Alpha, Beta, Omega

One and Only

“Does Isaac know?” Derek asked me.

“Isaac knows everything.” I replied.

“Even the part about me controlling if you can mate with him or not.” He said staring straight ahead.

“As you should already know Derek, I do not take kindly to be under someone’s thumb. I love Isaac, does there truly need to be more to this story?”

“Does this explain my connection to you? My desire to protect you like one of my pack?”

“Yes.” I simply said. He nodded his head.

“And Scott? Does he know that you are in this position. That you are in a liminal stage of werewolf or human roulette?” Derek said turning his head and looking at me.

“Those who needed to know, knew.” I said.

“So it’s only Isaac and Peter, and not your own brother?”

“Scott already wants to castrate Isaac, he doesn’t need any more incentive right now,” I said throwing my hands up as a gesture to tell him to shut up.

“But it doesn’t matter, nothing will matter if you are killed!” Derek said raising his voice and becoming all alpha-like. “Or worse, producing more Kanimas to wreak havoc on the world.”

I started to cry from the harsh words that Derek kept spewing from his mouth. I blinked rapidly as I turned my head to watch Peter pacing in front of the car, staring at his phone.

“No, Harp,” Derek said a definite switch in his tone of voice, “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m worried,” he admitted.

“It’s not my choice! I didn’t ask for this Derek! Fuck you for thinking I’m some two-bit whore who has sex with kanimas’ for the hell of it!” I said whipping my head around and staring at him through watery, bloodshot eyes.

“Harper,” he started but I cut him off.

“Just stop. Just stop really, save your breath.” I said as I exited the car, slamming the door for emphasis.

“You alpha’s sure know how to be dicks!” I yelled as Peter raised an eyebrow at the little exchange we had.

“Derek, my dear, is only a dick because he loves you. Can’t blame him for caring,” he said as I folded my arms and stared off into the distance. “Besides, he wouldn’t tread on Isaac’s territory because it means something to you. Don’t underestimate that.”


I heard the sound of tires against the pavement approaching as headlights bounced off the side of the building. Derek exited the car and shut the door, looking over to me with his stern face. Peter stepped into the shadows, and my place? Well, it seems I haven’t been able to find it.

“Where’s Derek?” Mr. Argent’s voice echoed.

Derek ran past me and he dropped to his hands and starting running towards Scott, Isaac and Chris Argent.

“Really Derek!” I yelled as I rounded the corner. Everyone looked to me as I slightly limbed to catch up to the group.

“Son of a bitch,” I said as I grabbed my head and the side of the building. My body fell to the ground, “Isaac! Something’s happening with the Kanima.” I screamed laying my head down on the pavement.

Derek was closer and therefore I heard an audible growl from Isaac as Derek took my head and placed it in his lap. I looked up into his eyes as stray tears trickled down the side of my face.

“I’m going to die, aren’t I?” I asked him. Isaac was quickly by my side.

“No. No that is not an option,” Isaac said.

Derek looked up to Chris Argent as he stepped closer.

“I’m here for Jackson.” He said.

“Somehow I don’t find that very comforting.” He said as he brushed some hair off my sweaty forehead.

“Let’s get them both inside. I’ll carry her,” Derek said picking me up in his arms like a feather.

“She is burning up,” Scott said as he watched them place Jackson’s body on the ground.

I sat up and leaned against the car. Isaac crouched down next to me and grabbed my hand. “You and me are gonna make it out, and when we do,” he said looking into my eyes. His hand caressed my sweaty, flushed face, “I promise to go to the that play with you that you have been dying to see.”

I smiled weakly, I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. “Okay.” It was the only word my body could muster.

“She’s deteriorating,” Chris Argent said looking over at me.

“Where are they?” Scott asked.

“Who?” Derek asked looking around the abandoned warehouse.

“Peter and Lydia,” Scott said. I watched as Derek looked at me sadly and walked over to the body bag, unzipping it.

“Wait! You said you could save him!” Scott yelled.

“We are past that Scott,” Derek said looking at me and I nodded my head in agreement. “Think about it, Gerard controls him, he has turned Jackson into his own personal guard dog, and its been stringing poor Harper along for the ride!”

“WAIT! WHAT?” Scott screamed.

“Scott your adopted sister is from the Astley lineage; one, if not the most powerful wolves that have ever existed. When Peter bite her and then died, she was vulnerable because she was not mated. Gerard saw that vulnerability and capitalized on it! Making her the energy source for the Kanima! He wants to mate her Scott!” Derek screamed.

Scott looked over to me and frantically said, “Why did I not know this! How could you keep this from me!” Scott screamed at everyone.

“Because Scott, I must die with the Kanima to end this.” I said, my voice harsh and raspy. Everyone turned to look at me, eyes wide and palms sweaty,

“There is no other way to stop the Kanima because it is part of me when Gerard became its master, he knew that Derek had no clue about the lineage so he said the ancient chant from my lineage that would usually be used to bind a husband and wife at marriage, to bless them with love and happiness. The binding attaches the two together because wolves mate for life.” I coughed slightly as everyone watched me, trickles of blood layed on my hands. Tears streamed down my face as I looked up to Isaac.

“And when they mate and one of the two attached wolves dies...” Isaac started.
“The other’s heart gives out.” I finished.

“Why did you not tell me this!” Scott screamed.

“Because I thought I could fix it, it just happened. I learned this from finding the bestiary, apparently my lineage has a lot of history. I told Isaac because I asked him to be binded me with Scott.” I looked up into my brother’s face. “You are so brave Scott, and the best brother anyone could ask for, but we couldn’t do it. I’ve accepted my fate and albeit it ends in my demise I am doing this for Beacon Hills and those I love.” I said pulling myself up on the car and trying to regain compose as Isaac watched his heavy eyes.

“Gerard set this all in motion! So that he could make Jackson bigger and stronger!” Derek yelled.

“No! No he wouldn’t do that,” Chris Argent said. “ If Jackson’s a dog, he is turning rapid, and my father wouldn’t let a rapid dog live.”

“Of course not!” Gerard said making himself known as he stepped into the light of the moon pouring in through the door. “Anything that dangerous, that out of control is better off dead.”

Derek looked at me one last time before he went to dig his claws into Jackson’s chest, but because nothing ever goes as planned Jackson beat him to it. Jackson’s razor sharp claws dug into his chest, raising Derek up high above the ground and tossing him like a feather into the nearby room. A loud thump echoed throughout the room as his body make contact with the cement floor.

“Well done to the last Scott! Like the concerned friend you are you brought Jackson to Derek to try and save him but you didn’t realize that you were also bring Derek to me. The best part is this poor girl must have suffered on her journey to this moment. Beautiful thing Astley wolves are,” Gerard said stepping towards me as I leaned against the car. “Their eyes actually shine blue when they turn, did you know that Scott?” He said as he caressed my face. “Fierce lovers, and fighters is what I have learned from my time as a hunter. The most elusive of the wolves, but also the most sentimental.”

Isaac growled as he started running towards me, but the sound of an arrow releasing from its bow made my head whip around so fast I got dizzy. Gerard pulled me aside as Scott ran to Isaac’s aide, pulling him into another room. Chris Argent aimed his gun at Jackson, hitting him multiple times. His gun followed Jackson’s movements, shattering the windows out of his car as I shuddered in fear.

Gerard caressed my face and I felt ready to vomit, “Shhhh Harper. The one you love is a coward, you deserve better. The alpha who loves you, is willing to sacrifice you. Does this sound like the life you’ve always wanted?” He asked mocking me.

I slammed my elbow into his stomach as I made a run for it. Gerard doubled over in pain, stunned for a brief moment as I ran into the room where Jackson was.

I heard Derek’s unmistakable growl as the sound of bone hitting bone reverberated throughout the empty room. I watched helplessly as Scott and Isaac went after the Kanima, but it tossed them both aside like yesterday’s garbage. I cringed, thinking of anyway I could help. I felt useless as I watched the three guys who meant the most to me in the world lose.

“Derek!” I screamed, it felt like slow motion as I started running over to him as he laid curled up on the ground; slashed by the kanima. I watched out of the corner of my eyes as Isaac saw us, my heart dropped when Allison ran up to him. I abandoned my place by Derek’s side as Allison slashed at Isaac. It felt like she was mocking him as she pushed him aside and he crumpled like a piece of paper. She turned around and eyed Derek, completing ignoring me as she flipped the knives in between her fingers.

“ALLISON! NO!” I screamed. She snapped out of her rage as she dropped her knives. The kanima came up behind me wrapping its finger around my neck. Allison’s eyes went wide as she stared at me as the kanima cut my air off.

I struggled for a breath.

“He is dying,” Isaac said as his werewolf eyes faded.

“I am. I have been for a while. Unfortunately science does not have a cure for cancer. But the supernatural does.” He smiled looking over to me.

“And as we know an alpha needs a mate. The strongest packs are those raised from children.”

I gasped, and the kanima’s fingers wrapped tighter around my neck, his claws slightly indenting into my skin.

“You’re just going to dispense of her!” Chris Argent yelled as the kanima held me up slightly above the ground. I was seeing black spots as I looked to Isaac. My anchor, my hopes and dreams for the future and the love of my life. I closed my eyes and was brought some comfort knowing in the short life I had, I had him, Scott, and my Mom.

“I’d kill my own son if I had too!” Gerard yelled. “Scott...” Gerard said looking over to him. I watched Scott shake his head and return to his human form as he walked over to Derek. He grabbed him by the neck yanking him up.

“You know he’ll kill me Scott. He’ll be an alpha,” Derek said through gritted teeth.

“Derek, Scott knows Allison is the ultimate prize. You were foolish to put yourself before Harper, you left her vulnerable. You are the only piece that does not fit Derek.”

“Scott don’t! Don’t! For Harper!” He screamed.

Scott looked me dead in the eyes, “I’m sorry but I have to.” Scott yanked Derek’s head back exposing his canines as Gerard took his jacket off and rolled up his sleeve. I watched as salty tears ran down my face and Gerard put his arm into Derek’s mouth. I closed my eyes as the sound of Derek’s canines sinking into his flesh tore through the empty room.

Gerard had won and he celebrated my raising his bitten arm high in the air. It was like watching your future go up in smoke. But the open wound quickly started oozing a black blood like substance.


“Everyone always said Gerard had a plan. Well, I had a plan too.” Scott smirked.

Gerard hastily grabbed his pills out of his pocket and crumbled them in his hands. “MOUNTAIN ASH!” He exclaimed. I watched horrified as the black substance starting oozing of of his nose, and ears. He started spewing the substance from his mouth, projectile vomiting it everywhere.

The kanima must have taken as interest in this because he didn’t care to pay attention to Gerard but rather turned his head to me. He nuzzled into my neck and I felt his tongue against my skin, tasting me.

“KILL THEM ALL!” Gerard screamed as his body gave up and he collapsed into a heap on the floor. The kanima released his hold on me and my hands instantly went to my bruised and sore neck. What happened next threw me off as a jeep drove through the side of the building, hitting the kanima head on. It was Stiles and Lydia and as they scrambled to exit the car Lydia just kept screaming Jackson’s name until it all went silent as she held up a small silver key. I could see it glint slightly in the Kanima’s eyes.

The kanima started to become Jackson again and I watched as he stood back away from Lydia and opened his arms. Derek looked at me one last time and I nodded my head. I looked over to Isaac one last time, ‘I love you,’ I mouthed. He tried to run towards me but it felt like slow motion as I saw Peter step out of the shadows and Derek dug their claws into Jackson, half beast, half human.

I heard some muffled sounds, in my last moment before I blacked out I heard Isaac scream “NOOOOOO!” As I fell to the ground there was nothing but darkness. The end.


I watched stunned as the life drained for her. From my Harper. Scott couldn’t move as he watched his sister die and Derek, well I’ve never seen someone have so much regret in my life.

I held her as her breathing slowed, I had agreed to let her do this but I regretted it. I would never get to have our moments again, never kiss her, love her or marry her. I stood up and stumbled back, my body was in shock and I felt numb. Derek placed his hand on my shoulder as a sign of comfort as Jackson hung on by a thread for his life until he gave up.

Scott was holding his sister in his arms as Allison comforted him, pulling him to his feet and intertwining their fingers together. Tears stung my eyes as Scott looked at me. My mouth was agape and I wanted to say so many things to him but the words wouldn’t come out.

Then something happened, something none of us expected. We thought it was the end. That tomorrow we would move on without Jackson and Harper and be left to grieve. Jackson stood up and threw his head back. We all watched in awe as he transformed into a wolf, a wolf with blue eyes.

“How the hell..” Chris Argent started but stood dumbfounded as we were. Lydia ran into his arms and they hugged with such a passion, jealous coursed through my veins. Tears streamed down my face as I looked over to Harper. I ran to her side, falling to my knees.

“He’s alive! WHY ISN’T SHE WAKING UP!?” I yelled, frantic. Scott dropped to his knees beside me as Derek watched us. I looked up into Derek’s eyes, “Why did we agree to this?” I asked.

“She has no heart beat,” Scott whispered as his fingers brushed his sister’s hair away.

“Isaac, tell her something, do something that is special to you. It worked for Jackson, try it!” Derek said as he crouched down beside us.

“You’ve been on my mind,” I said through quivering lips. It was a horrible rendition of our Adele song, but it was ours. “You’re the only one that I want. I don’t know why I’m scared...”

“I dare you to let me be your one and only. “ I said between sobs.

I felt her fingers brush mine as I looked down. “Isaac,” she said through a sleep smile. It reminded us of our moments alone in the mornings before school.

“Harp,” Scott said. “God, Harper please be okay.”

She fluttered her eyes, trying to open them. My heart fluttered with every blink. Her eyes opened and they were blue, bluer than the ocean. Her face was bruised and bloodied with caked on blood in the corner of her mouth and a broken nose. She never looked more beautiful.
I saw Scott step aside as he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Never seen an Astley wolf come into their own. Quite a sight.” I heard Peter say as he stepped to stand by Derek.

“Is it over?” She whispered, weak and tired.

I just leaned my head down and stole a kiss. The most gentle of kissed I placed on her swollen lips but my heart lept into my throat. “Yes, it’s over.” I whispered back to her.

“But it has only just begun,” Peter whispered under his breath. I ignored because it was just her for the moment, nothing else mattered.
♠ ♠ ♠
One and Only - Adele

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