Alpha, Beta, Omega

Never Go Back

“Stop Harper, sit down for a minute,” Sheriff Stilinski said to me. “I really think you should go to the hospital.” He said for the millionth time. Scott and Isaac stood next to me, hovering.

“No, I’m good.” I said.

“Stubborn like a McCall,” he said as he patted Scott on the shoulder. He pulled out his notepad and begin writing something.

“I’ve got to meet with the medical examiner, find out what happened to Jackson. I’ve got an APB out on Stiles; his jeep is still in the parking lot, so that means...” he took a breath, “ oh god, I don’t know what that means. If he answers his phone, if he answers his emails, if either one of you see him..”

“We’ll call you,” Isaac said.

“Look he is probably freaked out from all the attention or something, we’ll find him,” My brother reassured everyone. Sheriff Stilinski said his thank you’s and stuffed the notepad in his pocket and took one last glance at me.

“You,” he said pointing, “young lady better take it easy. Sometimes you’re too stubborn for your own damn good.” He chuckled slightly.

I smiled shyly as Isaac placed a hand on my shoulder, “Oh, she knows it too,” he said winking at me as the Sheriff made his exit.

The coach was talking to Scott as I turned my attention back to Isaac.

“You really should go to the doctor, how are you feeling?” He said bending down in front of me, so as to be face to face.

“My head hurts, and I think there are two of you right now and I want to cry,” I said honestly.

“And what is this,” he asked picking up my bandaged hand.

I looked up from my hand into his eyes, “Just a going away present when I found out you were leaving,” I whispered.

“Harper,” he said running his fingers down my cheek bone.

“Let’s forget about it, yeah?” I begged. “You’re here now.” I said grabbing his head as he nodded his head in agreement. I leaned forward for a kiss and when his lips met mine I sighed. It was relief and comfort that he was there. He embodied those aspects of life I seldom got to see. I let my eyes flutter close as he let his lips linger on mine. It was a sweet kiss, nothing to much but enough to send my heart into a frenzy.

“A million beats per minute,” he whispered as he kissed my cheek.

“My one and only,” I said bringing up one of our favorite songs.

As the coach walked away Isaac helped me to stand up and walk towards Scott.

“Is that everyone?” He asked.

“I think so,” Isaac answered and before he could get out the final words the door of Jackson’s locker has been ripped off.

“We’re gonna find him my scent?” Isaac asked.

“Yeah we both are,” Scott said handing him a shoe.

“How come you get a shirt and I get a shoe?” Isaac asked and I laughed a little.

“And you,” Scott said turning his attention to me, “You need to go home right now.” He looked at Isaac and they shared a knowing look.

“That is what we both need from you, to know you are safe Harp,” Scott said looking at me. “Our instincts,” he said referring to himself and Isaac, “at all times overpower our will to do anything else. If at anytime we feel you are in danger we will do anything to save you. You know this already though,” He said to me.

“No! Scott I can help! Isaac tell him please,” I said.

“They are right Harper. This is not a place for a human to be.” Derek’s deep voice said echoing through the empty locker room. “But you already know your position in this battle.” He added.

Isaac and Scott shared questioning looks with Harper.

“We need to talk,” Derek said.

“All of us,” came a second voice. The unmistakable voice of Derek’s uncle, Peter.

I grabbed onto Isaac as my knees grew weak. He instantly grabbed me and steadied me as I watched him slightly bare his teeth at Derek as he tried to lunge forward and grab me himself.

“What the hell is this?” Scott asked.

“You know I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the police station!” Derek responded.

“He threatened to kill my mom, and my sister! What was I supposed to do? And I had to get close to him!” Scott yelled.

“I’m gonna go with Scott on this one,” Peter put his two cents in. “Have you seen his mom? Better yet I can fully understand the whole frenzy surrounding Ms. Harper.” He smirked.

“SHUT UP!” Scott, Derek and Isaac yelled at the same time.

“Keep your eyes to yourself before I decide to rip them out,” Isaac warned.

“Oh, feisty omega you have there Derek.” Peter said.

“Who is he?” Isaac asked strengthening the grip on my waist and pulling me closer into him so Scott was standing more or less in front of me.

“That is Peter, Derek’s uncle. A little while back he tried to kill us, we set him on fire and Derek slashed his throat.” Scott told Isaac.

Peter waved nonchalantly, “Hi.”

“That’s uhh,” Isaac said, “Good to know.”

“How is he alive?”

“Look,” Derek said looking at me, “ the short story is that he knows how to stop Jackson. Maybe how to save him.”

“Well that’s very helpful, except Jackson’s dead.” Isaac said as his fingers dug into my hip slightly.

“What?” Derek asked.

“Yeah, Jackson’s dead. It just happened on the field.”

“Why is no one taking this as good news?” Isaac asked.

“If Jackson is dead it is because Gerard wanted him dead.” Peter informed everyone.

“But why?” Derek asked.

Peter looked directly at me, “Well, that is what we have to find out, and something tells me our window of opportunity is closing and we will most definitely need her,” Peter said pointing at me.

“She stays out of it, I explicitly told you this.” Derek warned standing in front of Peter in a protective stance.

Isaac’s eyes flashed gold as he pushed me behind him slightly as if to prepare for an attack.

“But Derek, you must remember that Gerard’s motives are not only to avenge his daughter but to also to cause the most pain possible upon you, and you,” he said pointing to Scott, “and without a doubt, you.” He pointed straight as Isaac.

I felt four pairs of eyes staring at me.

“He won’t touch her,” Derek said. Isaac raised an eyebrow, I could see his knuckles were stark white from his balled fist at his side.

“Well, we have to make sure that doesn’t happen,” Peter said.


As we approached Derek’s old, run down house Scott pulled out his phone and told everyone that they found Stiles. I felt Scott’s peace for just a moment before Derek started speaking.

“I looked everywhere,” He said.

“Not everywhere,” Peter said.

“The laptop.” I said.

Everyone’s head snapped to mine. “ I found it one day when I was here, I didn’t know the password so I couldn’t get very far.”

“I like her,” Peter said as he pulled it out of the rickety staircase and blew dust off of it. “Fortunately the Argent’s aren’t the only ones that keep records.”

I jumped slightly when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

“Mom? What’s wrong?” I asked. Scott and Isaac watched worriedly.

“You need to get down here, this is, this is something Scott needs to see.” She said.

“Mom, what is it?”

“It’s Jackson. It doesn’t look normal. Just hurry!” I clicked my phone off and looked up to Scott.

“You stay here with Derek and...” Scott started.

“Like fucking hell is she staying here with them. One was revived from the dead and the other wants to use her as bait.” Isaac said.

“What?!” Scott said.

I looked between Scott and Derek. “She had a choice Scott. She agreed to help us.” Derek said.

“Are you serious? How could you let this happen?” Scott said shoving Isaac’s shoulder.

“I’m old enough to make my own decisions Scott. I don’t need to run things by you anymore! I’m not your responsibility!” I yelled, and I’m pretty sure the house rattled at its foundation.

“The people that need to know, knew about it and thats all. Now I suggest you stop treating me like a child and let me help.”

Scott was furious with me. Isaac was upset but had no choice but to support me.

Scott stormed out of the house as Isaac looked between me and the door.

“I trust you, but not them.” He said to me.

“Derek won’t hurt me. He loves me too much,” I laughed. It made Isaac shoot a glare at Derek before he place a kiss on my lips. It was no ordinary peck it was something more along the lines of a wolf marking it’s territory.

“Love you,” he said as he ran after school.

“You wolves are such territorial creatures. Play a game of fetch and relax every once and awhile,” I said grabbing a chair and pulling it up next to Peter.

“Did I mention I really like her,” Peter said.


“They say he is in some transparent casing made from the venom coming out of his claws,” Derek said his phone pressed against his ear.

“That sounds sufficiently terrifying.” Peter said scanning the pages.
I was pacing around the room waiting for any good news to come, crawling out of my own skin with nervousness. I held my head between my hands as the pounding of my heart caused an increase of blood flow to my head and an almost unbearable pain.

I caught myself on the edge of the staircase, consumed by the pain in my head. I could hear muffled words, that felt like they were a thousand miles away when in reality they were only a few feet away.

“We should probably meet them halfway,” Peter said slamming the laptop shut.

“Scott meet us halfway!” Derek said shoving his phone in his pocket and grabbing his jacket and car keys before heading for the door.

“What’s your plan for the girl?” Peter asked.

Derek snapped out of his trace of only getting Jackson to spare a moment on me. In a moment I felt the cool air surrounding me from the swift movements he had taken to be closer.

“Harper, what’s wrong?” he asked as his hand found the small of my back.

“My head Derek,” I said falling to my knees.

“Just go, I will call Lydia or something,” I said.

“She is bleeding from her ears Derek,” Peter noted. Derek missed not a single beat as he scooped me up in his arms. My body too weak and disoriented to fight back.

“We are moving too fast Derek, we are running right into Gerard’s cross hairs. We need Lydia.” Peter said standing in the hallway.

“If I get the chance to kill Jackson then I will.” He said.

“No! No you won’t Derek! You are missing the most crucial of all the steps!” Peter said standing in front of the doorway.

“What are you talking about?”

“Me,” I mustered up the energy to say. “You kill Jackson, you kill me. We are linked by the bite of an Alpha.”

“But, but I did not bite you, ever.” Derek said confused.

“I did.” Peter said. “She was young, and in my way. She rejected the bite because she is from the line of Astley wolves. She was adopted when she was born.”

I looked up to Derek as he searched his brain for answers. “What is the most important thing to remember about Astley wolves?” I asked him.

Derek looked up to Peter, “No, no. I won’t do that.”

“The only way to save her is if you bite her!” Peter said.

“Astley wolves are only bitten and changed when they meet their mate. Their mate must bite them with the intention to produce children. The child must come within five years and in that time the Astley mother is fragile, in a state between become a wolf or staying a human. If they are not mated...”

“They must be bonded with another wolf that shows potential.” Peter finished.

“And Gerard found a loophole with Kanima, making it a figure in which I am connected to. It draws off my energy because it is a parasitic relationship.” I said finishing our explanation.

“We need to leave right now,” Derek said walking to the car.

“And one more thing Derek,” Peter said stopping him.

“The Alpha of the pack of the one who bite her is the only one who controls the power of who to give the Astley lineage too. Strong wolves that family once produced, but sensitive, ultimately leading to their demise,” he said shrugging as I glared at him.

“So you are telling me that if Gerard wins...”

“Yes, Derek exactly.” Peter said hopping into the passenger seat as Derek put the key into the ignition. “ He will mate her with the kanima or even worse, himself.”

“Well, over my dead body will that ever happen,” Derek proclaimed as the tires spun in the gravel and off we went.
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Never Go Back - Grace Potter and the Nocturnals.

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