Alpha, Beta, Omega

Be Still

“Will you still do it?” I asked Isaac. His hands played with my hair, brushing it out of my face and kissing my forehead.

“What? Be binded to you?” He asked.

I nodded my head to signal yes. “As you see I come with a past. One I didn’t even know about frankly,” I sighed.

“Harper,” he said taking his fingers and pushing my chin up to look him straight in the eyes. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m here for the long run. I would never walk about for you, or this,” he said. “I want to be binded to you.”

“Would you marry me, to do it?” I whispered.

“Of course,” he said. The love, sincerity and genuine emotion in his voice and pouring through his eyes said more than his words could. I knew he meant what he said.

“Derek won’t let me go though,” I dropped my eyes feeling defeated. “After Peter told him that he basically decides my fate, he has been on this power trip with me. It’s getting ridiculous.”

“How is Scott feeling after finding out about all of this,” he said as his hands found themselves skimming the bare skin of my back, and pulling me closer.

“We had it out yesterday, that is why I called you crying. He got so upset he started to turn,” I said biting my lip. “I’ve been avoiding him for the past day, like the plague.”

“He cares about you. He told Derek that he feels betrayed.” Isaac told me.

My eyes welled up with tears, “When did everything get so complicated. Why do I have wolf blood, or whatever it is in me? Why, can’t I just love who I want to?” I asked Isaac.

He pulled me closer, if that was possible and I buried my head in the croak of his neck. “I don’t know baby, but I know you’ve always got someone on your team. Right or wrong,” he reassured me as I let out a terrible sob.

I pulled my head back slightly, and leaned my lips onto his. The warmth and comfort of his body close to mine made my heart race. I pulled away and looked him in the eyes.

“Your, your eyes Harp,” he whispered.

“What?” I said slapping my hand to my face, feeling for anything strange.

“No, no,” he said pulling my hands away, “they are shining blue. So blue.”
“Its my wolf side, trying to break free I guess.” I half-heartedly laughed.

“I love you, so much.” He said to me tracing circles on the bare skin of my back.

“I love you more. From here to the darkest depths of your werewolf rage,” I giggled as he started kissing me, placing pecks all around my face. His lips reached my neck and I didn’t want it to stop, it felt too good. I arched my back slightly exposing the soft flesh of my neck to his. His hands ran up the sides of my body pulling his t-shirt off my body as he did so. It was always from zero to 100 in 2.5 seconds with him, we fed off each other's passion.

“More,” I breathlessly whispered as his hands cupped my breast.

“Like this,” he smirked dipping his hand between my legs.

“mhmmmm,” I said closing my eyes. “Don’t stop.” I lost myself in his touch, his fingers, his tongue all over me. I nearly jumped out of my skin when his phone started vibrating on the nightstand, falling to the ground. “You don’t need that Isaac.” I said trying to pull his attention back to me.

“It’s Derek,” he said looking me in the eyes slightly worried.

“Yeah,” he said answering the phone.

“I am with her right now.” He eyes darted over to mine.

“Give her a break Derek! She just risked her life- okay. See you soon.” He said hanging up.

“We need to go meet Derek at his old house,” he told me as he grabbed my hand and helped me up out of my bed.

“Scott left about an hour ago to play lacrosse with Stiles, so you don’t need to exit out my window,” I smiled. “What did Derek need anyway?”

“Us. Tell us something, and Derek doesn’t bullshit.” I through his overly large sweater over my body as he searched around for it. It was more like a dress of me as it swallowed me whole.

“Should have known, looks better on you anyway,” he said pulling me to the car.


“What’s this?” Isaac said pointing to the strange design on Derek’s door. I shot a quick glance to Derek.

“You haven’t told them everything yet, have you?” Peter cut in.

“What do you mean?” Isaac asked. His hand instinctively reached out for my arm as he pushed me behind him gently. Peter leaned against the tree and sighed, shaking his head.

“Why do you think Derek was in such a hurry to build his pack? So eager to strengthen his power and his numbers? When there is a new alpha, and an Astley wolf, who, werewolves though to be extinct, except for one; people start to take notice.” Peter’s eyes darted to me as Isaac’s fingers got a little tighter on my wrist.

“People like who?” Isaac asked.

“Alphas,” Derek said as Isaac let got of me and walked onto the porch, pointing, once again at the symbols. Derek took a large stride as he stood next to me, I noticed his arm twitch, almost as if he was fighting off his own instinct to protect me as he said his next words carefully. “A pack of them.”

Everyone looked at me as they felt my heartbeat start to race.

“An alpha pack,” Peter started. “And they aren’t coming, they are here. Here for their Astley wolf.”

My body started to tremble and I felt light headed. For a brief moment I was so overwhelmed I lost it and let my body crumble. It can be a lot to handle when you find out an alpha pack wants you, this incredible wave of emotion rolled over me as my knees gave out. Before I came back around I could hear hazy voices and see blurry images. The three boys were surrounding me as I laid on the forest floor. Derek’s hand was wiping my face of excess sweat as Isaac eyed him with hatred.

“What, what happened?” I asked through cottonmouth.

“I fear the news of the Alpha’s arrival, overwhelmed you.” Peter said bluntly.

“NO!” I shouted, startling everyone. “This, this feeling,” I couldn’t really put it into words as I sat up with some help from Isaac. I tried to motion with my hands this grand gesture of pent up emotion but nothing came out. “I can’t explain it.”

“Derek,” Peter said. “Get up and walk away.” Derek looked at him like he was insane, which he probably was. “I’m serious, get up and walk away from her.”

“I don’t understand.” Derek said, looking around for any signs of danger.

“Just do it,” Peter sighed. I watched with a close eye as Derek stood up. The feelings I had intensified with each step. By the time Derek had reached the edge of the porch the onset of separation anxiety hit me. My eyes uncontrollably welled up with tears, as my palms grew sweaty and my heart rate increased. Derek watched intently, as Isaac tried to sooth me.

“What the fuck!?” Isaac screamed.

“Derek, run away. Watch what happens Isaac, this is what separates you from the this Astley wolf and her Alpha.” He said as I watched Derek begin to run through blurry eyes. Within seconds I experienced a full blown panic attack, it felt like my heart was being ripped out and pulled behind him as he left.

“Okay Derek, come back.” Peter yelled out into the forest and within the matter of a few milliseconds Derek was in sight and he scooped me up in his arms. Isaac was seething with rage and I could hear his claws as his threw his palms open to extend them, his eyes shining yellow.

“Calm yourself Isaac. This is common amongst Astley wolves, especially when separated from their pack.” But for some reason I don’t think it gave Isaac any comfort as Derek let me drop to my feet and his hand went securely to the small of my back.

“We call this Attachment. The onset of a threat to Harper has triggered her response to be protected. Honestly it is against her will but she will choose the stronger of two if she is not binded.”

“So Derek gets her?!” Isaac growled. “I have to sit back while he just steals her.”

“I don’t love him!” I cried, I was scared because I wasn’t understanding.

“This is because you wouldn’t bind us,” Isaac said, his finger about three inches from Derek’s face.

“This is because I’m putting her first Isaac,” Derek growled in response. “You love her I understand, but, she is a target right now she needs more protection than an omega can offer her.”

I pushed Derek’s arm off me as I ran to Isaac’s side, “Please baby, please don’t be mad.” I sobbed out.

“You want him,” he said pushing my arm off his, “Then you two have one happy fucking life together. Make sure to scream his name when he fucks you!” Isaac spat.

“Don’t you dare disrespect her like that again!” Derek bellowed.

Isaac sent me one last look as he turned on his heel and ran. Didn’t even look back as I chased after him slightly. My heart broke for another reason, one that was due to the the fact that the boy I loved was running away from us.

“Now what?” I tried to say between sobs.

“We take care of you of course,” Peter said. “Derek has a nice new apartment. There is plenty of room.”


I cried for hours, it felt like days. Scott was standing behind me talking to Derek as I looked out the window of Derek’s apartment. Life was getting so complicated and I didn’t want it anymore.

“It’s best for her to stay here right now Scott,” Derek said.

“She is obviously not okay Derek, look at her,” Scott said, defending me.

“You both have a lot to learn about Astley wolves.” Peter cut in, “An interesting breed. But I have to admit Derek’s selfishness did this.”

“Would you have let her marry Isaac. Say tomorrow?” Derek asked, I didn’t even need to turn around to know he was tip lipped and stern faced. “Because that is the situation we face if I bind her with Isaac.”

“Yes,” Scott said. “If it meant her happiness, an escape for her then yes. Because this isn’t the life I asked for my sister.” My eyes welled up with tears again as I bent my head. I felt a set of hands on my shoulders, sliding down my arms. I looked up into Scott’s eyes as he sat beside me and wrapped his arms around me.

“He’s gone, isn’t he?” I whispered. “Really gone?”

“Yeah, Harp. With Erica and Boyd,” he said back wrapping me tighter in his embrace as I cried harder. My body was shaking from the sobs coming out of my mouth. “Do you want to stay here, or come with me?” He asked.

“You Scott.” I told him. He helped me to my feet and wrapped his muscular arms around my waist holding me up.

“I’m taking her with me Derek. If she want’s to come back then that’s her choice. She won’t stay here against her will.” Big brother mode kicked in for Scott.

Derek didn’t say a word as we left his place. Stiles was waiting out by his car in the parking lot. Leaning against the front of it, he noticed us walking up towards the car.

“Harp,” he said to me pushing himself off the car and grabbing me in a hug. Stiles always gave great hugs and since he was my brother’s best friend, I grew up alongside both of them. It kinda gave me two big brothers to look out for me. “He’s a jerk anyway.”

Stiles tried to comfort me but it only made me sob harder and the boys helped me into Stiles jeep.

“Do you feel any...separation anxiety?” Scott questioned.

“Yeah,” I sniffled. “Some for an Alpha who wouldn’t bind me but for some reason I need him to be safe, but more so for watching an omega walk away from me and never look back.”


Two weeks. Two weeks of panic attacks, anxiety medications to mask my symptoms and Derek outside my window every night. Two weeks without Isaac, with a broken heart and an empty bed.

They say that how long you were with someone is how long it takes you get over them. So I started counting the days. Only 349 left. But for right now everything was still raw and an open wound. My head wasn’t screwed on right as I tried to cope with everything that was happening and could happened. What ifs flooded my mind.

The bell rang, indicating that my little bathroom breakdown would cause me to be late to class, again. I whipped my face with the back of my hand and pushed open the door, quickening my pace. As I rounded the corner I hit a hard object. I fell onto my backside, scattering all my books and papers onto the ground.

“I’m so sorry!” I gasped. I looked up into the eyes of the person I ran into. This boy had beautiful features, chiseled out of rock it seemed.

“No problem,” he said helping me up. “I’m more worried about you.”

He helped me pick up my things and scattered papers all over the floor. “I’m okay. I’m tough,” I said. Only half believing my own words.

“You look like you’ve been crying,” he said. Looking into my eyes he had me captivated for a moment before I looked away.

“Yeah, just a rough time for me right now. I’ll be okay.” I whispered.

“I know you will be okay, you said you are tough. But you look like you could use a friend right now.” He said.

“Friends seem hard to come by these days.”

“Well, look. You’re late and so I am. It’s the last class of the day. Why don’t we blow this popsicle joint and I take you to get a milkshake.”

“A milkshake?” I laughed.

“Or a bottle of vodka.” He suggested. I laughed a little. This guy was nice.

“I’ve got a bike out front.”

“Oh a badass, bike rider. I feel like I should walk away from this one.”

“I’ve got two helmets.” He offered. “And I wouldn’t hurt you. I’ll drive slow.”

“Well,” I said contemplating. I pushed aside my better judgment and said, “Let’s go!”

He grabbed my hand as I followed this stranger out into the parking lot. I giggled a little as he tried to be sneaky, weaving in between cards in order to stay hidden but with such large guy it was useless.

“My name is Harper. Harper McCall by the way,” I said as he handed me his extra helmet.

“Aiden, but make sure you don’t get me confused with my twin Ethan.” He smiled at me as he helped me with my helmet.

“Twins? That’s pretty cool. Won’t he be mad that you’re ditching him?”

“Not for a pretty girl, he’ll understand.” Oh we have a charmer! “Let’s go.” He said hopping on his bike, I slide on behind him and wrapped my arms around his midsection, which in reality was probably a rock wall the way the muscles clenched from my touch. As we started to ride out of the parking lot I got this head splitting migraine. This pain that almost made me black out. Then a wave of anxiety rushed over me as I pictured Derek’s face in my mind yelling at me.

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Thank you to anyone who left a comment and all the readers.

Be Still - The Fray