed grabbing her friend in a tight hug.

“I’m nervous,” Sam admitted.

“As you should be, pups aren’t easy look at my clan,” she chuckled throwing a thumb back pointing to her kids in the back yard. “But you learn quickly and you will always have me, and the kids. We are here for you dear.” Talia embraced her friend in a loving hug.

“It’s Deucalion’s...”

“Have you told him yet?”

Sam shook her head no. “I’m scared, I don’t want him to leave me. I’m an Astley. That is a big commitment especially since he is an Alpha of his own pack.”

Talia smiled at her friend, “You need to relax, we both know Deucalion has been waiting to have a child with you the moment you two fell in love. This will be good for both of you.”

“You really think?” Sam asked.

“Of course, he is probably the best man I know.”


“So Deucalion wanted the baby?” Allison asked. “He wanted Harper?”

“Of course he did, he was so proud to be a father. Flaunted it to the other packs, but these were simpler times.”

“But what I don’t understand is why he snapped, what happened to him that made him what he is today?” Scott questioned.

Gerard shot his eyes between Scott and Allison.

“What aren’t you telling us?” Allison said.

“One thing you must know about Astley’s is that every wolf born to the Astley pack, or family as they called themselves is born an Alpha but their Alpha side must be triggered. Either at a young age where they learn from an elder, when they get pregnant for the first time, or when they are in dire straights.”

“A pack of Alpha’s that sounds familiar.” Scott scoffed.

“But the Astley’s were kind, gentle creatures. That only fought when provoked. And they knew how to fight well.”

“But this doesn’t explain anything about Deucalion and Sam and their situation.” Scott said.

“Well, you see the situation was complicated...”

“The hunter’s are coming for us, all of us.” Deucalion said placing his hands gently on his lover’s stomach. “I want you to run, take the baby and go.”

Sam’s eyes shot up. “ I can’t leave my family Deucalion, or you. This is our family, we have to stay together.” Sam rubbed her stomach that stuck out prominently.

“I know that you are an Astley and you are strong when pregnant but I can’t take any chances. This is too important. If you leave I will find you.” Deucalion pleaded.

Sam’s eyes started to water as she looked at the love of her life. “If you do one thing for me, I will promise to leave.”

Deucalion looked at Sam lovingly and knew. He knew that this was something they both wanted and he needed to prove to her how much this baby and her meant to him. Gently falling onto one knee looking up at his love, grabbing her hand he said,” Sam, you are my everything and this baby,” he placed a hand on her stomach rubbing it softly, “our baby is my world. Please so do me the greatest honor in the world and marry me.”

Sam started crying, using her free hand to cover her mouth as she gasped. “Of course baby! Of course! In aeternum te amabo ” Deucalion jumped up and grabbed her into his arms.

Later that night, Sam and Deucalion shared the news with their packs as they gathered for a meeting on the edge of the woods. A chorus of cheers and clapping echoed throughout the woods as everyone congratulated the couple. Kali smiled and kissed her dear friend on the cheeks.

“When’s the ceremony?” Kali asked Sam.

“We already had it!” Sam chuckled, rubbing her tummy.

“What?” Kali asked slightly offended that she wasn’t invited.

“Oh! OH! You don’t know that for Astley’s we say I Will Love You For All Eternity in latin. It binds us to our mate forever.”

“Oh congrats my dear,” Talia said interrupting the two but she wasn’t upset she smiled as the two best friends hugged.

“Peter knew this and he refused to tell Harper this so she wouldn’t say it to Isaac..” Scott trailed off.

“But what about the whole Alpha transfer thing, or attachment whatever it is.” Allison asked.

Gerard had no answer but Scott did.

“Derek told me it was a lie, the transfer thing just to protect Harper. But the attachment was real, Astley’s are drawn to Alphas because they can show them how to come into their own.” Scott nodded slightly.

“So the Hale’s do know more then I thought.” Gerard said. “Should have suspected they grew up with the Astley’s.”

“But what happened to get Deucalion to this point. He seemed so happy.” Allison said.

“He was blinded when an attack was made on the wolves, and as the fight was going on and Deucalion left helpless, Sam Astley started going into labor.”

“Harper’s birth lasted 27 hours, no pain killers and a grueling amount of pain on Sam’s part. During the attack she was hidden, she was meant to run away but a baby prevents such things from happening.”

“Get to the point already,” Scott urged.

Gerard held out his wrist, “This is a long story, almost there.” Scott compiled and placed his hand on Gerard’s wrist causing him to sigh in relief.

“Anyway, a beta from Deucalion’s pack tried to attack him because he was blind and seen unfit to lead. But Deucalion killed him, finding that he gathered the strenght from his lost member, absorbing it. Deucalion rushed to find Sam where he had left her, but as he approached her área, her entire pack lay slaughtered on the ground before him. He couldn’t see them but he could smell their blood, feel their loss. He rushed around trying to find Sam and find her he did. The beta that had attacked Deucalion had first attacked the Astley nest. The only reason he was able to reach Sam and Harper was because the hunters had surprised the Astley’s and killed them. Sam was hanging on for her life when Deucalion found her...”


“Deucalion,” Sam choked out.

“Sam, my dear,” he felt her arms and ran his fingers over her face.

“What did they do to you?” She asked, shocked by the blood draining out his eyes.

“Doesn’t matter, I need to get you to safety. I need to get you out of her.”

“No,” she protested grabbing his arm as he went to pick her up. “Take the baby, please.”

Deucalion gulped, scared that his baby would be in critical condition as his wife. Sam passed the baby from her arms into the waiting arms of her husband.

Deucalion cradled the baby in his arms, feeling the emotion and severity of the situation. “They told me she is a moon baby. She holds great power, one to lead our pack to a greater future, Deucalion.”

“We need to get you out of here, somewhere safe.”

“No, my husband, please listen. I will not make it. I will die. Moon baby’s take a lot of a birthing mother, and then after we were attacked I was weakened by defending her.”

“It’s a girl...”

“Please love her for everything she is. Teach her to be a strong Astley wolf, a proud one. One that knows her mother loved her so much. Promise to take her somewhere safe.”

“No, I’m taking both of you!” Deucalion felt around trying to grab her hands.

“I will die happy watching you hold her.” Sam barely got out, her breath uneven and ragged.

“No, you will live. I will get help.”

“You can try but I will die in peace once you leave. Astley’s always die alone, but loved. Tell me you love me.”

“I love you so much,” Deucalion cried kissing his wife. “ I will avenge you.” Deucalion heard a loud bang similar to a fist pounding on metal.

“Come my little one, let’s get you somewhere safe.”


“So that is when Deucalion killed his entire pack.” Scott asked.

“Yes, blaming the death of the Astley’s and his wife on them. He later got Ennis and Kali to kill theirs in order to absorb their power.” Gerard said.

“What happened to Harper in all this?” Allison asked, grabbing Scott’s handly gently afraid of the answer.

“Well, we can’t be too sure but all we know it that a baby was found in the woods on a path. The people to come across the baby just happened to be Mr. and Mrs. McCall, carrying their new baby boy.”

“That’s why she is so close to my age,” Scott said more to himself.

“Your parents found it a calling, and adopted her. Making her Harper McCall. And we find ourselves where we are today.”

“So Harper is an Alpha?” Allison asked.

“By birth, yes, but she hasn’t turned yet. She has suppressed it her whole life because she didn’t know about it. Now her father has returned to fulfill his promise.”

“What is a moon baby?” Scott asked.

“A moon baby is a wolf that, during a lunar eclipse, gets all the power of the wolves that have drained. Every single wolf. This is why the Astley were the strongest of all the wolves, in the world. They were known everywhere until they were killed.”

“We have enough information, lets go Allison.” Scott said standing up.

“Be careful Deucalion has plans for your sister, whether they are with her alive or dead has yet to be decided, right boy?” Gerard chuckled as Scott and Allison exited the room slamming the door behind them.

“We’ve got to find her, like yesterday” Allison said. Scott nodded agreeing.

“Call Isaac and Derek, they need to know this,” Scott said walking out of the building with Allison in tow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dirty Paws - Of Monsters and Men

Enjoy! I updated because I will be traveling for a while, so hang tight!