Alpha, Beta, Omega



“Stay with my Isaac,” a person said grabbing my face, trying to get my attention.

“Harper?” I pleaded.

“No, I’m not Harper, but if you stay with me I will bring you to her. Isaac do you hear me?”

“Yes,” I sighed. My body was sore, bones felt broken, I felt like I couldn’t heal and everything was a mess jumbled up inside my mind. “I just want Harper. I want to tell her sorry.”

“Okay then Isaac, hold on tight.”



“So you and this new kid Aiden?” Lydia said coming up to me.

“Yeah, I guess,” I shrugged.

“Umm, where are the dirty details? Is he better than Isaac.”

For a moment it stung, like the feeling of a shot when the doctor first pricks you or the ripping off a bandaid, but it goes away or you just learn to bear with it. “ We haven’t done anything Lydia!” I told her.

“What are you waiting for? If you don’t seal the deal I will.” She said eyeing him as he walked my way. Whenever he got closer to me, or looked at me I could hear Derek’s voice shouting the same things.

Run. Never look back and run now.

But I was done with wolves dictating my life, so I ignored it. I ignored it like I did every morning when I took anxiety medicine to keep the panic attacks at bay, due to my separation from Derek. I ignored it like I did every night I stood in the shower and cried, hoping the sound of the water would mask the sound of my sobs. And I ignored it like I did every moment of every day that I felt my heart break a little more from missing Isaac.

“She’s not over Isaac, Lydia. Isn’t it obvious. You don’t just forget the person you love in four months, you of all people should know that.” Allison said coming to my rescue.

All chatter died down as Aiden stepped up beside me.

“Good Morning beautiful, “ he said placing his hand on the small of my back and placing a kiss to my cheek.

“Be still my beating heart,” Lydia exclaimed! I rolled my eyes at her as Aiden sent her a smile.

“Lunch with me today?” He asked. “Ethan is dying to meet the girl who has been getting all my attention. He says he doesn’t think it’s much a competition because you are winning.”

I giggled and nodded my head. Aiden was a good distraction for right now. No matter what situation you were in it always felt good to have attention from someone. To know that, even if someone you loved left, you’re good enough to get someone’s else’s attention. Even if it didn’t feel right.

“I’ve got to head to class but I’m excited to see you soon,” Aiden said giving me another kiss and heading off to class. He sent me a smile and a glance over his shoulder as he walked.

“WELLLLLLLL,” Lydia started, “Seems you’ve got him wound around your finger. Isaac who? Right?” She said flipping her hair.

“Isaac who, “ I whispered to myself as she started to walk away. “Isaac Lahey is who.” I told myself.


“No! Scott, wait!” I said sprinting as fast as I could after him.

“I told you already Harper, stay here!” He yelled as he threw on his helmet.

“Scott, it’s Isaac! Isaac, Scott!” I said as my eyes welled up.

“I will find him, and when the coast is clear you can see him. But right now something is fishy, and events are happening in Beacon Hills that have to do with the fact that you are a werewolf but haven’t shifted yet!” He bellowed.

“I’m not a child!”

“Like hell your not, you are driven by your emotions and sentiments! I can’t have you get killed for the guy that left you!” He screamed, turning his bike on. “This is the end of this conversation Harper. If you won’t let Derek protect you, then you have no choice but to let me do it.” He revved the engine on his green dirt bike and sped off out of the parking lot!

“UGHHHH!” I screamed into the air.

“You know,” I heard someone say behind me. I whipped my head around to find the voice as I spotted Lydia standing there with a pair of car keys dangling off her extended fingers. “If you love something, then you fight for it. And Scott might be worried but I know you’re a fighter.” She said tossing the keys to me.

I smiled at her as I ran to her car, “Thank you Lydia!”

“Take it as my apology, for thinking that Isaac was someone you could get over. I was wrong.” She smiled and looked away, shy by the fact she was showing her vulnerable side.

I had never driven so fast in my life. I’m pretty sure I ran multiple stop lights and barely tapped my breaks at a few stop signs. Adrenaline was coursing through my veins and nothing else mattered at the moment but seeing Isaac and making sure he was in one piece. Because if Scott was called it meant Isaac couldn’t reach Derek and that is never a good sign. Once I pulled into the parking lot of the hospital I threw my car into park, jerking the gear shift as it jolted me forward quickly and jumped out of the car slamming the door in the process and scaring the nice old couple a few cars back. I then sprinted.

“Isaac. Isaac Lahey,” I said out of breath.

“And you are,” she questioned as she continued to type away on her computer.

“His,” I wasn’t sure what I was, so I went with the most comfortable thing, “His girlfriend.”

“I’m sorry sweetie, only family and those listed on his emergency contacts.” She said to me, barely glancing up.

My breath was ragged, as I leaned over the counter. “I know this is your job, but please...This boy has been there for me when I needed him most and he has no family to speak of. He needs me more than I needed him.” My voice pleaded with her.

She looked around to make sure no nurses were around us, “Well I know that the OR is on the 5th floor, and recovery is there too. Everyone knows that,” she smiled at me.

“Thank you,” I said rushing to the elevator and pressing the button. As I waited in the elevator the door dinged open. A nurse was carrying Isaac with a wheelchair into the space. He was knocked out cold and my instincts, albeit small, told me this was not a regular human. I sent the man a small, half smile as he pushed Isaac in. My fingers twitched with the desire to touch him and make sure he was alright, but not right now.

“Hello Ms. McCall. So nice to finally meet the Astley in person,” the mysterious man said to me.

My eyes went wide with shock as he pushed the elevator button and turned to look behind him.

“Scott,” I whispered. My hands were trembling and my heart was racing with fear. Within a matter of seconds both of them had shifted and I stood in the corner like a helpless creature. He grabbed Scott and tossed him into the ceiling lights as I gasped, afraid and helpless as usual. He grabbed Scott’s neck and raised him off the floor.

“Don’t you realize what you’re dealing with. That Astley is mine; I’m an Alpha,” he smirked at me.

My eyes went wide as Derek sunk his claws into the man’s back, “So am I,” and tossed him into the hallway like yesterday’s trash. He turned to look and me and then to Scott, “Aren’t you two supposed to be in school?”

I sighed upon seeing Derek as he stepped closer to me. “I could feel your fear,” he said grabbing the handles of Isaac’s wheelchair and pushing the bottom button for the elevator.

I looked up at him with doe eyes, adrenaline coursing through my veins and my heart beating out of my chest.

“You’re still scared,” he looked over at me, his gaze softening. “Just touch me, put your hand on my shoulder or something. It will feel better,” he said as he looked over to Scott regaining his balance and shifting back.

I did as he said and grabbed one of his biceps, a rush of calmness washed over me as the pull I had been denying for four months vanished. I realized in that moment the meaning of Derek and my’s safety.

“I just want you safe Harper,” he said as the elevator dinged allowing us to exit and walk towards Derek’s car. “I know you are trying to fight this pull between us, but for now, it’s crucial until you shift.”

“I don’t want to shift,” I whispered.

“I know but in order to save those you love, you have to make sacrifices.” He told me. Scott helped Derek put Isaac into the car as he slide in the back motioning for me to sit in the front with Derek.

“Why do I feel like that has just as much meaning to you as it does to me?” I questioned.

“In time you will see, and you will know.” He said focusing on the drive. I rolled my eyes and sighed at the cryptic words of Derek. Nothing was ever straightforward with him when it came to me, I couldn’t tell if he was doing it to protect me or to keep me ignorant so I wouldn’t be forced into something I wasn’t ready for.

“You don’t still live here do you?” Scott asked as Derek rummaged through some old wood on floor.

“No. County took it over but there is something here I need, to help heal a wound from an Alpha.”

“But he is healed.”

“Not on the inside,” Derek said looking over to me.

“Hey are you gonna tell us who that was back there, that Alpha, who knew who my sister was and what she was.” Scott asked.

“ A rival pack, they are my problem. I know you both want to help, and you did. I owe you one, now go home, back to being a teenager.”

“Really,” I slammed my fist on the table that Isaac laid upon. “You’re going to tell me to forget it when he knew who I was, that I was an ASTLEY ! Tell me to just forget the gnawing feeling I have whenever we aren’t together. If you and Isaac are involved, then I’m involved. You can’t keep me out of it!” I screamed.

“YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME?!” He screamed at me, shocking me and making me step back in fear. “You think this is some omega’s that know what you are. That they will crumble under your kindness. I know you are not as ignorant as that. You need to stay out of it because if you get hurt, I will never forgive myself. I will never be able to cope with that. You aren’t just going to hurt yourself if you get involved, you are hurting me, Scott, Isaac, Allison, your mom; this isn’t about you anymore!”

I hadn’t even realized that my eyes were watering as silent tears slipped down my face. I zoned out as Derek spoke to Scott, brushing off the sounds of their voices and focusing my attention on Isaac. Derek turned back to the table and ripped apart some plant stems and pulverized them in his fingers then rubbed the remains on Isaac’s side.


“So why are do you want this tattoo so bad?” I asked my brother as Derek looked over his arm.

“As a reward, for nothing calling or texting Allison all summer, even when it got hard. Even when I wanted to so badly.” He answered us, spacing out for a moment.

I looked down for moment, sharing in his pain. I knew the feeling a little too well.

“Hold him Stiles,” Derek said. “Two bands,” he said tracing the outline of the previous tattoo Scott had gotten.

Scott nodded his head and braced his body but it was in no such luck that he was prepared. I cringed as I felt the growls of pain falling from my brother’s mouth. His canines were out and on display as his eyes shone a bright yellow. Within a few minutes of Derek’s continuous tattooing Scott passed out.

“Well, that’s one way to get a tattoo. I’m next Derek,” I said pulling up a chair besides him.

He looked over at me, only the way Derek could. Making you feel small and belittled, while feeling like laughing at the same time. I pulled up my shirt and exposed my rib cage and slapped it with my hand.

“C’mon, let’s do this.” I told him.

“You’re ridiculous and I won’t do it. You are not a werewolf.” He said standing up.

“You keep telling me otherwise. That I could shift any day. That anything could trigger it. Why not see if pain can trigger it?” I asked.

He walked over to Isaac and looked at him, making sure he was still breathing. His fingers grasped the edge of the table as I sent a look over to Stiles.

“C’mon Derek. You want another werewolf, then suck it up and force me to become one.” I was pushing his buttons I could tell and he was trying his best to keep calm.

In a split second he spun around, his eyes glowing red and his knuckles clenched into a fist. “You are this close Harper,” he said holding up two fingers and holding them slightly apart. “This close to me teaching you a thing or two about who the Alpha is and why there are beta and omega’s. You. Do. Not. Even rank Harper. So unless you want me to rip you limb from limb then keep pushing me because your constant battle against me is petty.”

I took a step closer to him,” I’m not afraid of you Derek. You and me,” I said pointing between us, “Are attached. Kill me, see what happens to you.”

“You should be afraid of me, “ he said standing in front of me. His eyes glowed a bright red and he looked down at me, trying his best to intimidate me and it was working because he could most likely hear my heart pounding of of my chest. “I hold your delicate future in my hands. You can be forced into a marriage you don’t want. Produce kin, you aren’t ready for and watch the real love of your life move on. How’s that sound?”

I stepped back, or more like backed down and dropped my head. “I’ll find my own trigger then.”
As if on queue Scott woke up and clutched his arm, “Woah it worked.” He smiled up at me. He must not had noticed the tension in the room, and if he did he ignored it.

“Looks pretty permanent to me,” Stiles said breaking the silence. I said no words as I followed them out. I could feel, for a brief moment, Derek’s pain. I was leaving again, I was getting used to swallowing the anxiety but he bottled it up, taking it out on me because I refused to be around him as nature dictated.

“Why’d you paint the door?” Scott asked.

“Go home Scott,” Derek said sternly

“And why only one side?” Scott said extending his claws. I stepped back away from the entrance as Scott scraped away a the red paint on the door, chipping it away piece by piece.

“This is it, isn’t Derek?” I asked. “These are the people coming after me?”

“We know they have Boyd and Erica. Peter, Isaac and I have been looking for them for the past four months. We have a theory they are coming for the last Astley wolf.”

“So you find them. How do you deal with an Alpha pack?” Scott asked.

“With all the help I can get.” Derek said looking over to me. A wave of sadness rushed over me.

“Where is she? Where’s the girl?” Isaac asked from across the room. All our heads whipped around as we started at him. “Where’s Harper?” He asked. I stepped out from behind Derek and looked at him.

“You’re alive.” He sighed. I looked at him confused by nodded, unable to really form a sentence. “I thought you were dead. They are coming for you.”

All eyes turned to me, as my heart raced.

“Then let them come.” I boldly said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Feedback is appreciated! Comments make me want to update!

Ignorance - Paramore