Alpha, Beta, Omega

I Won't Give Up

“Are you going to the party Harp?” Scott yelled down the hallway to me.

“No. I’m meeting Aiden.” I yelled back. I held up a dress in front of the mirror on myself, trying to figure out what I wanted to wear.

“Isaac is back, for good now you know. Can’t avoid him for too long.” Scott said leaning against my door frame.

I turned around to look at him, and threw the dress on my bed. “He wants nothing to do with me. He is still upset about the whole Derek thing.” I said waving my hand and passing it off.

“Stop Harper. Just stop. Everyone knows Aiden is a distraction. Hell, I think Aiden even knows it. Mask the pain, hide it away or whatever you do but once it boils over what will you do then?”

“It’s not going to boil over Scott. We had our time, it’s passed. Time to move on.” I said to both him and my heart.

“You don’t believe that, it’s bullshit.”

“Yeah,” I said whipping around again, “I don’t know what to believe anymore. If my days are numbered by some Alpha pack then I’m not going to waste them over thinking about what Isaac and I could have been.”

“ I don’t trust that Aiden boy,” Scott huffed.

“I don’t care. I don’t need your approval. “ I shot back.

“Harper, I just want to protect you.” He said stepping closer to me and putting his hand on my shoulder. My eyes welled up as I focused my eyes on the ground. “I’d do anything for you sis.”

I looked up to him with my watery eyes and lost it, falling into him. I sobbed. Sobbed for so many reasons, for the pain, the love I still felt for the boy that I didn’t have and sobbed for the danger we were in. “I love him still. I can’t stop.”

He grabbed my head and held me close and whispered,” I know the feeling.” We stayed there for a while. Brother and sister supporting each other, regardless of which one was right or wrong.


Aiden kissed the corner of my lips as I slid onto his lap on the trail we were hiking on. Our lips collided in a fury of passion, his lips trailed over my neck and down onto my collar bone. He gently nipped at the soft flesh. I closed my eyes and moaned, letting my head fall back and when I opened my eyes I swear I saw Derek standing there.
In the matter of a few seconds I was pushing Aiden away from me, my heart palpitating.

“What? What’s wrong Harper?” He asked. He stood up from the bench and grabbed my shoulder gently. I took a step back from him.

“I-I thought I saw someone.” I told him, my hands still trembling as I crossed my arms.

“Harper...what do ya say we get out here and go someplace a little more private? My apartment isn’t too far away.” He asked pointing to his bike that was parking nearby.

“Umm,” I hesitated. “I told a friend I would meet them later.”

“But the other night when we ditched the party, I thought-”

“You thought what Aiden?”

“I thought you might want to take our relationship to the next level.” He said.

Red flags flew up in my mind. I had only ever been with Isaac and we knew each other’s bodies well. Derek’s presence in my mind was stronger when I was around him. Maybe it was time to pay attention to my gut feeling and stop denying it.

“No Aiden.” I told him starting to walk away from him, frustrated and slightly scared.

He caught up to me with only a few strides and grabbed my wrist, “Then don’t lead a guy on. I’ve been nice. You owe me.”

My elbow collided with his rib cage as I turned towards him ,”I owe you nothing. You don’t own me. Stay away from me.” As I took off running. I’m sure he could have caught up if he wanted but we weren’t too far from civilization. There was a bus stop not too far into the town near the hiking trail and that sounded like my only option. So I walked there, I didn’t turn back even when he buzzed by me on his motorcycle.

“Dick,” I whispered under my breath.


As I got closer to Derek’s flat I could sense his worry. He was fretting about something and as I got closer to him my pull got stronger. It was easier when we were far apart but when your protector, or in my case the Alpha I am attached to, needs you, you feel like you need him too.

I made some sort of guttural, throaty, scream as I tried to pull open the massive, metal door Derek had covering his place. I was no werewolf, therefore it was a struggle for me. By doing this, I voided my attempt at a sneaky entrance and surely gained everyone’s attention. As I stepped out from behind the door I saw Peter pacing behind a worried looking Isaac as Derek sat on the couch; they were thinking.

“Harper...” Isaac said breathlessly as I stood in front of the three wolves.

Derek looked at me sternly and kept his eyes locked on me, as if he couldn’t pull them away. “Something’s wrong...what is it?” I asked.

Derek looked over to Peter and back to me, “Nothing for you to worry about.”

“I’m going to die, aren’t I?” I blurted out.

“You are not going to die Harper McCall.” Derek said to me as he stood up and began pacing.

“It’s Deucalion, isn’t it?”

“How do you know about Deucalion?” Peter questioned me.

“It’s always good to know about the person who is trying to find you.”

“He has Boyd and Erica, we used Isaac to see.” Derek told me. He could feel my slight relief in his honesty. We he lied or withheld the truth my anxiety was almost palpable.

“What else?” I asked.

“Nothing Harper. Aren’t you supposed to be in school, again. Don’t be running into trouble, you should be running away from it.” Derek told me, sternly.

“She has a right to know Derek!” Isaac said, standing up for me.

Derek shook his head in disagreement, “Deucalion want’s to take you. He knows of your lineage and that you aren’t bound.”

“So doesn’t it seem obvious...bind them.” Peter said.

I looked up to Isaac, who was only a few feet away. His his dug into my soul, the deepest parts of me that I had never exposed to anyone before. “You know you can’t Derek.”

My heart shattered in that moment. It was as if he had given up. We had seen each other in passing a few times in the last four months, but nothing serious enough to talk about us and where we were going. I blinked rapidly, trying to stop the hot tears from rolling down my cheeks. Derek felt my pain as he took a few long strides towards me and I put my hands up in defense.
“No! Stay away!” I shouted, stopping him dead in his tracks. I had nothing to say to Isaac that wouldn’t come out as begging, so I did what Derek had been telling me to do ; run. I spun around on my heels and ran out of the building, nearly falling down the steps as I took them three at a time. I could hear someone behind me, but I didn’t catch a glimpse of them before my footing slipped and I tumbled down the remaining half a flight of steps.

The metal of the railings would surely leave my back bruised, the bloody nose I had might indicate a break and my ankle was throbbing but it all seemed dull compared to the pain in my chest.

“FUCKING HELL!” I screamed to no one in particular. My vision was blurry and I was disoriented from everything that was going on. The person running down the stairs must have had some site to witness as I laid there, on my side, crying.

“Oh god Harp,” he said running up to me and brushing the hair out of my face.

“Go away Isaac, I don’t need your pity.” I said as he helped me to sit up.

“I don’t pity you, I love you. Those are two very different things.” He informed me.

“Stop. You don’t want me anymore and I get it. This is too much.”

“The only thing, Harper,” he said brushing more hair out of my face as I rested against the wall, “that is too much for me, is you. I didn’t tell Derek to not bind up because I hate you I did it to protect you.”

I rolled my eyes and wiped some blood away from my nose.

“Look at me,” he begged me. My eyes directed themselves to his. “I love you Harper. So much, it kills me sometimes. But I’ve realized that we can’t be bound right now because if I die, then you will too. And right now, I fully intend to risk my life for you and I won’t take anymore chances with you.”

“Spoken like a true Beta,” Derek said as he stood a few steps above us.

I ignored Derek as my eyes welled up again with tears, “You can’t die.” I whispered.

“I’d do anything for you, anything to save you.” He said to me.

“Kissing me right now will save me,” I smiled. It took 2.5 seconds for his lips to me on mine. Four long months apart, of not knowing. I felt home again, I felt wanted and safe and where I belonged.


“Yeah, well how slow, is slow?” I hear Derek’s voice as I walked into the Animal Clinic. Isaac had texted me earlier telling me there plan and asked me to stay home tonight. Yeah, like that was going to happen.

“Nearly dead,” Deaton said to everyone. I hobbled my way into the back examination room where I heard the boys.

“It’s safe though, right?” I heard Isaac asked as I stepped through the door.

“Do you want me to answer honestly?” Deaton asked.

“Isn’t there another way?” I asked, announcing my presence.

“You are literally everywhere McCall,” Stiles said.

“Babe, I asked you to stay home tonight.” Isaac said looking over at me.

“You are going to risk your life, and you didn’t think that if you started freezing to death you’re going to need some body heat. I don’t think any of these men,” I said swirling my finger around the room, “want to lay on top of you as badly as I do.” I winked at him. I caused Scott to let out a groan of disgust.

“If I lie in this water, will you warm me up Harper?” Stiles asked.

“I will drown you Stiles,” Derek warned. I covered my mouth as a laughed slipped through my lips and everyone shook their head at the Stiles.

“Look if it feels too risky, you don’t have to do this.” Derek told his beta. Isaac ripped off his shirt and looked over to me one last time as he stepped into the water. I ran to the edge of the tank that he was in and bent down so I could see his face as he sat there for a moment.

“I’ll be here, the whole time.” I told him. Scott and Derek didn’t hesitate to grab him and push him under. I gasped slightly when I felt Deaton’s hand on my shoulder.

“You might want to step back Harper.” He warned me. I nearly jumped out of my skin when Isaac shot up out of the water, his eyes glowing yellow as his canine’s shone in the light and a growl emitted from his throat. I cover my mouth as I gasped again at Isaac struggling to get free from the grip of the three men.

“HOLD HIM.” Deaton told the boys.

“We’re trying!” Derek yelled back. It was like a whirlwind of events and I wanted to scream at them to stop but I couldn’t, I couldn’t move or say anything. Then it all went calm as Isaac resurfaced.

Deaton brought his finger to his mouth to tell everyone to be quiet. “Now remember, only I talk to him. Too many voices will confuse him and draw him out.” His eyes make contact with me as he signaled for me to come closer and stand by Isaac’s side.

“Isaac, can you hear me?”

Isaac gulped slowly and answered with a “Yes, I can hear you.”

“This is Dr. Deaton, I would like to ask you a few questions is that alright?”


“I want to ask you about the night you found Erica and Boyd. I want you to remember it in as vivid detail as possible. Like you are actually there again,” he said to Isaac.

“ I don’t want to do that!” Isaac said as he head rolled from side to side. “I don’t want to do that.” The lights began to flicker as I looked over to Scott for reassurance, he nodded his head letting me know that he trusted Deaton and his methods, and therefore I should too.

“Just memories, you can’t be hurt by them.”

“I don’t want to do that!” Isaac begged. Derek nodded to me and I let me hands dive into the water to find his. I intertwined our fingers, regardless of him he knew I was there, I wanted him to feel my presence.

“Relax, relax,” Deaton looked over to me as he noticed my submerged arms and blue lips. “Good, I want to go back to the place you found Erica and Boyd. Can you tell me what you see, is there some kind of building? House?”

“It’s not a house, it’s stone, like marble,” his teeth chattered slightly. Scott looked over to me worried about my submerged arm in the water and my blue lips accompanied by my chattering teeth.

I couldn’t pay much attention to Deaton’s questions as Isaac started screaming, he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me closer to him, I knocked Derek out of the way as he brought his hand and mine closer to his chest. Deaton’s nodded at me, encouraging me to hold on.

“Good, now can you tell us what you see?” Deaton asked him once he had calmed down again.

Isaac opened his baby blues, “ I hear him, he’s talking about the full moon, being out of control when the moon rises.”

“Is he talking to Erica?”

“I think so, I can’t tell! I can’t see her, I can’t see either of them. They are worried, worried what they’ll do during the moon. Worried what they will do to Harper.”

“What are they going to do the Harper, Isaac? Are they going to hurt her?”

Isaac gasped as sat up, pulling my hand with him as I fell to my knees beside him. “They’re here,” he whispered. “No, they’re here. They’re here. They’re going to take Harper. Don’t let them. Fight! THEY SEE ME! THEY’VE FOUND ME! THEY’RE GOING TO KILL HER IN FRONT OF ME! GET HARPER!!”

“This isn’t working!” Derek yelled as Isaac tugged on my wrist. His superhuman strength pulled me up against the side of the tub before I he pulled me in with him. Drenched and freezing he grabbed at my elbows trying to pull me closer and I fought against his strength.

“ISAAC WHERE ARE YOU?” Derek screamed.

Isaac was ignoring everyone and yelling, “I can’t see it, its too dark. Get Harper before they do! Anyone!”

Everyone was yelling at one another as I struggled to maintain my consciousness in the freezing water. Human’s and their body temperature weren't made to survive these conditions.

“I saw it!” Isaac yelled, sitting up in the tub. “ I saw the name!” He looked at me as I sat at the opposite end of the tub, shivering but relieved he was okay.

“Harper! What, what are you doing? Someone get her out before she goes into shock!” Isaac yelled as he scrambled to help me out. My mind was confused and I didn’t know where to go or how to get there. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist as I was pulled from the water.

“Get her blankets! Hurry!” Derek yelled as he laid me down. I was shivering violently but still, decently aware of my surroundings.

“Take her clothes off. She won’t get warm unless you remove the wet articles!” Stiles yelled as everyone surrounded me.

“Oh god Harper, I’m so sorry!” Isaac said as he ripped my t-shirt off my body and let his nails tear my pants off, literally. Everyone took a step back, shocked at the ease at which Isaac would let me be exposed to a room full of men.
“Here!” Scott said throwing a towel at Isaac and helping him wrap me up. Isaac helped me sit up as he held me close, giving me his body heat.

“It’s uhh, Beacon Hills First National Bank! They are in the vault.” Isaac told the guys. I looked up at Isaac with doe eyes, surprised and scared at the same time.

“What?!” He asked.

“You don’t remember what you said, right before you came out it do you?” Stiles asked him.

Isaac shook his head no as I looked down at my bare feet. “ You said that when they captured you they dragged you into a room and there was a body in it.”

“What body?”

“Erica, you said it was Erica.” Stiles said,” And you also told us that Deucalion is Harper’s father, her biological father.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, I'm sure you've heard the rumors, about Isaac's possible death tomorrow. I'm worried. I don't want him off the show :/

Here is a chapter to hold you over until the show tomorrow. Fingers crossed that Isaac stays.

I Won't Give Up -Jason Mraz